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Recent content by snipper

  1. snipper

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Thanks... so we can see how CIC process our documents .. It should be in order. Thanks
  2. snipper

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    I think it would be much better and well appreciated if the admin will reset our thread and place it in order particularly the date when CIC received our application.. what you think??
  3. snipper

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    Just go to dhl website and put the tracking number and click it then you will see the location of your package or if its already delivered.
  4. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Try to read the Khan post, I think that person is clarifying that one cc was charged it means your document was checked for completeness and theres no chance for you to return the application. As i said if they charged your credit or bankdraft it means they will accept your application and...
  5. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    remember there's one question in one of the forms regarding the " IDENTIFICATION CARD NUMBER", & also stated there to provide a photocopy of the said ID. ;D Yah I remember coz I think PRC card is enough proof , which include in my application form... ;D You dont need to have 2 ID's its ok if...
  6. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Yes your correct. but the protocol right now if your going to ask for certified true copy of your TOR particularly for international application purposes, the school will forward the certified true copy of your documents to CHED once it was certified by the CHED , ched will send it to DFA and...
  7. snipper

    July 01, 2011 FSW Applicants_MI 3

    My application recieved by MIKE last july 8 and I sent it July 4. wrong entry in your spread sheet... TY westpoint
  8. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Is there a need for ID??? Just in case your VO needs, it well you submitted along with your application is your PP copy and I hope your License or PCC
  9. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Every Visa Office have their different requirement ... Sushicat is correct in our VO Manila no need to get transcript in a sealed envelop beside here in manila if your going to ask for additional TOR to your registrar they will ask you if your going to use it locally or for international...
  10. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    I decided to put Nurse Instructor just to be safe because i saw it there as one of the title for nurses ... Just look at canada's NOC 3152 in their website. you can see there all the sub category of RN and even their job description but I am not telling you to copy all of that .
  11. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    Yes, I applied last year as FSW under 3152 in my own assessment got 7o points but according to CIO who reviewed my documents I didn't reach the passing mark which is 67 , I only got 65 based on the credentials that they have .. 20 for education 14 for English proficiency 10 for age 21 for...
  12. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    I dont think so coz I sent my documents in a large envelop, it wont fit to a small one particularly school credentials and my application form thats why i decided to put all of them to a larger size , even last year I did the same thing but still they accept it..
  13. snipper

    Those planning to Apply after 01 July 2011, Lets connect!!

    yah once cc or bd is charged it means your application is complete. if you got your AOR theres still a chance to be denied for visa like wwhat happened to an applicants from INdia he and she was denied after their interview at embassy.