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Recent content by 0neTw0

  1. 0neTw0

    Best city to live in Canada???

    San Francisco ;D
  2. 0neTw0

    Landed in June

    Congrats, all will be fine
  3. 0neTw0

    Find availeble jobs in canada

    and guess what? 8)
  4. 0neTw0

    “Canadian Experience” a systemic unfair employment barrier to new immigrants

    Sorry if you do not write back, but tell me where I can not complain about the unfair employer
  5. 0neTw0

    Tourist Vistors: TRV basic requirements

    Give me a link, to this online service. thanks
  6. 0neTw0

    How to Get Canadian Driving License -for Newcomers

    And what about IDG (International Drivers Group) hiip://idg.com Can i do use them in Ontario?
  7. 0neTw0

    Best bank to open an account?

    please show a link to the source
  8. 0neTw0


    Thanks a million, i even had time to meet with you virtually, when re-reading a much of threads :D
  9. 0neTw0


    I have read the rules and try to be an active member
  10. 0neTw0


    Hi Everyone, ;) We just started the new workout. :o Honestly, I am freaked out, but I should learn some patients I guess... It would be nice to join you, would get some hope from you. p.s. my english is so poor and i have to use same words and quotes from threads, thx 4 all :-*