Immigrant Success Awards honour those who help bring skilled immigrants into the workforce |
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Immigrant Success Awards honour those who help bring skilled immigrants into the workforce

the CanadaVisa Team - 22 July, 2015

Every year, the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) recognizes individuals and Canadian employers who have made outstanding contributions to helping newcomers integrate into the workforce in Toronto, Ontario. Five awards were presented.

This year, the Immigrant Champion Award was presented to Patricia O'Connor. O'Connor is the coordinator of a program at Ryerson University that offers training, support, mentorship, and work placement for qualified foreign-trained social work professionals. It also includes an accreditation committee and the courses to help newcomers improve their qualifications to work in Canada. O'Connor also organizes educational workshops for agencies and Canadian employers to increase awareness about the talented pool of foreign social work professionals.

Fiona Macfarlane, an immigrant from South Africa and a chief operating officer at Ernst and Young, was the recipient of the CBC Toronto Business Leadership Award, which honours a "CEO, owner or senior manager who demonstrates leadership, vision and integrity by bringing skilled immigrants into the workplace."

"Immigrants are, by nature, risk-takers and prepared for the challenges and hurdles that await them. They're willing to step out of their comfort zones. They have drive," stated Macfarlane.

The Canadian HR Reporter Individual Achievement Award went to Jane Lewis, human resources director at Procter & Gamble. She has strengthened the company’s workforce through the recruitment of newcomers, through employee training to increase awareness about different cultural understanding among colleagues, and by training managers to more effectively manage a diverse work force.

Nytric Ltd., which employs 25 immigrants to research product ideas and design prototypes, was the winner of the RBC Best Immigrant Employer Award for small companies.

The RBC Best Immigrant Employer Award for larger companies went to CH2M HILL, and environmental engineering consulting company that actively hires newcomers to Canada.

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