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Boncuk, Rorita, Rasha, Boujasim AT LAST PASSPORT REQUEST LETTER :0)


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
In Egypt, they are requesting the passport for continued background checks - this is why when they request the passport we are not excited, as it takes an additional few months to hear from the embassy after the passport request.

Every visa office has their own procedure. For sure if Boncuk and I had been able to go through Damascus, we would have been done in months.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Hello everyone,

Just to let you know that we still didn't receive the passport or email.
I hate e-cas because it doesn't tell you much. It's still in process :0(
I wonder if they going to do the check background on him and that's why they requested the passport since he travelled a lot for business to other countries.


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008

see my post about the visa office processing time - really I am so fed up. They have not even opened our file yet! [I spoke to the MP].


And I do think they might be using the passport for background checks [they do in Egypt].


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Hey all,
Rasha, I am really angry now, what you mean they haven't even open your file??? you got your AOR, right so that means an officer has received your file, sent you AOR and start working on it...are you sure they haven't open it yet???
Marlena, your husband got the same letter I got.." in order to FINALIZE your application....bla bla" so I really dought that they still doing background check, in my case they have received the passport Sunday, and it was till the Monday in the following week, they Have updated e-cas, and on Thuesday they sent me an email...remember their day off is from Thursday noon till Friday, and Saturday , the consult is close for public..they have received your husband passport this past sunday, right...so it is still early.
I guess if they still doing background check, they were to send a different letter, like the one that Boncuk had, but from what I know, Damscus don't do that.
On the other side I am fine, but I hate this weather, for the last 2 days, it is raining, no sun, and gloomy...I get depress without the sun, in Lebanon even in the Winter we see the sun. Next week I will check the driving school and go for the OHIP, my husband was very busy and I don't now how to go alone.
Boncuk, Windsor is for real a city that never sleep, there is always festival, they close the road and start performing in he road, singing...specially Saturday and Friday night...I adore that.


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
rorita_76 said:
Hey all,
Rasha, I am really angry now, what you mean they haven't even open your file??? you got your AOR, right so that means an officer has received your file, sent you AOR and start working on it...are you sure they haven't open it yet???
Don't get me started really. My husband said the same thing, how can they give us the file number, and they haven't even reviewed the file at least.

But nope. Spoke to the MP's office yesterday - I was live with Boncuk online, so I was typing everythign out to her as I heard it...

They have not reviewed our file, it is still waiting to be looked at it, initially assessed, and there is no bring forward date, nothing....I was approved to sponsor on April 8th - anes essentially it has been sitting since. The file was acknowledged in their office on May 21, 2009 per the MInister's Office, BUT they sent a letter to hubby on June 16th stating the file was received on May 28th [so even their dates are not forthcoming-nor are they the same].

And I find it hard to believe that everything will be completed in 2 months [6 months from the time the application was originally received]. The MP said we can consder a TRV [unlikely] or a TMP [even more unlikely as the cairo office would have to approve that!] A total bunch of B*llsh*t, if you ask me.

So maybe if I move there, and get pregnant, they will take us seriously.....coz nothing else will make it go faster it seems. Sorry for the cynicism, but really I am completely disgusted. Oh and the MP said it could take up to 2 years to finalize this case...

Why they dont' tell you that? For sure I would have done an inland application instead!


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Oh Rasha I'm sorry to hear such a bad news. I can't believe the system in Cairo. I was thinking about you the other day when you told me about your mom. If you get a doctor note that you mom in such situation would they process the file faster under those circumstances??? In my opinion you have a family situation and I thought after reading their websites they give priorities to a family but that's a bull **** because they have no heart when it comes to a family. I don't think they are treating each file equally. You have provided more than enough so what on earth they are waiting for. I can't believe there only 5 IO's in total working in Cairo. That is a Bull**** compare to the amount of applications received. All I can say fight fight for it. I would love to see your story in the news. I think they will take immediate action. I'm running out of ideas but that might work in your favour. Good luck!!!


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
BTW Rorita welcome to the nice weather in Canada :0(. I can't believe how bad our summer is this year. Rain Rain Rain I'm sick and tired of it. I hope it will change soon but it doesn't look like it. I guess I'm talking about the weather in Ottawa so I'm not sure if it's the same for Windsor. I'm so depressed without the sun...


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Rasha, from what I know, in order to send an AOR, they check the file first and make sure that it contain everything, if it does they send AOR and start working on the file, because as they say that you need to wait 6 month after the AOR date until you can send inquiry and start asking about your file.
I my case, Damsus received my file in January, 26 and sent me AOR dated February 26, and on the e-cas they said that they have started processing in Feb-12.
There is something wrong here, even that the IO are few and there is lot of application, no way it will take 2 year like your MP said...
And getting pregnant doesn't change anything for them, in their deffence they can say that it was a mistake or something like this, having a child incommon does't prove anything in their way of thinking...I have seen lot of couple having child or more and getting delay.
Do you lknow anyone who went thru Cairo, how much time did they take? cause as I used to read over this forum, the slowest office was New Delhi, but even that office is taking less time now to process the application...
Try sending them email or inquiry, you won't loose anything, maybe they might give you an answer or any info


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
I think Rasha has every reason to be upset from what her MP has told her. But for me some things just don't make sense. I have yet to see a case take 2 years in Cairo.. Even their max time is not that. An AOR does mean someone has looked at her file and there has to be a bring forward date even if it wasnt assigned to a specific officer IMO. Also getting pregnant won't solve anything.. I think you should wait and see what your CAIPS says and if it does in fact have a bring forward date.. I would take what your MP says with a grain of salt.. his word isnt gold as well.. how does he know the ins and outs of the Cairo Embassy.. no one knows except them! As effed up as they are.. Really according to them we have no right to complain until our 6 months are up so we both have to grin and bear it till then.. I think once you get your CAIPS and see what it says you can make a case specific enquiry and ask if all is in order and if they need anything else from you both. It will get them to look at it at least.. :)


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Marlena, any news from your side, any email..??


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Hi Rorita,

No I haven't received anything no email no changes in e-cas. I always receive something on Sunday so let's wait and see.
Rorita I hate the weather. I need some sun I'm in such a depressing mood. It's raining all day long and didn't stop. I was soak & wet in the morning walking to my work :0(.
How's things from your end.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Marlena, I am sure you will hear something new in the coming days. About the weather in Windsor, it is like the sun is playing hide and seak (not sure if this is the right word in english) with me...as soon it show, I start preparing myself to go for a walk...5 minutes later it is gone and start raining...:)...I am not going to let it depress me...even if I have to walk under the rain...my hair is curly by nature, so no fear there..:))


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
Get used to the weather lol Although this year is not normal they say. I think summer was late arriving or forgot to come there.. I hope you do get some good days of sun before the long gloomy winter! :)) I personally used to go to tanning salons especially in the winter because the lack of sun depressed me.. it did help me..