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Question about the "one year of continuous work " for FSWP requirement


Aug 6, 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you're doing great,

My question is quite specific and situational . and it is pertaining to the FSW program ( federal skilled worker ) for permanent residency . I am currently doing a co-op internship which has been going for 8 months now and will be over by the end of august . however I have been offered to stay as a part-time student with them for the following year . My question is : I know that the paid student experience acquired is counted towards this program as long as it's a full year without interruption full time or it's equivalent part time . But i'm wondering if the way i'm doing it works as well ? i have worked full time for 8 months now ( so 30 hours x 33 weeks = 990 hours) and will be working part time until april (which will be, let's say 20 hours x 30 weeks = 600 hours) , so by the end of it if I will have worked 1590 or more hours(which is more than the 1560 required) , will I be eligible to apply to this program ? (in other words, does starting full time and doing the rest part time still make me eligible as long as the number of hours is met) Thank you very much for your guidance



Aug 6, 2020
thank so you so much for the information that's extremely useful !

would a 2 or 3 week of non paid vacation in , let's say november or december for example, count as a gap in employment ? or is it okay as long as it's within my contract .

thanks a lot for answering my main question it's so reassuring .