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Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed but passport lost....


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

Hello Rorita, how are you???
I know driving test is becoming so hard lately with new rules. Thank god I have my driving license since I was 19....
Today officially I can say I'm going to Lebanon next month. It feels great and my husband can't wait to see me. I am so lucky and thank god for all the help he gave me through this process. Yesterday I received some bad news. They open up a competition at my work so hopefully I am in Canada by the time they request to write the exam so again study study study. I'm telling you one stress after another... So I might lose this opportunity but I won't cancel my trip for sure. I asked if it happened during my absence and if I can write it after my return to Canada but I have to wait to HR to decide on this.
Other than that I have to cut my grass.... and pull all weeds from my flower. You don't see flowers anymore and it looks like a jungle no wonder because all the rain we are getting this summer!!!!


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2008
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

Yup OHIP require proof of residence, what u do u can open and account or simply when u go do ur test for the drivers licence they will give you on the same day a temporary drivers licence and this is acceptable for OHIP, but no worries ur 3 months wait period is counting as normal from day one u steped into canada!

and btw for the G1 u only have to do a written test, u need to do the road test for the G1 exit test and then they will give u the G2 and then u do the G2 exit test ow ull be fully licenced.
and for the G1 ull have to wait atleast 12 months b4 doing the G1 exit test or 8 months if u take ministry approved drivers lessons, i say what the hurry? iam not gonna buy a car anytime soon especially since iam new and i have no idea how to driver in snow i NEVER drove in snow or in harsh weather conditions!!

and yes Ottawa is just lovely, iam going to montreal next week to check it out with my wife, but i think iam gonna settle in ottawa, its beautiful,very friendly,safe and calm,and got LOADS of green space and the ottawa river and the rideau canal is jst wonderfull!!
u shud seriously come and visit the parliment its amazing!! and i think marlena will agree with me on this one but ottawa looks SOOOOOO beautiful at night with all the lights and the mixx of modern and historic buildings!!!

btw marlena i jst came from casino Lac leamy-gatineau to the hill by FOOT!!! i was exhusted but its lovely


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

I think depending on your previous driving history and proof of it you can avoid waiting the 8-12 months wait for the next test. You can do it back to back.
Glad to see you're enjoying Ottawa boujasim :)


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

Boujasim I'm so happy you already start getting use to Ottawa. I discover every day news things and of course one of them the parliament and Rideau Canal. I'm walking back and fourth every day from Place Du Portage directly to Rideau Centre. It take about 45 minutes.
BTW did you win anything at the casino????. I went couple of time and one them I came back with a surplus $800.00 but it was all spent within a week since I was immature at time and all I wanted to do is spend spend spend...
Also during winter time and I'm sure your wife told you about skating on the Canal and eating Beaver tail lol. The last 2 years which I skate the most but one time I had to stop and ask for directions because I was so tired I felt like I wouldn't make it :0).
Montreal is night life and it's very nice as well. I'll wait and see which one you like the most.
So it's going to take about 1 year to be able to drive. I guess i'm stuck doing groceries which I hate the most until my husband take the test.
Boujasim tomorrow is a day off from Ontario side :0( and by the way you can listen to the radio on Saturday and Sunday in Lebanese. I guess It's FM 90.00 or somewhere around 80 to 90....
Rorita you should convince your husband to visit Ottawa..


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

Hey Marlena, Boncuk ad Boujasim, hope everyone is OK.
Boujasim, thanks for the info, we added my name to my husband account and we are waiting the bank statement, and I will give them as well the temporary license, but it is strange that they don’t except federal mail. if it was up to me...I would never drive here, tons of rules and signs and over all the snow...but I have to, my husband work in Detroit, he go there daily and return at 6 or 7 pm, so I need to be able to go by my own and do the shopping, the English courses and all these stuff, and the thought that I will be driving in the snow is killing me...sometimes in Lebanon when it is raining too much, I used to take a taxi...:)) I guess that as Boncuk said, I will be able to take the G2 sooner since I have experience...but where that experience...in Lebanon...hahaha hope that I won't be embarrass in public.
Marlena, I am happy that you are preparing for your trip to Lebanon, did you book yet..the are telling me that this summer in one of it's kind in Lebanon, there is about 2.5 million tourist...:))) in a country that count 3.5 million...that means good money to the country. Did you check if DHL pick up the passport? Yesterday we went to Windsor casino...it is very lovely, and no we didn't win anything...we paid..:)
Boncuk, I hope you get good news this week, keep up the high spirit.


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

So Marlena

did your husband get his passport back finally - I've been off line - what is your news these days? When is he finally coming to Canada??


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

My husband just called me right now.... they called him from Damascus to let him know they had stamped his Visa BUT misplaced his passport and can't find it... That what I need right now------- I'm so worried... Do you think they gave it to someone else by mistake...


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

That's what i need to hear on Monday.... Let's not worry and wait like they said....


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

OMG - how can they misplace a PASSPORT!?? AND how is that OK!???

Freaking ridiculous!!! They have 15 I/O's there and they can't even keep track of a very important and valueable document!???? Sadly, they have worn the applicant down so much, and made them wait sooooooooooo long, that they are just happy to get the VISA, and don't say anything or do anything about it...and thus the BS continues, coz no one wants to 'disrupt' the system.

all par for the course in this wonderful (full of Sh*t) process!!

Hopefully you will hear from them soon!


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

I want to know what's the worse case scenario---- Asking him to submit a new passport??? would that be another option if they can't find it. But how on earth they misplace or lose a passport. They told him they will confirm once they have an answer to the situation.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Wow that's ridiculus :S How could you LOSE a passport.. I hope they find it.. that is just plain stupid...keep us posted :S


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Email received to pick up passport with visa affixed from DAMASCUS

I want to know what's the worse case scenario---- Asking him to submit a new passport??? would that be another option if they can't find it. But how on earth they misplace or lose a passport. They told him they will confirm once they have an answer to the situation.
Well, be logical, if they cannot find the passport [God forbid] then I would assume he would ha ve to make a new one....how else can he travel?


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Of course you are right Rasha. How on earth is he going to travel without his passport!!!!. Perhaps staple his visa on his forehead :0( I don't want even to think about it... Hopefully it wasn't given to someone else by mistake but of course the other person will notice it's not his passport.... I'm pretty sure it's sitting on someone's desk by mistake. It won't leave the visa section without any reason!!!
Definitely it ruined my celebration... I had to take my frustration out on my husband by telling him it was his fault for not going and pick it up in person.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Waouuu, Marlena, my worst nightmare has become true, but in your husband passport and not mine, that was my biggest fear when I sent my passport.
Ok, lets think now, did they tell him that his passport has been delivered to someone else by mistake or it is lost in the consult?
if it is in the consult, that is kind of easy, they will find it soon, and if they have give it to someone else, when that someone else receive a passport witch isn't his, he will be extremly made, then He will call the embassy and tell them that he has received the wrong passport, because he will think that his passport is with the other person that he got his passport by mistake, let your husband keep bugging them in the embassy until you get a clear answer.
keep us posted


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
When I spoke to my husband they had told him they don't know if it was given to someone else by mistake or if it was lost AND can't retrieve it or misplaced internally. They just told him to wait a couple of days and they will advise accordingly. I guess that's why they need a few days to figure out if someone will come forward with the wrong passport and if not to close visa section and search for missing passport (just kidding about closing visa section). I kept nagging the fact why he didn't go in person to pick up the passport. I better not say anything anymore because I'm so dispointed the fact it's the most valuable document for them to take care of but I guess like Rasha said the entire process is a BS. I had lost all my trust in this stupid system.