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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
Hi Kinromorocco,

I recommed that you contact them directly, just to make sure that they have the correct mailing address. I know that with us they didn't have my correct address and my husband who is the one in Morocco received his letter of approval before i received mine and i am the one sponsoring him.

I know that its been a while since i have written anything on here. I just got back from marvelous Morocco last week after having spent a wonderful two months with my darling husband. I miss him already!!! Even more so now that we were both praying that this time he would be coming back with me and my daughter. We are at the seven month mark since Rabat has our file and we are just anxious to begin our lives together here. Even more so now that i came back pregnant, not on purpose!! We both talked about kids and wanted to have one for my daughter to have a play mate. My question to you all is which email address do you write to in Rabat to advise them of an upcoming baby birth???since now our application is not correct. Do you suggest that i call them??? or just wait for my hubby to get a call for his interview and have him tell them then???? not sure what to do ......

Its crazy this wait ..especially when the time frame on the website says 7 months its 80% of the applications...we both don't know how much longer we will be able to do this..since we need each other even more so now. Jamal was upset to see me come back with him since he has wanted to be by my side every step of the babies growth.

Inshallah we all receive the news we are waiting for...especially now that Ramadan is happening, you would think that things get processed faster since there are no food breaks right??

Our lives are in their hands for now..let just keep praying that news come quick.

Ramadan Karim to all and congratulations to all the new members who are either just married or will marry soon. Best decision in my life to have gone online and meet the now man of my dreams.

I love you Jamal
Rijk Bahra, nkki dik ar lmot you are my true love forever.



Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Hi all. It too has been awhile since I have posted on here. Not much news to report. We are now at 10.5 months - I spoke to someone at Rabat who told me that we were delayed by a security check. The medical expired (remember that drama!!), immigration told us that they would send us the form to have a medical redone, it never arrived. Finally, my husband was able to arrange to pick this form up at Rabat. We sent it in 3.5 weeks ago. I am hoping we will get a call for a visa next week. But I am not holding my breath.

Definately 80% in 7 months is not accurate. And my husband's situation is very simple, never left the country, has only lived at one address, no kids, etc etc. and we are still at 10.5 months - I am just hoping he will be here before the end of the year.

Kinromorocco, my husband's AOR letter took almost 4 weeks to arrive due to an address that was entered into the system incorrectly. That took months to get right. If you are unsure if the address is correct on file, do the online application status inquiry, that will list the address on file.

Congratulations Indira.


Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Kinromorocco, I mean 10 and a half months, almost 11 months.

Our documents were in perfect order, in fact the officer even told my husband that they were absolutely perfect, done all on the computer. Every document was attached. She complimented us on how organized our file was.

I would not stress about not receiving the AOR letter. It is always late. They will not start processing your file for months. The AOR letter is just a letter to say that they have received your file. It is sent electronically from Mississauga to Rabat. It keeps you in the lineup. My husband's file was received November 2, we did not hear anything until mid April.

Rabat will not respond to you until after 7 months have passed from when the file is received in Rabat. (Since you have not received your letter yet, I would guess the 7 months would start about 2 weeks after your wife's sponsorship was approved)

I paid all the money at the beginning. It does not hurry your application along. BUT it prevents it from being delayed.



Jun 19, 2008
Salam alaikum everyone... Ramadan Kareem

Congratulations Indimer on your pregnancy, I hope Allah(swt) makes it easy for you and makes your baby strong and healthy inchaAllah.

As for me... Heard back from the visa office yesterday. I had gone to the MP's office to enquire about our case, and inform them of my pregnancy. The MP's assistant was amazing, she emailed Rabat and told them I am pregnant...

Got an email back yesterday...

they said: "The application is slated to be processed in October/November."

What does this mean? Allah(swt) knows... I hope it means they will finish in October/early November inchaAllah. I'm due in Dec.

We are still praying that they will contact him this month of Ramadhan. Only Allah(swt) knows and I know that He is the only one to help us. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "If you ask, ask Allah and if you seek help, seek help from Allah." [at Tirmdhi, Ahmad]

May Allah(swt) give us strength and patience, and bring our families together soon.

Salam alaikum wa ra7mato lillah.


Aug 28, 2008
Salamo 3alaikom .
congratulations for those women who are pregnant,,and i hope things are going Great inshallah with them.And inshallah you will hear good news soon.
ur borther in islam,


Hero Member
May 19, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Becca said:
Hi all. It too has been awhile since I have posted on here. Not much news to report. We are now at 10.5 months - I spoke to someone at Rabat who told me that we were delayed by a security check.
Hi Becca - I'm so sorry to hear that you are delayed by the security check. That is the horrible void Karim and I have been in for approximately 8 months now. Have they confirmed that they received the new medical? We (obviously) had to redo our medical, but they haven't confirmed whether it's been received - which it should have been back in the first week of August. I've emailed and asked my MP to follow up - but nothing. I just don't want to get through the security check and then have them say they never received the medical.



Star Member
Jul 27, 2007
Hi Lynn,

When I finally spoke with a real person at Rabat, he appologized and told me that the reason my husband's visa was not issued after his interview, was that the security check hadn't been done way back when our file was received. So that delayed us through May, June and till 23rd of July, when they received the results back. That started the whole debauchal of having one day to find a flight out on the certain date.
That day on 23rd of July, my husband was told that they would send him the document to get another medical done. To date we have not received it. However, when I spoke to the guy at Rabat, he arranged for my husband to go and pick up the form in the office. So, now the medical was away almost 4 weeks ago. I will be following up next week to see what the delay is. I just want my husband here.


Hero Member
May 19, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Hi Becca,

Phewf - so your security check is done. That is good news. Good luck and I hope he gets here soon!!



Aug 7, 2008
hi everybody, just i have some question, plz, i have been married now over one year, and my wife send papers work in march so they are strating on my file in 19 march and it's now 7 months, an di didn't get anything from embassy ! their said will contact me after 7 months and everybody, and soemtime their contact people after 5 or 6 months , and now will be 7 months after 5 days and nothing hear from them !
i hope know why, or someone can give me an idea plz ! thank u


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
congratulations, Ibtissam on your pregnancy. I surely hope that Rabat calls your husband first since you are due in Dec. I know this wait is terrible. I guess they should re adjust the wait time on the site for longer than 7 months since for most of us on here are still waiting and its been more than 7 months. For us its been since 04FEB08 since Rabat has our file. I was looking at his immigration paper while i was in Morocco with him and it give me some kind of indication that most likely in OCT we should here some kind of news. It's under the identification numbers..i tried to make out how they assigned the numbers and i guess its 200810....so i figured OCT of 2008...lets just see what happens.

Zakalex, unfortunately you still have to wait some more...its seems as though they are working on the cases slower than last year. We received noticed of Rabat having our file in FEB and we still have no answer/call for interview yet. My husband hopes that they should be working on the files quicker this month since its Ramadan.

Let's just continue to pray that all of us get those calls shortly. I would really like to have Jamal here soon at least before the end of this month since its my daughters birthday and they get along so well. It would really be nice to have a party to celebrate Meriam's 4 years and his arrival.

Thanks Becca for the congrats...we were ready for this little bundle of joy and it sure didn't take long for it to happen..lol...and my Jamal too is very simple on his side..never left the country ..never married..no kids..it should be quicker for them to decide for him..i on the otherhand had other complications...but hopeful that they don't question too much since i resolved all issues before marrying Jamal.

So lets all continue to pray that those calls for interview come really soon. Its hard to have to go back to work and not have my supportive Jamal by my side.



Jun 19, 2008
Salam alaikum

Thank you Indimer for your support :) and to everyone else for congratulations. I hope soon we will hear too, but I am just holding on right now and waiting inchaAllah....

About the file number, I checked mine and I don't think thats the case... ours says 2005, lol. So it should have been done a long time ago, hehe.

I hope everyone gets a phone call soon inchaAllah

oh yeah, until now it's only been 6 months for who is in March (our AOR is March 6)... so October will be 7 inchaAllah.


Hero Member
May 19, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Some good news - Karim has been scheduled for a second interview. Not entirely sure what that means, but its the first we've heard anything from Rabat in over 6 months. Incha allah the interview will go smoothly and he'll get his visa before the snow comes!



Aug 7, 2008
hi indimer04 thank u for ur help, so i can patient more and pray, but the same time i can't be so far away from my wife and it's now over one year i didn't see her,
but i don't know why their said will call everyone after 7 months and now it's for me and nothing hear from them, but i think this because this country ........!!!
so my name's ZAKARIA , but everybody called me ZAK,
tell me plz when they are strating ur file , i mean when ur hausband jamal receiverd first lettre let him know their strating his file ??
mine is strating in 19 march, and i see sometime some person get interview before 7 months, just 5 or 6 months, and for me take so long :) lol
sorry for upset u, just me i don't know anythng of that stuff, also i'm new in this site , and thanks if anyone can help of some information !
so i hope u have a good day
take care :)

Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
Hello Zakaria

Each file is different. Each Immigration Officer is differnt. Each Province the sponsor's apply from is different.
You need to be patient. For sure it won't be much longer for you to get the call!

They notified my hubby by e-mail of his interview and requested to bring more proof of the relationship.



Aug 7, 2008
HI ibtissam! just plz when u did got the first lettre from embassy , me too i receiver on in march, they are strating my fie in 19 march, and u ?
u think we will hear from them newt month ?
take care and i hope u have a good day