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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.

Nikhil Chhoda

Full Member
Aug 10, 2018
My wife gave ielts exam( british council) on 7/4/18 for canada pr n she got 8,7,6,7(LRWS) n on revaluation (EOR), score changed 8,7,6.5, 7
Now recently, on 28/7/18 she gave another test in british council n she got
L 8.5, R 9 ,W 7,S 6.5
Now what to do? Go for a revaluation in speaking? Or another test? Bc or idp?


Star Member
Jan 15, 2018
Got my result for 2nd Aug 2018 (4th attempt) and it is as disappointing as the previous 3.
Listening: 8.5
Reading: 9.0

Writing: 6.5 (4th consecutive time)
Speaking: 7.0
Overall : 8.0

I know I knew nothing about writing on my first attempt (January 2018), but since then I am working on writing mainly and got my essays checked by paid experts and score 7+ most of the time. But for IELTS I haven't improved at all.
Do you guys think it would be worth to go for re-evaluation??
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Full Member
Dec 20, 2017
Got my result for 2nd Aug 2018 (4th attempt) and it is as disappointing as the previous 3.
Listening: 8.5
Reading: 9.0

Writing: 6.5 (4th consecutive time)
Speaking: 7.0
Overall : 8.0

I know I knew nothing about writing on my first attempt (January 2018), but since then I am working on writing mainly and got my essays checked by paid experts and score 7+ most of the time. But for IELTS I haven't improved at all.
Do you guys think it would be worth to go for re-evaluation??
Dude, i can really understand your pain. My situation is somewhat similar to yours.
L -8

Missed a good CRS score by 0.5 grade difference in IELTS writing as like you. I suggest you to rewrite IELTS exam again. If you are really sure that your essay and letter has covered all the writing components clearly with good control on grammar then you can think of re-evaluation. But, ideally its impossible to re-collect where it went wrong in IELTS writing.
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Full Member
Dec 20, 2017
@H0peAndFa1th @nns14

Could you please review my essay and share your feedback ?

Learning English at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out.
In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if so, how ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

Many local languages are vanishing from different cultures because of the preference given to English language. It is everyone’s responsibility to preserve local language and culture. Personally, I feel its important to save our language though English is required for everyone in professional perspective. Along with that, this essay will discuss what are the steps that could be taken to save native languages.

Frankly speaking, a person can feel much more comfortable communicating in his own regional language. However, if we consider the global aspect, since majority of the people speak English all over the world, then its quite obvious that he or she has to learn the language to grow professionally. Is it really worth learning some other language at the cost of ignoring one’s own language ?. No, even though English is required in jobs or other scientific research, its the mother tongue that makes people comfortable in socializing themselves with society. Therefore, English as a language is important, however, its only the native language which plays an instrumental role when it comes to expressing views of an individual freely without any hesitation.

Nevertheless, many language scholars are worried about how to save their own language. There are few steps taken by the governments in this regard. The first and foremost is to include the local language as a mandatory subject in school curriculum. Furthermore, hiring skilled linguistic experts in schools to boost up the language learning capabilities in children. It's quite a good move, we all know the fact that school going children can grasp as many languages as possible, as their minds are fresh and really keen on learning anything. Of course, this intriguing quality of children which makes them quick learners. Continuing these kind of steps and coming up with further approaches like this in future would really help retaining mother language in our culture.

To summarize, its our responsibility to save our own language. Learning other language is fine, but ignoring our own language is not at all acceptable. It has to be safeguarded somehow by taking necessary preventive steps. I firmly standby my opinion that local language should not be ignored at any cost.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
My wife gave ielts exam( british council) on 7/4/18 for canada pr n she got 8,7,6,7(LRWS) n on revaluation (EOR), score changed 8,7,6.5, 7
Now recently, on 28/7/18 she gave another test in british council n she got
L 8.5, R 9 ,W 7,S 6.5
Now what to do? Go for a revaluation in speaking? Or another test? Bc or idp?
yes you can go for revaluation, there is chance.

Got my result for 2nd Aug 2018 (4th attempt) and it is as disappointing as the previous 3.
Listening: 8.5
Reading: 9.0

Writing: 6.5 (4th consecutive time)
Speaking: 7.0
Overall : 8.0

I know I knew nothing about writing on my first attempt (January 2018), but since then I am working on writing mainly and got my essays checked by paid experts and score 7+ most of the time. But for IELTS I haven't improved at all.
Do you guys think it would be worth to go for re-evaluation??
I was expecting more than 7 in my last attempt, but still got 7, I don't understand what is going on.

Dude, i can really understand your pain. My situation is somewhat similar to yours.
L -8

Missed a good CRS score by 0.5 grade difference in IELTS writing as like you. I suggest you to rewrite IELTS exam again. If you are really sure that your essay and letter has covered all the writing components clearly with good control on grammar then you can think of re-evaluation. But, ideally its impossible to re-collect where it went wrong in IELTS writing.
yup, that is true, keep re-writing.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
Hi @H0peAndFa1th
Could you please provide feedback

In many countries, people are moving away from rural areas and towards urban areas.
Why do you think that is?
What problems can this cause?
The trend of people moving to urban areas is increasing enormously. With a profound exploration, a large number of reasons could be revealed. This essay describes the major reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon as well as consequences of such a trend.
enormously,profound,exploration,revealed,occurrence,phenomenon,consequences >> good words, bad use, so your intro implies, you are boasting, seasoned writer would never do that. wrong impression on examiner.

second, your intro tells nothing about topic, its cliche intro, not your own, very bad actually.

The fundamental reason for more people drawn towards the urban cities is due to better career opportunities. Even if a person gets graduated with high grades from a village area, with respect to his job perspective, he has very limited options. In order that he pursue a competent career and a better future, he is ought to move to a city. Record says that 80% of the fresh graduates are unemployed in villages, while the rest 20 % take up some jobs which are not related to their studies. In such a situation, young people are compelled to migrate to cities.
at start it was a person, then he becomes he ?? how
wrong use of ought, it is moral thing, learn to use words, don't just use heavy words.

you know how to construct a basic paragraph, which is a good thing, most of people out there are oblivious about it.

its a 6.5 band para, goood

Secondly, parents wary for their young ones a lot. They always want to provide everything best to their wards especially in terms of education. In modern civilized cities, the quality of education, as well as the exposure the young ones get for extracurricular, is prodigiously high. Research shows that the kids grown up in cities are more proactive and competitive as compared to the kids brought up in a rural area. Thus parents who wish a brighter future for their kids chose to move to cities.
good reason, but not satisfying, feels odd, not smooth.

The movement of more people to the cities can cause enormous problems related to their health. While cities are growing denser every year, this aggravates the pollutions level, which in turn causes health issues making people fall sick. The unhealthy lifestyle of the people in cities also create tremendous effects. A research conducted by the World Health Organisation, reveals that the people who stay in rural areas have comparatively more lifespan that the people in urban areas. It also produces the reports that 2 in 10 people living in urban areas are becoming obese.
till "sick" its fine, after that, its out of context.

Another significant problem that arises due to this trend is degrading of the cultural and moral values of the country. It is often seen that people in cities follow western culture. While more and more kids are grown up in those environments, the country’s cultural values would get vanished. The people living in large cities are also seen emotionally detached. This is an obvious negative impact for the future generation as well as country’s traditional values.
I would say avoid these kind of explanations, read again and you will understand what I mean.

To conclude, in many countries inhabitants from rural areas are moving to larger cities due to better opportunities and exposures, which has many negative effects and problems which includes issues related to health and loss of traditional values. Hence government should take initiative in order to provide better opportunities in villages, so that people do not find a need to migrate
format is right, word use is wrong, content is missing or less convincing or irrelevant.
6.5 for sure
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Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
I've been following this thread for a while..bcoz I'm in the same boat too :(

Anyway, would you please check this essay for me?

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection, and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing, or should we be more suspicious of their benefits
No one can deny the fact that people have become more reliant on computers. They are now an integral part of many areas, such as business, hospitals, police investigations, aircraft… and so on. Personally, I tend to argue that computers will be used on large scale in the future and their negative impacts will be obvious to us.
argue ? why ?

bad paraphrasing or its not even a paraphrasing, introduction to this kind of topic need to be different.

Looking ahead, one of the most important areas that will profit from using computers is education. The learning process, in the future, will be completely through PCs. Students will find themselves dealing with these electronic devices instead of real teachers. For example, assignments will be submitted directly to the computers and will be corrected at a click away.
It is also expected that computers will be extensively used for military purposes. Weapons are likely to be controlled by computers which, in turn, will reduce the number of soldiers put at risk. In fact, there are currently plans to develop a tiny computer-based helicopter that needs no pilot.
Having said that, should we consider this as a negative or positive development? Despite their benefits, there is a quite possibility that computers will dramatically raise the percentage of unemployment. This is because people are being replaced by computer-based machines. More jobless means increase in poverty and less economic growth. It would be one of the most critical problems resulted from using computers in everything.
Worse still, it is possible that computers will be a real threat to humanity. If computers keep controlling everything, a small mistake will destroy the world, particularly in sensitive areas, such as; nuclear power plants.

To sum up, it is certain that computers have been extremely beneficial for us, however, we should be aware of any possible detrimental consequences that may result from over-using them.
6 or 6.5

I don't know if its me or you guys are writing nonsense stuff, what I am feeling

logic is not proper,
there is no flow
no thrill
its all boring mumbling.

leave grammar alone, atleast fulfill other 3 parts.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
@H0peAndFa1th @nns14

Could you please review my essay and share your feedback ?

Learning English at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out.
In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if so, how ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
Many local languages are vanishing from different cultures because of the preference given to English language. It is everyone’s responsibility to preserve local language and culture. Personally, I feel its important to save our language [????] though English is required for everyone in professional perspective. Along with that, this essay will discuss what are the steps that could be taken to save native languages.
start was good, but it is not according to the question.

Frankly speaking [????], a person can feel much more comfortable communicating in his own regional language. However, if we consider the global aspect, since majority of the people speak English all over the world, then its quite obvious that he or she has to learn the language to grow professionally. Is it really worth learning some other language at the cost of ignoring one’s own language ? [????] . No, even though English is required in jobs or other scientific research, its the mother tongue that makes people comfortable in socializing themselves with society. Therefore, English as a language is important, however, its only the native language which plays an instrumental role when it comes to expressing views of an individual freely without any hesitation.
your english is good, but content does not fulfill the paragraph requirements or essay topic.

it is irrelevant.

Nevertheless, many language scholars are worried about how to save their own language. There are few steps taken by the governments in this regard. The first and foremost is to include the local language as a mandatory subject in school curriculum. Furthermore, hiring skilled linguistic experts in schools to boost up the language learning capabilities in children. It's quite a good move, we all know the fact that school going children can grasp as many languages as possible, as their minds are fresh and really keen on learning anything. Of course, this intriguing quality of children which makes them quick learners. Continuing these kind of steps and coming up with further approaches like this in future would really help retaining mother language in our culture.
again same, english is good, out of context and irrelevant.

see, I feel it, what you are trying to say or explain, you are right from your point of view, but you have to write for essay topic, not for yourself.

try to understand this.

you somehow change the topic to something else.

To summarize, its our responsibility to save our own language. Learning other language is fine, but ignoring our own language is not at all acceptable. It has to be safeguarded somehow by taking necessary preventive steps. I firmly standby my opinion that local language should not be ignored at any cost.

same, not according to essay format or topic.

you could get 7 if you write on topic, this is 6 to 6.5
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Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
Hi. I am a newbie here, can someone help evaluate a sample of my essays? Thank you in advance. I have some spelling mistakes and did not have enough time to review and correct my typos. I kept my spelling mistakes in the text below.

Task1: You have just arrived in the city where you are going to spend two years for your master’s degree. You have a lot preparation to do before the new term stars,but you do not know how to go round the city. A friend you have newly acquainted offered you guidance and helped you through difficulties. Write a letter to express your thanks.

Dear Tina,

How have you been? I hope you are doing well in the first two weeks of the new semester. I am completely settled in my new apartment and I would like to thank you for your help.

On the first day of arrival, I was so lost as I did not know how to go around the city. I even had troubles trying to call the cab company. If it were not because of you, it would have taken me hours to get to the school. Also, with the guidance you offered, I managed to complete a lot of preparation for the new term. I registered for the International Connection program that you recommended. They are so nice and helpful. They helped me to find an apartment that is close to where I will have most of my classes and its price is reasonable.

Anyway, I appreciate your help so much and hope that we can hang out together soon. Please let me know when you have a day off. I will spend the coming two years here so I guess we still have a lot of chance to go to different places together.


Task 2: Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents in the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?
Both teachers and parents play important roles in the development of a child's intelligence and social skills. Some people believe that teachers have a greater influence. Although there may be some truth in this argument, I do not think that this is always the case.
so do you agree or disagree, make it clear next time. don't be a hero with this.

Admittedly, children spend a great number of hours in school where teachers have a greater influence than parents. A child is able to develop their intelligence while taking a variety of curriculums. By solving different academic problems, students develop analytical skills, reading skills, mathematical skills, and etc. In addition, when students are in school, they develope their social skills by making friends with children in their similar age. In this environment, teachers are influencial because they arrange school activities and group works and they usually provide better guidance to children.
most of content is out of context, irrelevant. I know you will feel like "WTF ?? :eek:"
but it is o_O

However, parents' influence to a child's intelligence and social skills can be significant as well. It is sometimes more important than that of the teachers. Before the age of schooling, children usually spend more time with their parents. Many parents pay great emphasis on early education. This means that a lot of them start to teach their children a lot of skills before they go to school. If parents spend more time with children, children will be able to develope intelligence earlier than other kids. Moreover, children is good at imitating what adults do. Parents have great influence on children's social skills because kids learn from their parents how to interact with different people in everyday life.
I am damn sleepy, and it is irrelevant..... can't make any sense.

All in all, in my opinion, both teachers and parents impact children's development of intelligence and social skills. Each of them work in a specific circumstance. Teachers do not always have a greater influence than parents.

okay I understand the conclusion, but don't know where it is coming from..

6 but they can give you 6.5 cuz they know its useless below 7 lol

please read this entire thread, post-by-post, understand how to write on context, on topic, don't digress.

understand what a topic is, your every sentence must be related to topic. but your most of sentences are out of topic.

write more complex sentences. complete your essay under 14 sentences.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
Hi Everyone,
Please take a look at my letter for Task 1 and give me your opinion. I have managed to gather all information in terms of forming and writing a normal letter.

Thanks in advance.

Each year, your company gives an Employee of the Year award to a worker who has performed exceptionally well. You believe that someone with whom you work should receive the award this year.
Write a letter to your supervisor. In the letter

- Describe your colleague’s job at the
- Describe a time you worked with this
- Explain why you believe this person
deserves the award;

Dear Ms. Jackson,

I am writing regarding this year's Employee of the Year award which will be performed [???] next month. I would like to recommend for the award my colleague John Smith from the Sales Department who has done an outstanding job over the last four months which resulted into the company's sales growth.

John is mainly responsible for all major sales at the company. He also provides excellent customer support to our clients upon selling and delivering all goods, makes sure all final frontiers are well satisfied with what they need prior to purchasing the company's products.

I have been working next to John since last January and learned a lot from him about the business strategies and the client approach. The company's sales results had vastly increased according to the business analysts from the Sales Department with John's active work.
I believe he deserves to be awarded simply because he has shown not only major success in the company's profit, but also helped many other employees develop their sales potential. I could say that he also has leadership skills and is ready to be promoted to e Sales Manager of the company. Therefore, please take him under consideration for the Employee of the Year award.

it fulfill the task, 6.5 for sure, may be it could even get 7

write more complex sentences.


Full Member
Dec 20, 2017
start was good, but it is not according to the question.

your english is good, but content does not fulfill the paragraph requirements or essay topic.

it is irrelevant.

again same, english is good, out of context and irrelevant.

see, I feel it, what you are trying to say or explain, you are right from your point of view, but you have to write for essay topic, not for yourself.

try to understand this.

you somehow change the topic to something else.

same, not according to essay format or topic.

you could get 7 if you write on topic, this is 6 to 6.5
Hi @H0peAndFa1th
Based on your feedback, I have done some modifications in my essay. Could you please check whether this is fine ?. To me it looks like, its on topic now after changing some of the sentences.

Learning english at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If tese are not taught, many are at risk of dying out.

In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if so, how ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

Many local languages are vanishing from different cultures because of the preference given to English language. A school is a primary place where one can start his language learning, if any language is ignored here, then it will definitely hurt the progress of language flourishing further. Personally, I feel its important to include local language as one of the subject in schools along with English. Adding English will fulfill the career prospects of students whereas including local language will ensure the language is carried forward to future generations. Apart from that, this essay will discuss what are the steps that could be taken so that native languages will not die away from regions which are highly dominated by English.

Naturally, a person can feel much more comfortable communicating in his own regional language when compared with foreign language such as English. However, if we consider the global aspect, since majority of the people speak English all over the world, then there is a need to learn this new language at school level to become proficient when students reach university studies. But, is it really worth learning some other language at the cost of ignoring one’s own language ?. No, even though English is required career wise further after school studies, its the mother tongue that makes people comfortable in socializing themselves with society. Therefore, English as a language might be important after high school, however, its only the native language which plays an instrumental role when it comes to expressing views of an individual freely without any hesitation.

Moreover, the next thing in everyone’s mind is how to save their mother tongue from the influence of English language. There are few steps taken by the governments in this regard. The first and foremost is to include the regional language as a mandatory subject in school curriculum according to the language that is spoken by most of the people within the region or province or a country. This move could definitely raise the bar of saving language from dominance of English. Furthermore, the other step could be hiring of skilled linguistic expert in schools to boost up the language learning capabilities in children. A step like this is of really great help to school students, we all know the fact that school going children can grasp as many languages as possible, as their minds are fresh and really keen on learning anything. Because of this quality in children which makes them quick learners. Continuing these kind of steps in schools and coming up with further approaches like this in future would really help retaining mother language in our culture.

To summarize, its our responsibility to save our own language, for that definitely we have to add our own local language in school subjects as this is the starting phase of language learning. Learning English language in school is fine, but ignoring mother language there is not at all acceptable. It has to be safeguarded somehow by taking necessary steps as explained. I firmly standby my opinion that local language should be included in schools at any cost along with English.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2017
Hi @H0peAndFa1th
Based on your feedback, I have done some modifications in my essay. Could you please check whether this is fine ?. To me it looks like, its on topic now after changing some of the sentences.

Learning english at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If tese are not taught, many are at risk of dying out.

In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if so, how ?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience
good, before further reading, let's set the criteria first.

so you know what we are exactly looking for...

there is 3 parts questions you need to answer

In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ?

obviously, your opinion

Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and,

It is not asking you to save it, but its implying that you must present an argument to save it, clever way to trick you....

if so, how ?

its pretty clear, how are you going to save other/local languages.

now if any of your paragraphs digress from any of these, you will loose bands.

What I am expecting, a clear opinion, a reason to save local language, a method to save it.

it could be like

intro with your clear opinion
BP1: reason to save
BP2: method to save
conclusion, which restate your opinion and importance of local language

I think its fair expectation...

we will do it sentence by sentence. Yupppp...

Many local languages are vanishing from different cultures because of the preference given to English language [ok]. A school is a primary place where one can start his language learning, if any language is ignored here, then it will definitely hurt the progress of language flourishing further [ok]. Personally, I feel its important to include local language as one of the subject in schools along with English[ok but not okay]. Adding English will fulfill the career prospects of students whereas including local language will ensure the language is carried forward to future generations[ok]. Apart from that, this essay will discuss what are the steps that could be taken so that native languages will not die away from regions which are highly dominated by English [not okay, I would say it is redundant, you think it is nice to tell but say it in other way, don't write long sentence like this one].

In your opinion, is it important for everyone to learn English ?

Personally, I feel its important to include local language as one of the subject in schools along with English

you should say, I feel learning English is not important for everyone.

clear and direct answer. please don't twist or confuse reader. bad for you.

You already gave the reason for your opinion, let's see if you are going to tell something new or repeating it or elaborating it.

Naturally, a person can feel much more comfortable communicating in his own regional language when compared with foreign language such as English[ok]. However, if we consider the global aspect, since majority of the people speak English all over the world, then there is a need to learn this new language at school level to become proficient when students reach university studies[ok]. But, is it really worth learning some other language at the cost of ignoring one’s own language ?[ok]. No, even though English is required career wise further after school studies, its the mother tongue that makes people comfortable in socializing themselves with society[ok]. Therefore, English as a language might be important after high school, however, its only the native language which plays an instrumental role when it comes to expressing views of an individual freely without any hesitation[ok].
I think your reason to save local language is pretty clear.

Moreover, the next thing in everyone’s mind is how to save their mother tongue from the influence of English language[odd language]. There are few steps taken by the governments in this regard[not satisfying]. The first and foremost is to include the regional language as a mandatory subject in school curriculum according to the language that is spoken by most of the people within the region or province or a country[ok]. This move could definitely raise the bar of saving language from dominance of English[ok]. Furthermore, the other step could be hiring of skilled linguistic expert in schools to boost up the language learning capabilities in children[ok]. A step like this is of really great help to school students, we all know the fact that school going children can grasp as many languages as possible, as their minds are fresh and really keen on learning anything[ok]. Because of this quality in children which makes them quick learners. Continuing these kind of steps in schools and coming up with further approaches like this in future would really help retaining mother language in our culture[ok].
again pretty clear method to save, But don't know why, it stress my mind to read and comprehend it all.

I think your logical flow is little odd, or could say bad ?

To summarize, its our responsibility to save our own language, for that definitely we have to add our own local language in school subjects as this is the starting phase of language learning [bad]. Learning English language in school is fine, but ignoring mother language there is not at all acceptable[bad]. It has to be safeguarded somehow by taking necessary steps as explained [bad]. I firmly standby my opinion that local language should be included in schools at any cost along with English[bad].
It is not smooth, you have already said enough don't elaborate in conclusion. finish it in 2 short or one long sentences.

you are a complex person buddy, you think alot, I can tell. you put stress in your arguments, which is bad.

I could say it ranges from 6.5 (sure) to 7 (sure they won't give you 7 for this one )

one thing is clear, logical flow of paragraph is not so good. build things one after another, next must based on previous said thing. read this thread again. read every evaluation.
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Star Member
Jun 29, 2018
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05-02-2018, 10-07-2018
AOR Received.
Passport Req..
Getting 7 band in writing for the first time.....

So here is my results of 28th July test
Overall Band: 7.5
Listening: 7.5
Reading: 9.0
Writing: 7.0
Speaking: 7.0

I had my doubts about listening, so can't blame
reading, as usual 9, was easy one.
writing, this is first time for me to receive 7 in writing, so big win for me, but I was expecting 7.5 or above.
speaking 7, fine, but disappointed because same examiner awarded me 8 band in last test
This examiner was an Indian fellow, jolly good person.

I am pretty sure, re-evaluation of this test will improve bands in writing and speaking, but I don't want to waste money

more info: I got another test result from my re-evalutation of 24th May

reading : 9 , so didn't bother to recheck it
listening was 8.5, so same

speaking and writing both were 6.5

Writing remained same, but got 7.5 in speaking, that is 1 band jump
The examiner was a foreigner, took my test 2 times, yes the same person, and awarded me 6.5 band both times, despite huge difference in performance. I opted to recheck the second one, which was my best.

both test were taken via BC, at different locations.

let's take another test.....​
Do I trust IELTS system, its results or worth, NOPE I DON'T

I am just fulfilling a requirement, I need it, so they are simply taking a clear advantage of it,

A death by thousand cuts.....

I will bear it for better future.....

I was away, will be checking, writing, essay, letters from tomorrow, this is just a quick update, so you guys won't feel alone or something....
Dear hope and faith,
Hope to find you well.
My name is Dr. Bilal and I have attempted Ielts GT for Canada PR twice, last year. Luckily I got over the line and was able to meet CLB 9 in just second attempt, for which I am totally thankful to my dear Allah.
In first attempt (on 29th July 2017), I got:
L 7.0
R 8.0
W 6.0
S 7.0
In second attempt (on 9th September 2017), I got:
L 8.0
R 7.0
W 7.5
S 7.0
Now you can well imagine what feeling was it to improve your score from 6 to 7.5 in writing. I am very sure that all of you can achieve this. I am particularly quoting my own example to boost up confidence of you people.
Now I would like to help you people as well.
First of all please visit Ieltsliz website and get a basic idea about attempting the writing part of Ielts. Learn through the videos of Liz madam. You can also purchase the advance version of her lectures, although I did not purchase those.
Get an idea about the 4 basic criteria on which your writing is judged. I understand that many of you already know that. But still for your information, they are:
1- Lexical Resource
2- Coherence and Cohesion
3- Grammatical Range and Accuracy
4- Task Achievement
Get an idea about all of them, they weigh 25 percent each in building the final score of your writing. Task 2 is twice important as Task 1. Obviously all of you will be knowing that.
You will be penalized heavely if you write memorized essay or letter, also if you write under the minimum requirement of words, set for task 1 and 2. Also if you go off topic. These three parameters are mentioned on our writing sheets, under 'do not write below this line' caption.
The exam topics which I faced in 9th Sep attempt were:
Task 1: You and your friend has bought tickets for a movie in theatre. The show is scheduled to be in next week and you are busy with some other work which has arrived urgently. Now write a letter to your friend and cover following points in that letter:
Explain what the problem is
Suggest what he should do with your ticket.
Atleast 150 words.
Task 2- Nowadays many people are working from their homes and not going to attend their offices.
Does the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. What do you think?
Include examples from your own experience.
Write 250 words.
Try to use linker devices and include examples from your own experience. Paraphrase and paragraphing is very important. Learn that art please.
Now, I would like and encouage all of you to attempt answering these questions.
I will try to check your work, if I will be able to manage time. But if I cannoy catch up, then I request hope and faith to please mark your writing.
Best of luck to everyone.
I hope all this information will help you people.
Best Regards.
Dr. Bilal
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Star Member
Feb 23, 2018
Please evaluate this. I have taken 6 attempts. In this once I got 7 and remaining 6.5. Other modules pretty good at all times.

The perception of punishments given to crime among people differs. while some people argue it is necessary to have fixed punishments for all crime, others think that the motivation of crime should be taken into account for deciding on punishments. This essay will discuss both the arguments and finally outline my opinion.

Giving fixed punishment to all the crime would definitely make court proceedings cost effective and the process will be lot more quicker. This is because the judges are not required to spend lot of time in analyzing the case as already punishments are fixed. In addition , it saves money spent on investigating the crime. However, this is an unfair practice because some of the criminals does not deserve to the punishments given to them. For example, a person robbing a convenient store would not deserve the same punishment as a person robbing a bank because the degree of the crime is not as severe as the latter.

On the other hand, punishments given based on the circumstances and motivation make a perfect sense as it would ensure that law breakers are given fair trail and right punishment is handed to them. In fact this avoids to wrongly convict good people and their situation behind the unlawful matters. For instance, in countries like India where harassment against women are prevalent,the women might attempt to murder the criminals in order to protect themselves. If this would be analysed and given valuable judgements rather than considering it as a crime , the women would feel safer all over the country.This in turn would make the society safer.

On the whole, after analysing both sides ,in my opinion punishments should be given based upon all the factors which lead to the unlawful action rather than providing judgements based on the classification of the crime into types.


Star Member
Feb 23, 2018
I am frustrated with my result. August 2nd result is L n R 8, S 7, W 6.5. Done with 6 attempts . Don't know where I am lagging. I had taken course from ex- Ielts examiner and once got 7. In that result unfortunately in S got 6.5. Did EOR as well but no change. July result was too worse S n W 6. In all the tests R n L I am scoring 8 , but either in W or in S getting .5 less. Because of this I am waiting to increase my CRS.

Please some one share what really Ielts writing expects.