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Kidney transplant


Full Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hi everyone,
Iam new to this forum and I would really appreciate if anyone knows the answer to this ,

I want to move to Canada to work and continue my life there. My wife is the primary applicant. I have undergone kidney transplantation in 2010 and I have to take medicines life long. So, I would like to know if there is any problem to receive permanent resident status.
Hi, In case you have undergone transplant then the two most important things to look at are your Renal Function and also What is the cost of medication you are taking. In case your Serum Creation levels are stable at a particular level (obviously within range) the the prognosis is good as perceived by the ircc. You can check the prices of medicines on internet I have a list but somehow not able to insert the link, Also in case you are on Tacrolimus then I guess the patent will be expiring in 2018 or has already expired so the cost of generic med is not much in canada.

To put you into perspective I have undergone renal transplant twice, first time in 2006 and second time in 2015, I applied for pr post my second transplant hoping that certainly my case would be rejected on rounds of medical inadmissibility, however there was no rejection and I got it successfully few months back. The annual cost of my medicines in Canada was around $5000/year and the threshold of annual expense for rejecting my application on grounds of excessive demand was I guess around $6655/year. But this limit has been revised to $19,965/year now refer to this news https://www.cicnews.com/2018/04/canada-revises-controversial-medical-inadmissibility-rules-for-immigrants-0410513.html#gs.z3WGiaw

However we have to understand that each case is different and it depends on various other factors like Age, qualification, work exp , funds etc. But what I want to say is that do not hold yourself back because of the transplant. You and me we know that life post transplant is as normal and anyone else's or even better since we believe in more health and hygiene than other ;-) So Declare every bit of your relevant medical history to them, be truthful and if they find value in you then u will get it.
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May 27, 2018
[QUOTE = "vpsw, post: 6957579, member: 666361"] Oi, Caso você tenha sido submetido a transplante, as duas coisas mais importantes são a Função Renal e também qual é o custo da medicação que você está tomando. No caso de os seus níveis de Criação de Soro estarem estáveis a um nível particular (obviamente dentro do intervalo), o prognóstico é bom, tal como é percebido pelo ircc. Você pode verificar os preços dos medicamentos na internet eu tenho uma lista, mas de alguma forma não é possível inserir o link, também no caso de você estar em Tacrolimus então eu acho que a patente vai expirar em 2018 ou já expirou então o custo de med genérico Não muito no Canadá.

Para colocar você em perspectiva, eu passei por transplante renal duas vezes, pela primeira vez em 2006 e pela segunda vez em 2015, eu solicitei meu segundo transplante na esperança de que meu caso fosse rejeitado em uma rodada de inadmissibilidade médica, mas não houve rejeição e Eu consegui com sucesso alguns meses atrás. O custo anual de meus remédios no Canadá era de cerca de US $ 5.000 / ano e o limite de gastos anuais para rejeitar minha solicitação com base na demanda excessiva era de aproximadamente US $ 6655 / ano. Mas esse limite foi revisado para US $ 19.965 / ano agora se referem a essa notícia https://www.cicnews.com/2018/04/canada-revises-controversial-medical-inadmissibility-rules-for-immigrants-0410513.html#gs .z3WGiaw

No entanto, temos que entender que cada caso é diferente e depende de vários outros fatores, como idade, qualificação, exp de trabalho, fundos etc. Mas o que eu quero dizer é que não se retrai por causa do transplante. Você e eu sabemos que a vida pós-transplante é normal e de qualquer outra pessoa ou até melhor, já que acreditamos em mais saúde e higiene do que outras ;-) Então, declare toda a sua história médica relevante para eles, seja sincero e se acharem valor em você então você vai conseguir. [/ QUOTE]
Grande novo !!! Eu também sou transplantada desde2010
Hi, In case you have undergone transplant then the two most important things to look at are your Renal Function and also What is the cost of medication you are taking. In case your Serum Creation levels are stable at a particular level (obviously within range) the the prognosis is good as perceived by the ircc. You can check the prices of medicines on internet I have a list but somehow not able to insert the link, Also in case you are on Tacrolimus then I guess the patent will be expiring in 2018 or has already expired so the cost of generic med is not much in canada.

To put you into perspective I have undergone renal transplant twice, first time in 2006 and second time in 2015, I applied for pr post my second transplant hoping that certainly my case would be rejected on rounds of medical inadmissibility, however there was no rejection and I got it successfully few months back. The annual cost of my medicines in Canada was around $5000/year and the threshold of annual expense for rejecting my application on grounds of excessive demand was I guess around $6655/year. But this limit has been revised to $19,965/year now refer to this news https://www.cicnews.com/2018/04/canada-revises-controversial-medical-inadmissibility-rules-for-immigrants-0410513.html#gs.z3WGiaw

However we have to understand that each case is different and it depends on various other factors like Age, qualification, work exp , funds etc. But what I want to say is that do not hold yourself back because of the transplant. You and me we know that life post transplant is as normal and anyone else's or even better since we believe in more health and hygiene than other ;-) So Declare every bit of your relevant medical history to them, be truthful and if they find value in you then u will get it.
Great news!! I'm transplanted too and this new about new limit for medical inadmissibility is very important for me too! Thx a lot!!!
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VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Have to say I am quite suprised after 2 kidney transplants you got approved especially knowing you will likely need a 3rd and maybe a 4th plus perhaps dialysis but every case in individual.
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VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Hii everone I have question related to health, I have hypothyroidism and have minor skin problems. Would it be a concern during medical ? Due to hypothyroidism, I have higher BMI, around 32 and skin is dry in some areas.
If it is just hypothyroidism and not part of a bigger disease like an autoimmume disease no it shouldn't be an issue because you can just take thryoid hormone replacement pills that are pretty inexpensive. Dry skin is not a condition but if it is eczema as long as it is not tied to the hypothyroidism as part as a bigger autoimmune issue no that shouldn't be a problem.


Nov 6, 2017
If it is just hypothyroidism and not part of a bigger disease like an autoimmume disease no it shouldn't be an issue because you can just take thryoid hormone replacement pills that are pretty inexpensive. Dry skin is not a condition but if it is eczema as long as it is not tied to the hypothyroidism as part as a bigger autoimmune issue no that shouldn't be a problem.
Yes thanks for your reply. Its hypothyroidism, nothing else. And i am having normal range, just one upon a time i was having higher range tgan tge normal. For skin i dont know what exactly it is but mostly dry skin problem. Thanks again.


Hero Member
Sep 29, 2017
Hi... I am also expecting a kidney transplant this month and I wish to know if any of you recently got their canada study visa despite the regular medicinal cost.
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Feb 28, 2019
Hiii, I am from India and i want to apply for canada study visa, actually i have gone under an operation of kidney transplant in the year 2016 sept, I got an offer letter from uni , but yesterday i called health dept of nova scotia , they said its not an easy that u will get doctor or primary care physician , there are people who are in waiting list since 2.5 years , Can you please guide me what i have to do, they said they need referral of doctor ... plz guide me I really need your help
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VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Hiii, I am from India and i want to apply for canada study visa, actually i have gone under an operation of kidney transplant in the year 2016 sept, I got an offer letter from uni , but yesterday i called health dept of nova scotia , they said its not an easy that u will get doctor or primary care physician , there are people who are in waiting list since 2.5 years , Can you please guide me what i have to do, they said they need referral of doctor ... plz guide me I really need your help

You need to look through the international student plan and see whether it will cover the costs of your care. Getting a family doctor as an international student isn't likely but your school may have a health centre with access to doctors. Not sure how easily you will be able to get a referral to a nephrologist or a transplant team. These plans really cater to healthy young people so your costs may surpass the coverage.
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Feb 28, 2019
So what is the right way , i dont know now what to do... really disappointed when i talked to health centre of nova scotia, moreover i am not getting offer letter from any uni or college... due to high gap in studies...and have percentage of 57.8 in my graduation...my ielts will expire in coming january... so plz guide me or provide me the contact no .. so that i can talk or take guidance properly...


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
So what is the right way , i dont know now what to do... really disappointed when i talked to health centre of nova scotia, moreover i am not getting offer letter from any uni or college... due to high gap in studies...and have percentage of 57.8 in my graduation...my ielts will expire in coming january... so plz guide me or provide me the contact no .. so that i can talk or take guidance properly...
You have to get into a college or university first. You should also look at the international student health plans. They may not provide adequate coverage. International students have a separate policy than other people in NS so there is no point contacting the health organizations in the province.


Feb 28, 2019
Thank u so much for ur help , but i have one more question , i dont think , if i will show my kidney transplant to any uni or college , then they will give the offer letter , so can i show my kidney transplant to them or nt...


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Thank u so much for ur help , but i have one more question , i dont think , if i will show my kidney transplant to any uni or college , then they will give the offer letter , so can i show my kidney transplant to them or nt...
Kidney transplant will come up in the medical so no point in hiding it. It will be up to the insurance company or province who will have to provide medical coverage. You really need to do some research about what is covered by either the province or insurance plans (depending on province of study). As an international student your medical needs will likely be higher than the coverage provided. Canada doesn't have 100% free healthcare. It is more like 70%.
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Feb 28, 2019
Can anyone please tell me which province is better for kidney transplant individuals, as they require follow- ups with doctors every 1-2 months, where international students can get PCP easily...