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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2018
Thank you Puneet and hopeandstar for such detailed analysis. But I am so much confused as I recently opted for an online course on essay writing in which it is stated to give an opinion in the intro. Then it says that you should give an alternate idea in every bp.
Something like
Main idea
Support sentence
Alternate idea

Same goes for bp2
Many people on this forum swear by this course and say they have achieved 8 bands following this similar pattern.
I used to follow a normal pattern before but now I am so much confused as what to do.
The course is by matt rainsbury
Any sort of guidance will be a boon


Star Member
Aug 20, 2018
NOC Code......
Thank you Puneet and hopeandstar for such detailed analysis. But I am so much confused as I recently opted for an online course on essay writing in which it is stated to give an opinion in the intro. Then it says that you should give an alternate idea in every bp.
Something like
Main idea
Support sentence
Alternate idea

Same goes for bp2
Many people on this forum swear by this course and say they have achieved 8 bands following this similar pattern.
I used to follow a normal pattern before but now I am so much confused as what to do.
The course is by matt rainsbury
Any sort of guidance will be a boon
I am not aware of this course so cannot comment on it. But where you give your opinion depends on what is being asked. When they ask you to discuss both sides, your essay should look something like this...

Para 1

People are divided in their opinion whether..... . While some believe....others consider.... . Let us examine both points of view before arriving at a conclusion

Para 2

Proponents of the view..... Advantages, supporting evidence, examples

Para 3

On the other hand... Disadvantages, supporting evidence, examples

Para 4

In conclusion, while both sides make strong arguments.... in my opinion...

Again, I am not an IELTS teacher and just sharing my own experience. I got 7.5 in my first attempt and I mostly referred to the free content available online.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Thank you Puneet and hopeandstar for such detailed analysis. But I am so much confused as I recently opted for an online course on essay writing in which it is stated to give an opinion in the intro. Then it says that you should give an alternate idea in every bp.
Something like
Main idea
Support sentence
Alternate idea

Same goes for bp2
Many people on this forum swear by this course and say they have achieved 8 bands following this similar pattern.
I used to follow a normal pattern before but now I am so much confused as what to do.
The course is by matt rainsbury
Any sort of guidance will be a boon
See the introduction of the essay depends on the kind of question being asked. In the particular essay it specifically asks you to discuss both view so it is okay if you are not giving your opinion in the introduction itself.
Some essay types specifically ask you for your opinion ... in those cases it is better idea to have opinion in the intro itself.
I have said this before, and I will say this again review the essay types again (and everyday if you want to) and how they should be answered. I know most of us do read about essay types and how they need to be answered but then get so involved in practicing writing essays that we tend to overlook the basics. It is always a good idea to understand the question before you give an answer.


Full Member
Aug 2, 2018
Thanks a lot cansha. I agree with all three of you. Just need to work more. But you all taking time out of your schedule to help an unknown stranger says a lot about your moral fibre. Bless you all


Star Member
Feb 23, 2018
Thank you Puneet and hopeandstar for such detailed analysis. But I am so much confused as I recently opted for an online course on essay writing in which it is stated to give an opinion in the intro. Then it says that you should give an alternate idea in every bp.
Something like
Main idea
Support sentence
Alternate idea

Same goes for bp2
Many people on this forum swear by this course and say they have achieved 8 bands following this similar pattern.
I used to follow a normal pattern before but now I am so much confused as what to do.
The course is by matt rainsbury
Any sort of guidance will be a boon
sma case with me too. Once subscribed to essay correction and video course too. That person said don't use the line "this essay will discuss about" in intro and mentioned to give opinion as well. In opinion type essays for body paragraphs , they told to give a balance opinion. Just 1 statement.


Sep 5, 2018
Hello people. I found this thread by accident and I feel its a blessing for me.
I have an ielts exam on 8th. Thrice before I have attained only 6.5 in writing.
I really want to improve this time
I will be so thankful to anyone who will access my essay and guide me

Some people say that in all levels of education from primary to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills.
Do you agree or disagree??

Education is often considered as a pre-requisite to success. The education system emphasises more on theoretical training rather than on vocational training. I agree with this notion as acquiring technical skills should be priortised over academic training because it is vital for comprehensive development of students.

Firstly, equipping students with practical training should be imperative because co-operating and co-ordinating with different local employers will not only expose them to a realistic environment, it will also enhance their cognitive capability. For example, students with hands-on experience in computer programming may outperform those with just factual knowledge about the subject. Traditional sources of education such as books and exams are vital for cerebral growth of students, but by spending time acquiring technical knowledge will make them highly skilled and innovative.

Secondly, our education framework needs to inculcate tertiary training and practical courses in the system. Instead of pursuing academic success, time should be spent on gaining career oriented training because it is a bona fiḍe requirement to survive in the competetive world. For instance, vocational training courses are incorporated in many levels of education which are preparing youngsters for the corporate world. Although,conceptual study helps students with basic knowledge, it is the technical knowledge which gives them an edge.

In conclusion, it is evident that vocational training enhances the learning and adapting capabilities of students and also prepares them for future endeavours. Thus I believe that instead of focusing on traditional methods, vocational education should be encouraged.


Sep 5, 2018
Hello sir.
I have an ielts exam on 8th. Thrice before I have attained only 6.5 in writing.
I really want to improve this time
I shall be so grateful if you could access my essay and guide me

Some people say that in all levels of education from primary to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills.
Do you agree or disagree??

Education is often considered as a pre-requisite to success. The education system emphasises more on theoretical training rather than on vocational training. I agree with this notion as acquiring technical skills should be priortised over academic training because it is vital for comprehensive development of students.

Firstly, equipping students with practical training should be imperative because co-operating and co-ordinating with different local employers will not only expose them to a realistic environment, it will also enhance their cognitive capability. For example, students with hands-on experience in computer programming may outperform those with just factual knowledge about the subject. Traditional sources of education such as books and exams are vital for cerebral growth of students, but by spending time acquiring technical knowledge will make them highly skilled and innovative.

Secondly, our education framework needs to inculcate tertiary training and practical courses in the system. Instead of pursuing academic success, time should be spent on gaining career oriented training because it is a bona fiḍe requirement to survive in the competetive world. For instance, vocational training courses are incorporated in many levels of education which are preparing youngsters for the corporate world. Although,conceptual study helps students with basic knowledge, it is the technical knowledge which gives them an edge.

In conclusion, it is evident that vocational training enhances the learning and adapting capabilities of students and also prepares them for future endeavours. Thus I believe that instead of focusing on traditional methods, vocational education should be encouraged.


Jan 19, 2015
Impressive that you remember what you wrote in the exam a month ago!
It is a decent write up. Let us see what we can improve to get a higher band than 6.5.

English / Grammar: In my opinion / I believe ..... Both mean the same thing. Redundant words. Distant / apart same meaning ... redundant words.
The introduction could be a little better by giving a preview of what is coming in the essay.

English / Grammar:
First sentence: Nothing really wrong in using on the one hand construct but honestly it has been overused so much. If possible, try a few more ways of structuring these view points essays.
Second Sentence: In school days we were taught that ending a sentence on a preposition is wrong English / bad Grammar. I think it is probably not really considered wrong. But I would avoid ending sentences on a preposition in IELTS. It just sounds wrong when someone is reading it. So basically your sentence can say the same thing if you bring the phrase "compared to before" to the beginning of the sentence.
The vs A . Classic error in usage of Article. It is probably an easy one to fix so please read up on the vs a.
That facebook sentence itself is poorly structured.

Content: Okay so idea is good but the presentation of the idea is pretty basic. For a higher band need to present the ideas in a better way.
For example the very first sentence of the paragraph is just a repetition of your last line of introduction. And since focus is on technology, personally I would switch order of Second and Third sentence.

Basically you are saying ... People know more about others ... this is possible because of websites. So more focus goes on People knowing more which is ok. But topic says did Technology influence that?

I would just switch the idea to ... Technology gave us websites ... hence encouraging people to connect more with others around the world.

English / Grammar: As I said above on the one hand / on the other is correct but avoid if possible.
You really like the word much. A little variety may help.
Most sentences are simple and hence probably not a higher score.

Content: Same thing as earlier para. The first line of the paragraph is weak. The second line completely redundant. Why do you need to tell the same idea in other words???? And then tell examiner you're saying same thing "in other words"
Here is my problem with the third line. The topic is has technology influenced social behavior of people. You are arguing there is that it has been influenced by generational passing of traits. Do you the problem there?
Last sentence - Same as introduction, same as first line of para.

May be 2-3 lines in conclusion would be better. A single line conclusion just looks very weak. Also the way it is currently written do you think it is any different from what has been written in the last line of introduction paragraph?

thank you Chansha for your reply. it was great help. i wrote the essay when i came home on the same day i sit exam. my score is not moving from 6.5 so now i write the essay while it is still fresh in my mind.
As for this essay, I followed the suggestions and lessons from IELTS LIZ site and she recommends to use words like Although, on the one hand, on the other hand, in other words etc. to show cohesion. Also just to paraphrase the topic for introduction and conclusion. can you recommend any particular IELTS website for training?


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
Hello people. I found this thread by accident and I feel its a blessing for me.
I have an ielts exam on 8th. Thrice before I have attained only 6.5 in writing.
I really want to improve this time
I will be so thankful to anyone who will access my essay and guide me

Some people say that in all levels of education from primary to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills.
Do you agree or disagree??
Let's understand question first,
in all levels of education from primary to universities
too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills
Do I agree or disagree??

so main keywords are :
study, school, university,
too much time wasted/spent on learning fact,
less time spent on practical skills that are useful in one's life

Education is often considered as a pre-requisite to success.[okay, buy I would say not okay, it does no fully relate back to topic, its a general statement, avoid it. ]

The education system emphasises more on theoretical training rather than on vocational training.
[there is difference between vocational and practical training, it is not the same, so wrong use of words, but still fine]

I agree with this the notion as that acquiring technical skills should be priortised over academic training because it is vital for comprehensive development of students.
but still good introduction, no major mistakes.

Firstly, equipping students with practical training should be imperative because co-operating and co-ordinating with different local employers will not only expose them to a realistic environment, it will also enhance their cognitive capability.
[english is fine, logic is little odd, directly jumped to coordinating with local employers, cognitive ? little off topic]

For example, students with hands-on experience in computer programming may outperform those with just factual knowledge about the subject.
[again english is good, but example failed to relate with the topic, or previous statement]

Traditional sources of education such as books and exams are vital for cerebral growth of students, but by spending time acquiring technical knowledge will make them highly skilled and innovative.

[again again english is good, but content is out of context]
by english I mean, sentence structure, grammar, vocab etc

by content I mean, what are you saying to address the topic

It affects, TA and C&C

Secondly, our education framework needs to inculcate tertiary training [wrong word use ] and practical courses in the system.

Instead of pursuing academic success, time should be spent on gaining career oriented training because it is a bona fiḍe requirement to survive in the competetive world.

For instance, vocational training courses are incorporated in many levels of education which are preparing youngsters for the corporate world.

Although,conceptual study helps students with basic knowledge, it is the technical knowledge which gives them an edge.
see your english is good, but you failed to address the topic, just slightly, which is required for a 7 band essay, its clear why you are getting 6.5 bands.

In conclusion, it is evident that vocational training [wrong word use ] enhances the learning and adapting capabilities of students and also prepares them for future endeavours.

Thus I believe that instead of focusing on traditional methods [wrong word use ], vocational education [wrong word use ] should be encouraged.

there are subtle differences between practical knowledge and vocational training, you have changed the topic, which is a sin.

just because you have to use the synonyms, you changed the topic to something else.

keep using the topic words like learning facts and learning practical skills


Sep 5, 2018
Thank you so much sir for pointing out my mistakes. I will surely work on them. And your guidance and assessment is golden for me. Much appreciated


Star Member
Sep 5, 2018
Your handwriting plays a key role. Sometimes they may understand your words differently and that can end up reduce your score


Sep 5, 2018
A few hours are left for my ielts exam. I will be grateful and thankful to anyone who can review my essay and guide me to improve. I request the members of this forum to analyse it and help me.

Rising universities fees, scarce employment prospects for graduates have led some people to say that universities should not teach arts subjects like history and philosophy, and only offer practical degree courses that maximise chances of employment.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Cut throat competition,expensive higher education and depleting job opportunities have led some people to suggest that universities should prioritise practical education over humanities and art courses. To some extent I agree with this notion as technical education creates more jobs and contributes more to the economy but intellectual freedom will be marred if subjects like arts, history and culture are no longer an integral part of our post secondary education system.

Students with technical knowledge and practical training mostly outperform those with humanities background. It is because of the hands on experience that these graduates are in high demand in corporate sector.For instance, the abundance of career opportunities coupled with the rising interest of youngsters in technical education has increased the number of universities offering vocational and practical degree courses exponentially. Moreover, young corporates with technical background also help the economy of the country by attracting multinational companies to set up corporate hubs in different parts of the nation.

Although practical education equips a graduate with a technical edge, humanities stream offering subjects like art,culture,philosophy, and many more inculcates the ability to analyse and express in a young professionals. It is the reason that arts graduates are good at working independently because they possess great logical and analytical reasoning skills. For example, a majority of humanities students qualify for government and public sector exams. Another reason for universities to endorse non technical education is that there is an increasing demand of non technical graduates in corporate offices because of their communication and management skills.

To sum up, it is imperative for universities to offer practical degrees as it is the need of the hour. But arts subjects teach students to innovate,improvise and implement. Thus, I believe that practical learning and vocational training should be encouraged in the higher education system but art and humanities should not be neglected.