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Recent content by meemee

  1. meemee

    Citizenship Application

    thank you both!
  2. meemee

    Citizenship Application

    Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone knows if Citizenship can be denied if spouses live in seperate countries; e.g. say the wife lives in Canada as a PR and has met all the requirements; could she be denied citizenship based on the fact that her spouse does not live/work in Canada? This is not a...
  3. meemee

    FSW 2014..HR Manager (NOC 0112)

    Dear all, Rather than base your decision on where to land on someone else's experience; please conduct simple research exercises to scan the HR job market in Canada. For instance, visit indeed.ca and type Human resources under the job title column and search for related jobs under every...
  4. meemee

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    Thanks PH, for the post. Just as an aside, please let's not misconstrue PH's post to think he discourages asking after the welfare of landed people. Far from it. Rather, the purpose is to be sensitive to people's privacy and situations. Great day, everyone!
  5. meemee

    My Landing Experience

    @Mona.Awwad, Many thanks for sharing your landing experience...we look forward to season 1 episode 2!.... ;D
  6. meemee

    My Landing and Job Hunting Experience

    Very nice post. Definitely encouraging. Thanks!
  7. meemee

    FSW 2014 Reject reasons

    @AO2015, you only get points for the highest degree level. if you have a double masters degree...you wll be awarded 23 points for one of them and not 46 points for both. If in doubt, send an enquiry to WES or any other academic evaluaton body with an agreement wth CIC. All the best.
  8. meemee

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    Hello all. Visas and COPRs collected. PH/KSA...please assist in updating my details on the SS. And may we all be satisfied with our hearts' desires in Jesus' Name!
  9. meemee

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    FYI everyone: New rules on the Canadian Citizenship Act... http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=859509&_ga=1.156229947.1664540879.1336423287 Refer to 'quick facts:' Citizenship applicants will need to be physically present in Canada for a total of four out of their last six years. In...
  10. meemee

    FSW 2014 applicants from Nigeria - Let's network

    Hi everyone, pick up mail received today. God is awesome!!! Congrats to everyone with updates.