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    Rainbow Bridge PR Landing FAILED

    Hi Riz, I have a US visa but had visited US recently. They US Visa authorities will therefore not stamp my visa until after 6 months. What proof can I show to Canadian authorities that I actually entered USA?
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    Student jobs.

    Guys, Is it really realistically possible to get a decent 20 hour job in Toronto while on student visa or the only option is to rely on working at McDonald's until I get my work permit or PR. Profile: CFA, MBA(India), pursuing MFin. If possible, what should be the approach?
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    Support letter from University for VISA Process

    What is the reason for refusal mentioned in the refusal letter? You need to address that issue rather than addressing something which is already in place.
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    Mumbai Passport Submission

    Hi, I applied online for Canadian student visa and have now got an email asking me to submit my passport along with the passport request letter I've received. The link I've got in the letter directs me to the India VFS website which is not at all clear. My question is, where do I need to submit...
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    Visa Status, May : Sep : 2017 intake, India , Kindly post the updates

    Hi Kamal - I applied online by myself. Spoke to a few consultants initially who said I would have to apply offline and that the process would take about 2-3 months. They also said that since I am overqualified, my visa would most likely be rejected so they cant guarantee. The fees they asked was...
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    Visa Status, May : Sep : 2017 intake, India , Kindly post the updates

    Thanks a lot! I applied online on 6th Feb and the mail came in today (after 23 days). I'm joining Queens which is a university, so not SPP.
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    Student Permit - Canada

    Thanks a lot folks! Great relief. Was cutting fine on time as my notice period here is 3 months!
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    Visa Status, May : Sep : 2017 intake, India , Kindly post the updates

    Hi Guys, I applied for my Canada student permit online and have just received the below message after 24 days. Note that it talks about only the "Temporary residence" and doesn't talk about "Student Permit". Does the below message mean my student visa has been approved? Quote "This is in...
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    Student Permit - Canada

    Hi Guys, I applied for my Canada student permit online and have just received the below message after 24 days. Note that it talks about only the "Temporary residence" and doesn't talk about "Student Permit". Does the below message mean my student visa has been approved? Quote "This is in...
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    Express Entry for NOC 0111,1111,1112,1114 & 1212

    Hi Serge, You said when you create your EE profile, the CFA, CPA and other designations are listed in a different section. Can you tell which section is that. I'm a CFA holder as well but couldn't find where I could add that qualification. I've put my MBA and have received points for that.
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    PCC Validity

    Thanks jairichi - I read that in the cic site as well. My only contention is that Y axis, my consultant (which has charged a lot and therefore supposed to be an expert) has very confidently told me on email that I will have to go for a new PCC as my earlier PCC from the country I've left has...
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    Missed by 1 point... Crying

    At 452 as well! I was at 449 and my wife's ECA could've fetched me 8 points which would've made my score 457. My consultant (Y axis) in India advised me against going for my wife's ECA because of which I missed the chance of getting picked when the score was low last year. Regret having listened...
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    PCC Validity

    Hi Guys, I currently have a score of 452. I used to work in UAE and have now relocated back to India. I was told that it would take 2-3 months to get the UAE PCC which would exceed the 60 window period we get to submit documents once the ITA is received. I therefore applied for the PCC and got...