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need help asap!!!!


Nov 13, 2007
hello everyone im new her..

well this is my case .. can someone help me please.

i live in the us ilegally and im from mexico i have been living here since 2001, and now my girlfriend and i want to move to canada, she is a canadian permanent resident, we have plans of getting married, but im afraid my ilegall status her wont let me. i know i dont need a visa to enter canada, my plans are to get to canada ans stydy and later work, what should i do...???????? thanks for your help


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
You can get married in the U.S., but you won't be able to get a U.S. green card without returning to Mexico first.

So I suggest you can go to Canada as a visitor, marry your girlfriend, and then have her sponsor you in-country for permanent residence.

Keep in mind that if you go from the U.S. to Canada and, for some reason, Canadian immigration doesn't let you in, you're going to have problems because you can't return to the place you left - the U.S. So I suggest you go the safe route and fly from Mexico to Canada.

Please note that if you tell Canadian immigration of your plans to marry or they'll deny you entry. So you'll have to be a "tourist" and be prepared to tell them what you're going to do on your vacation. You must also be able to show you have enough money to pay for your vacation.

Good luck.


Nov 13, 2007
thanks thai guy,,, yeah this is my plan let me know what you think.

she invited me over right? so i said ok thats fine, im gonna go to mexico get my passport and flight to canada, i also heard that canada costum ask you questions, and that if they dont believe you they will deny ur entry ...
so after i arrive in canada im gonna look for schools, im 25 and to be honest i havent even got my ged, my highschool diploma, but i want to get in the right track, and be someone again, im saving money for me and my gf, and for school as well, i will only say that im going to visit her, but wouldnt they think im gonna stay with her permamantly? im scared cuz i tried getting a visa to come to the us.. and i got denied, ugh ,, i tried 3 times.. anyways i hope you can route me in the right dirrection.

thanks again...


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
Because of your age and the fact that you'd be unemployed, they'll be very skeptical of your intention to take a vacation. So I suggest you have some very convincing plans, as well as a lot of funds to pay for your trip.

You can tell them you have friends in Canada, and when they ask who, tell them about your girlfriend. You should downplay your relationship.

Good luck.


Nov 13, 2007
well i will have money.. and i will say that my gf lives there and that im going to visit her... thats it.

but i will say that .. i wanna go back to school so bad.. im scared of getting denied again

ok so step by step what do you recommend i should do.

i know that if i say that im gonna marry her in canada they will not let me entry the country,

im confused


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
It's hard to say what you should tell them. The truth is always best, because you'll be most convincing. So just tell them you're visiting your friend and looking at schools, but you're going back to Mexico to apply for a student visa.

Be prepared to tell them what you want to study.


Nov 13, 2007
i want to become a physician assistant certified, i know its gonna be a long time , but im ready,

what is the reason of your visit: just visiting a friend and looking for someschools as well.

is that better?

also thaiguy... how long is the process of me becoming a PR ? from when we get married til the day i actually have the PR card in my hands? can i go to canada in the mean while? just to visit my gf?


Sep 27, 2007
Tambien puedes venir a Mexico y comprar un Tour a Canada en una agencia de viajes. Asi seria mas facil que te creyeran, aunque gastarias un poco mas de dinero porque en el tour tienes que pagar el viaje de ida y vuelta y perderías el boleto de regreso al quedarte allá.


Nov 13, 2007
a que te refieres con perder el boleto? algo asi como que oooppss se me cayo y no lo encuentro o ya no me quiero regresar excusa? y tu dime como le hiciste o cual es tu caso?


Sep 27, 2007
Cuando vas como turista a Canadá y contratas un Tour (viaje turístico en grupo) en una agencia de viajes, tienes que pagar por todo el viaje, incluyendo el pasaje de avión de ida y regreso. Cuando llegas al aeropuerto y el oficial te pregunta el motivo de tu visita tu muestras los documentos del Tour que contrataste y dices que vas por X número de dias (los días que dura el Tour) y es más fácil que te crean. Ya estando dentro de Canada puedes hacer el recorrido del Tour o no pero lo importante es que ya estas adentro. Al decir "pierdes el boleto de regreso" me refiero a que ya lo pagaste pero no lo vas a usar porque tu intención es no regresarte.


Nov 13, 2007
ahhhhh ok,,, excellente no sabes cuanto me has ayudado...

sabes algo acerca de cuanto se tarda el proceso de hacerme residente de canada? atravez de mi novia .. futura esposa, ella es residente permanente en canada and she wants to sponsor me... how long does this procees take?


Hero Member
May 5, 2005
Are you people kidding? It's stories like this about "how do I fool the officials at the border to make them think I'm here as a tourist when I'm already an illegal IN the U.S. and I won't use my return flight ticket and I'll stay in Canada", that make it so difficult for the rest of us LEGITMATE sponsors to get our spouses here and makes the Gov't so suspicious of everyone!!!! Jose Aguilera you're tellling him it's easier than he thinks? Boulderguy, you're already illegal in the U.S., I would hope they'll ask you for ID and/or a passport entering Canada and hopefully stop you from pulling this scam, or loophole or however you are trying to enter Canada. Is anyone in Canadian Immigration reading this stuff and catching what the translation is, and watching for these people at the airports and border crossings?


Star Member
Aug 9, 2007
Dear LCS, no body from Canadian Embassies anywhere around the world must be reading such blogs and they shouldnt either. Because if they do they will be more pissed at the criticism going on in here and people like you and me will suffer more as they might recognise us from our discriptions and make it more harder for us to be with our spouses. It wont serve us any good honestly speaking. We should only confront them with facts and that doesnt happen here in such blogs. We say what we feel like either right or wrong, doesnt matter. its a place to let out our frustration to some extent, not to jeopardize our future. I hope you understand. wish you all the best. People who are liars, cheats and make a fool of the system will pay for their deeds for sure. They think they are being very smart by lying, which is not a nice thing to do at all as a human being. They might be smart but not better human beings for sure. They are like walking talking disease in the form of human beings.


Nov 13, 2007
all i have to say that youre not perpect lcs,, the reason why i want to stay in canada is because im tired of being awayfrom my gf, i tried 3 times to get my visa, i never lied and i got denied, but im afraid to be away from her.

and gotcha thank you for backing us up, im not trying to lie to the customs in canada, i just wanna see her, hug her, be with her, but anyways, im just really mad at the fact that stupid people like lcs dont understand.

its not even worth it fighting with people like that. lcs you make yourself look stupid, we dont have to say anything you said it all.

good luck to everyone.