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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
Salam Everyone:

Sorry we didn't post more information earlier. Hind was sleep deprived and exhausted from her trip from Safi to Rabat and back. Hamdulillah, she is better now and counting days, hours and minutes for our rendezvous.
Like I said earlier, the interview lasted between twenty to twenty-five minutes. There were only five interviewees and Hind was the fourth. Her interview was about 10:45 am. Her number came up and she ended up with the Moroccan lady first. They spoke in French. The questions that were asked are as follows:
How old is your husband?
What is his origin?
What does he do for living?
How long has he been Living in Canada?
Was he married previously?
Does he have any children?
What is the nationality of his previous wife?
How old are his children?
Where do they live?
When was the first contact between the two of you? and where?
When did you see each other face-to-face for the first time?
Did he visit you again after you got married?
What language do you speak together?
What are your plans when you arrive in Canada?
What do you do for living right now?
Do you live with your family or on you own?
Have you visited other countries in the past and where?
Were you previously married?

prior to the questioning Hind handed in our Albums or pictures (Hind had five albums) organized and tagged.
She also handed in an updated work reference from my employer. A legalized copy of our marriage certificate in Arabic. Telephone bills, emails, conversation history on msn, hotel bills from our honeymoon, copy of my passport with entry and exist stamps. letters and gift receipts we bought for each other. Receipts for the engagement set. Bills for the photographer, Wedding dresses, bus tickets to and from Safi, receipts of money transfer, a bag full of telephone cards Hind had used in the past four years. Faxes, Diplomas and certificates, etc...
When the interview was over Hind was asked to wait in the reception area. About ten minutes later, the Canadian lady came over and asked Hind to step into her office. She spoke French and English with Hind.
Some of the questions she asked were:
What language do you speak with you husband?
How is your English level? Where did you learn it and When?
Was your husband married before?
Does he have any children?
What are their names, and ages?
What was their reaction to their father's new marriage?
Do you have contact with the children?
What city does your husband live in?
Where is it?
Are you going to have children together?
Have you talked about it?
What are you plans when you arrive in Canada?

Finally the interviewer told Hind that she has accepted our file. "Go wait in the reception area. I will return your dossier." she said.
When they returned our dossier, Hind was told that they will contact her.

Next day, Friday morning, Hind received a phone call from the embassy and was told to come next Wednesday for her Visa, ma shallah. it was the best surprise we have heard for a long time. Thanks to you guys for your support and prayers and We are praying for Hibiscus and spouse, Happy2bmm and spouse, to get the phone call for the visa. noonameen, Yasmina, and boras to receive the long awaited call for the interview.
Hind was very pleased and happy to meet noona face-to-face for the first time, and thanks her for the lunch and lovely time they spent together.
The phone calls Hind received from noona, Zahra and hibiscus to encourage and support her the night before the interview were priceless. They lifted up her spirits and gave her strength and comfort. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
Also thank you Yasmina, penny, boras and the rest of you wonderful people for all your support over the past several months. For those of you who are still waiting, I hope the time will fly by and you will be with your loved ones sooner than you think.


P.S. Sorry about the lengthy article


Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
What a wonderful letter! This is great information for everyone.
As for thanking me, reading how this forum has helped so many is thanks enough. It amazes me how many people have joined our "club" and how many friendships that have been made starting from my first post. Good luck to you all.


Full Member
Nov 26, 2007
salam everybody
so great news congratulation i m so happy for you HindAdel , alhamdolah after long waiting now it s finish brother Adel i realy i was so happy to meet Hind and her nice Mother , it was very nice time , oh no thkx brother she is sister and friend , i feel so happy like if me , Nooda is very nice girl i m so happy that i know her , alhamdolah thkx to ALLAH ,
i hope also good luck for Zahra and Hibiscus , in cha alah not long and you will recieve the call for visa ,
i cha alah i hope we get call soon for enetervew Boras and Yasmina and me and for all who wating ,good luck for everybody i cha alah we wil be all with our loves ,
and sure big thkx to PENNY for this club because she make us know nice and good poeple in this forum and i m so happy for that ,
good luck for all


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
Hello Penny:

I wasn't aware who started this Forum. I have to tell you, what you have done is a great service to us all. I want to personally thank you for the wonderful support this forum has provided for us over the past several months, especially to my wife Hind. She has been following it from the first time she heard about it. it has kept her hopes up when she was down, it became her security blanket, a place where she would retreat to when she needed comfort.
It amazes me to see how trustworthy the members are, and how friendships are formed; how the new members slowly blossom to become an integral part of keeping this forum moving forward. Most of all, how gratifying it must be for you to see how many people you have helped in the past, present, and how many more you will end up helping in the future.
You have given every member a gift that they will never forget. A warm place to visit while they are being tormented by this long and painful waiting period. A place where they are loved, cared for, and listened to. A place where they can exchange ideas, ask questions and receive answers, a place where they belong. May God (Allah) bless you for the wonderful job you are doing.

On my behalf, my wife's Hind, and I am sure I can speak on behalf of the rest of the members, THANK YOU.



Hero Member
Nov 5, 2007
Adel Thank you very much for all of the information.

I am so happy for you and your wife. I love hearing good news from Everyone.
Thank you to everyone who helps out those of us who are trying to keep our spirits up during theis painful waiting period.
I pray that you all have very long and happy marriages.

God bless you each and every one.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2007
Adel-- thank you so much for posting all the questions. It's excellent news that your wife will have her visa soon and that the questions were so similar to what we keep hearing. It really, really helps to be able to see each post and keep track.

Penny-- Adel is so right about the forum. I check it most days and share what I find with my husband and it keeps us informed, prepared, engaged in the process, thinking about the future, feeling less alone and less like we are in some sort of vaccuum with no update or information from the embassy.
Every time I tell someone that I found this forum and how much I'm learning from it, there is always some sort of reaction regarding how amazing it is that people have been able to connect like this, all of us in our unique and very specific situation. How else would we have found one another and shared all this valuable info and support? Thank you so much!

Val p.s. we just surpassed the 5 month waiting mark since the embassy got our paperwork..........crossing fingers and thumbs and toes.....


Star Member
Mar 28, 2007
Adel thank you for your kind words. Yes, it is amazing to know that my one little post has done so much. Reading all the comments everyone has, the support you all give each other, makes me proud that I started all of this. Here I thought we were alone at the beginning. I am still surprised how many people responded to my one post. A year from now, it would be interesting to know how everyone is doing, especially our early members.
Thanks again to all,


Jan 20, 2008
Hi everybody,
Thank you very much for this forum and for the help that you give to each other and to all people in the same conditions so i m here too to talk these things and help if i can.
Nooda i ask you this question:
when they asked you in the interview did they ask about your travels outside of the country and if you said yes what was their response ?
because i traveled outside the country and i want to know what should i get or say.
Thank you so much and congratulations once again.


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
Hi fortuna,
Yes, they asked me if I traveled outside Morocco before, I said yes, and I told them the countries I traveled to, Don't forget they have the travel periods on my form.
Thanks and welcome to the forum.


Sep 14, 2007
hi every body
im so thankful to everybody in this forum sometimes it gets hard to stand that long wait but its worth it
and soon incha allh we're gonna be reunited with our beloved ones
soon im gonna be "daddy"


Full Member
Sep 21, 2007
PAPI YOU GOT BURN!!!!!LOL.....besna now knows who you are......hahahhahahhaha
raven i will call you later on 2nite..i ahve a question to ask you....
all the best everyone...


Star Member
Jun 25, 2007
Hello Boras:

I traveled outside Morocco few times but as a tourist, and never more than one month at a time. I hope this helps you.



Oct 29, 2007
Hi Boras,
Yeah my wife got her interview on November 27, and was told she will get a call within 4 weeks, but it's almost 7 weeks now and still didnt hear anything from them.
I sent them e-mail 2 weeks ago wondering about the delay and they e-mail me back saying that it's out of their control and they will call as soon as the process is done.....
So we gotta wait, we can't do anything about it............it's frustrating, I hate it.


Jan 23, 2008
Hi there,
I just stumbled across this forum doing some research for a tv documentary I am working on in the UK! It is about British/Western women who seek marriage with/marry men from a different country. I was hoping that you guys might be able to help me a little, seeing as you've all experienced international marriage?
I noticed that alot of the relationships discussed on this forum started with a meeting on-line and I wondered if there are any particular sites out there that cater for marriage minded women seeking Morrocon husbands or was it a chance meeting on an international dating website? I would really appreciate it if you could quickly drop me a line with the website that facilitated your romance and if you have the time a line or two about how you progressed to marriage would be great!
I hope to hear from you,
Thanks and best wishes