US Sex Offender Exiled To Canada |
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US Sex Offender Exiled To Canada

the CanadaVisa Team - 20 July, 2015

An American teacher, Malcolm Watson, was convicted of having sexual contact with a 15 year old female student and was offered a choice of sentences – either one year in jail, or banishment to Canada for three years. He chose exile in Canada, where he has been a permanent resident (landed immigrant) for the past four years.

According to Canada's Immigration Minister, Monte Solberg, Canada will attempt to have the culprit removed. "If anyone who is a non-citizen is living in Canada who we perceive to be a threat to the public, we're going to remove them as quickly as we can," said Solberg.

An immigration administrative hearing is to take place next week, to determine the continued status of Mr. Watson in Canada.

Legal Inadmissibility