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Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship


Star Member
Jul 24, 2017
Can we do a peaceful protest? Everyone wearing masks while protesting?lol
The protest has been scheduled on 7th of November i Toronto and Montreal. All approvals have been obtained. Please check a Facebook page called "Advocates for Resumption of Canadian citizenship test" for more details. They will delete my post if i post links here.


Star Member
Apr 19, 2018
The protest has been scheduled on 7th of November i Toronto and Montreal. All approvals have been obtained. Please check a Facebook page called "Advocates for Resumption of Canadian citizenship test" for more details. They will delete my post if i post links here.
Is it a virtual protest?


Star Member
Sep 16, 2019
If you are saying that services have returned to near normal in most areas that is misinformation.

If you are claiming that the capacity of some people to some times obtain this or that service is representative of access to services these days, in the time of covid-19, that is blatantly misleading. Hundreds of PRs took the oath of citizenship and became citizens during the month of September. That does not mean IRCC has resumed normal citizenship application processing. That does not rebut the legitimate complaints of thousands of applicants whose applications are not progressing, not being processed.

The problem that is being addressed here, that it is time for the government to find a way, to make necessary adjustments, to proceed with grant citizenship application processing despite the difficulties imposed by Covid-19 is REAL.

As for drivers licences, for one example, consider the province of Ontario where more than one in three of all Canadians live, more than the combined population of any other two provinces, the current status is to NOT renew drivers licences unless the renewal can be done online. Indeed, the expiration dates for all Ontario drivers licences and vehicle licence plate stickers has been suspended until further notice. See https://www.ontario.ca/page/serviceontario-covid-19-coronavirus-response#section-1

Where it states:

Products that expired on or after March 1, 2020, have an extended expiry date until further notice. We will notify you when it is time to renew.​
This includes your:​
licence plate sticker​
driver’s licence​
health card​
Ontario Photo Card​
accessible parking permit​
many more products​
I used to respect you but you really don't have any idea what you are talking about. Either you don't live in Canada or you are unaware of anything.

Misinformation???? I did it myself

That banner you posted removed on September 5 2020.

I renewed my everything 2 weeks back and did my blood test.

You are really an imposter!!!


Star Member
Sep 16, 2019
It depends on what you need done. I’m in Vancouver and myself and friends are having to wait on some medical things. It depends on the backlog and how it pertains to what you are trying to get down. I have to get my MSP card renewed next month, I’ll see how that goes.
It was a normal blood test for the medicine i am taking
Clinic was empty.
Normal days without COVID - I had to wait 45 mins to 90 mins in the clinic
With COVID, wait time was less than 5 mins. It was all empty

With respect to service Canada. I did it online and it came in 7/10/13 days respectively
With my uncle as he is older than 75, he needed to visit service canada - whole process took along 1 hour (long line) and everything was received within 5 business days


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
It was a normal blood test for the medicine i am taking
Clinic was empty.
Normal days without COVID - I had to wait 45 mins to 90 mins in the clinic
With COVID, wait time was less than 5 mins. It was all empty

With respect to service Canada. I did it online and it came in 7/10/13 days respectively
With my uncle as he is older than 75, he needed to visit service canada - whole process took along 1 hour (long line) and everything was received within 5 business days
I wish I could do it online. I was actually surprised I had to go in as they have digital photos of me in their system that are only 4 years old. The only upside is that you have to have an appointment to go in. So, it should be pretty quick, just my picture taken and pay the fee.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
That banner you posted removed on September 5 2020.
I did not post a banner.

I did link and accurately quote the Service Ontario website. That page was updated October 23, 2020.

I renewed my everything 2 weeks back and did my blood test.
OK. And @almeida took the citizenship oath yesterday.
We completed our virtual Oath ceremony today and received the email invite on Sunday Oct 25th. now waiting for certificate.
So, again, if you are suggesting that because ONE individual (such as yourself), or a few hundred (like the number currently taking the citizenship oath every month), are able to obtain this or that service, that means providing services is back to normal, no, that logic does not work. As this topic illustrates, just because hundreds are currently taking the oath of citizenship does NOT mean processing or providing services has returned to normal. In many respects far from it.

So let's be clear. The problem is real. Processing citizenship applications has only PARTIALLY resumed (like many other services), and the biggest logjam continues to be that interviews and knowledge of Canada testing are not being done (with some exceptions).

I am not clear just what it is you are suggesting. I do know that many, many aspects of life and services continue to be disrupted in Canada. Any suggestion that everything is back to normal except processing citizenship applications, if that is your point, that is simply NOT accurate, NOT true.

And, frankly, that is one of the underlying issues here, recognizing that this Covid-19 situation will continue to cause major disruptions for some time to come. There will be NO return to "normal" anytime soon. It is time for the government to adapt. Time for the government to develop and implement alternative methods and means to carry out its mandate and provide the services mandated by law, including the grant of privileges like naturalized citizenship.


Hero Member
Aug 10, 2020
I have a little 'gift' for all the negatives and those who try everything to discourage people.

Legitimate and peaceful lobbying and pressure always make a difference. The spousal sponsors have proven it.

Here is an official communication from NDP MP Jenny Kwan (She is also the NDP citizen critic ), which she sent to the Minister of Immigration.

I remind you - just saying - that the NDP last saved the Trudeau government not one, but TWICE, from falling ... They have real power and a real balance of power. They can apply real effective pressure.

Thank you to all those who communicated with their deputies, and to all those who communicated with this deputy specifically ... We had already mentioned this idea in this thread specifically, here is the quotation of this same thread, which dates from last September 3 :


If you see this page, Jenny Kwan is the NDP critic for IRCC. Emailing her might be of some use.

So bravo to those who did it and who helped with this result (Note: It is not absolutely necessary to live in the constituency of a deputy to contact him, nothing prevents you from contacting, in addition to your local MP, other key personalities: The Prime Minister's office for example, IRCC, the minister's office, other MPs known for their pro-immigrant positions ... You should not be ashamed or afraid to communicate, we have nothing to lose anyway)

Below, the official communication from the deputy:



I am really happy. I want to thank again everyone who contacted their local MPs, and this MP specifically.

Our next step will be the demonstrations next month ... I hope the press will talk about it a lot. We should not be ashamed to say that we are doing lobying ... It is something legitimate. The spousal sponsors have done it before us ... And even the employees defended in court their "right" to profit from the code 699 indefinitely.

There is nothing wrong with defending a cause that is legitimate in our eyes, as long as we remain within the framework defined by laws, regulations, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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Hero Member
Aug 9, 2019
I have a little 'gift' for all the negatives and those who try everything to discourage people.

Legitimate and peaceful lobbying and pressure always make a difference. The spousal sponsors have proven it.

Here is an official communication from NDP MP Jenny Kwan (She is also the NDP citizen critic ), which she sent to the Minister of Immigration.

I remind you - just saying - that the NDP last saved the Trudeau government not one, but TWICE, from falling ... They have real power and a real balance of power. They can apply real effective pressure.

Thank you to all those who communicated with their deputies, and to all those who communicated with this deputy specifically ... We had already mentioned this idea in this thread specifically, here is the quotation of this same thread, which dates from last September 3 :

So bravo to those who did it and who helped with this result (Note: It is not absolutely necessary to live in the constituency of a deputy to contact him, nothing prevents you from contacting, in addition to your local MP, other key personalities: The Prime Minister's office for example, IRCC, the minister's office, other MPs known for their pro-immigrant positions ... You should not be ashamed or afraid to communicate, we have nothing to lose anyway)

Below, the official communication from the deputy:



I am really happy. I want to thank again everyone who contacted their local MPs, and this MP specifically.

Our next step will be the demonstrations next month ... I hope the press will talk about it a lot. We should not be ashamed to say that we are doing lobying ... It is something legitimate. The spousal sponsors have done it before us ... And even the employees defended in court their "right" to profit from the code 699 indefinitely.

There is nothing wrong with defending a cause that is legitimate in our eyes, as long as we remain within the framework defined by laws, regulations, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This is good. A glimmer of hope.
BIG thanks to all and sundry, who poured in their best efforts into this.


Star Member
Jun 29, 2020
I have a little 'gift' for all the negatives and those who try everything to discourage people.

Legitimate and peaceful lobbying and pressure always make a difference. The spousal sponsors have proven it.

Here is an official communication from NDP MP Jenny Kwan (She is also the NDP citizen critic ), which she sent to the Minister of Immigration.

I remind you - just saying - that the NDP last saved the Trudeau government not one, but TWICE, from falling ... They have real power and a real balance of power. They can apply real effective pressure.

Thank you to all those who communicated with their deputies, and to all those who communicated with this deputy specifically ... We had already mentioned this idea in this thread specifically, here is the quotation of this same thread, which dates from last September 3 :

So bravo to those who did it and who helped with this result (Note: It is not absolutely necessary to live in the constituency of a deputy to contact him, nothing prevents you from contacting, in addition to your local MP, other key personalities: The Prime Minister's office for example, IRCC, the minister's office, other MPs known for their pro-immigrant positions ... You should not be ashamed or afraid to communicate, we have nothing to lose anyway)

Below, the official communication from the deputy:



I am really happy. I want to thank again everyone who contacted their local MPs, and this MP specifically.

Our next step will be the demonstrations next month ... I hope the press will talk about it a lot. We should not be ashamed to say that we are doing lobying ... It is something legitimate. The spousal sponsors have done it before us ... And even the employees defended in court their "right" to profit from the code 699 indefinitely.

There is nothing wrong with defending a cause that is legitimate in our eyes, as long as we remain within the framework defined by laws, regulations, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Great news! Is this available on any links on NDP or the MP website that we can reference? Thinking of referencing this with my current MP again and would be good to get some sort of official link for this that I can include in the communication.
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Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
I have a little 'gift' for all the negatives and those who try everything to discourage people.
I don’t think anyone in this thread said not to contact their local reps. Pretty much everyone has said to do that. Many have spoken out against some of the rhetoric, harassment, slander, and conspiracy-ish accusation lobbied at the government, their employees, and fellow posters.

You aren’t giving a “gift”’to anyone. Many of us have worked hard lobbying our reps.

Just because people don’t agree with your methods, doesn’t make them negative or discouraging.
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Star Member
Jul 26, 2019
I wrote to Mr.Marco Mendicinos parliament email address and this is the response I received.


La version française suit

Thank you for your email addressed to the Honourable Marco E.L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Please note that all comments and questions are taken seriously, and although Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) cannot provide a personalized response to every message, we will review and consider all comments received.

Are you writing about any of the following subjects?

- Canadian Citizens who are abroad and are writing with an enquiry concerning their travel to Canada, please visit the Global Affairs Canada website https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/contact-contactez/index.aspx?lang=en;

- Deportations (see Canada Border Services Agency);

- Information about your application (visit IRCC’s Services and Information Website for information related to case status and processing times);

- Information about someone else’s application (you must be authorized to receive third‑party information – see Release of Information to an Individual);

- Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) application refusals and corresponding eligibility and admissibility considerations;

- Travel advice, including documents/requirements for travel or immigration to other countries;

- General information about visiting, living, working, or studying in Canada;

- Physical Presence Calculator for citizenship eligibility; and

- Allegations of fraud.

If so, please visit the IRCC Website, or IRCC’s online Help Centre for the information that you are seeking.

If you are writing about another topic, the service standard for a response to correspondence addressed to the Minister is six weeks if it is determined that a reply is warranted.

Thank you, once again, for taking the time to write to the Minister.

Merci pour votre courriel adressé à l’honorable Marco E.L. Mendicino, ministre de l’Immigration, des Réfugiés et de la Citoyenneté. Veuillez noter que tous les commentaires et toutes les questions sont pris au sérieux et bien qu’Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) ne peut fournir une réponse personnalisée à chaque message, nous examinerons et considérerons tous les commentaires reçus.

Ecrivez-vous sur l’un des sujets suivants?

- Les citoyens canadiens qui sont à l’étranger et qui écrivent concernant leur voyage de retour au Canada, peuvent consulter le site Internet des Affaires mondiales Canada à l’adresse suivante : https://www.international.gc.ca/gac-amc/contact-contactez/index.aspx?lang=fra ;

- Les expulsions (voir l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada);

- Des informations sur votre demande (voir le site Service et renseignements d’IRCC pour l’information concernant l’état d’une demande et des délais de traitement);

- Informations sur la demande de quelqu’un d'autre (vous devez être autorisé à recevoir des informations de tiers – voir Communication de renseignements personnels à une personne désignée) ;

- Le refus des demandes de visa de résident temporaire (VRT) et les considérations liées à la recevabilité et à l’admissibilité;

- Conseil aux voyageurs, y compris les documents/exigences pour les voyages ou l’immigration vers d’autres pays;

- Comment visiter, vivre, travailler ou étudier au Canada.

- Calculatrice de la période de présence effective pour les demandes de citoyenneté; et

- Allégations de fraude.

Si oui, Veuillez visiter le site Web d’IRCC ou le centre d'aide en ligne d’IRCC pour obtenir l’information que vous recherchez.

Si vous écrivez sur un autre sujet, veuillez noter que la norme de service pour répondre à la correspondance adressée au ministre est de six semaines, si une réponse est justifiée.

Merci encore une fois d’avoir pris le temps d'écrire au ministre


Hero Member
Jan 21, 2019
I'm crystal balling that after the above quoted letter (which appears to be not the first and only one) and hopefully an action next week (should there be more than 3-5 people) IRCC will only start scratching their heads on how to reply. And given the speed decisions are taken in Ottawa some time later in the year maybe at the end of November or in December there might be a vague reply saying something along the lines of "we're working on a solution that is not a quick fix and should things be optimistic we'll come up with a ready to be tested online solution some time in 2021". Alternatively they will open a "testing" testing location somewhere in Whitehorse to invite a total of 7 applicants a month to validate the necessary safety protocols which (the location) will subsequently close for further analysis, road map building, approvals and Union negotiations. And then (again hopefully) the pandemic will be over and testing centers will re-open.
At the end of the day Canada ranks #1 on the world's most transparent countries list... Afraid to even imagine how this call for information or dare say action would be treated elsewhere...
Just being ironic in case someone takes that for a plan ;)
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Star Member
Oct 9, 2015
I don’t think anyone in this thread said not to contact their local reps. Pretty much everyone has said to do that. Many have spoken out against some of the rhetoric, harassment, slander, and conspiracy-ish accusation lobbied at the government, their employees, and fellow posters.

You aren’t giving a “gift”’to anyone. Many of us have worked hard lobbying our reps.

Just because people don’t agree with your methods, doesn’t make them negative or discouraging.
Exactly, from what I’ve read all of the people here agreed that writing to their MP would be helpful, this has nothing to do with the more unasserted rhetoric he has been pushing (including public demonstrations in the middle of the second wave of Covid) and yet he is trying to claim it a his own victory... anyway I’m glad that Jenny started speaking up, let’s hope this brings us results soon!
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Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
Exactly, from what I’ve read all of the people here agreed that writing to their MP would be helpful, this has nothing to do with the public demonstrations (because they have not happened yet) and he is trying to claim it a his own victory... anyway I’m glad that Jenny started speaking up, let’s hope this brings us results soon!
Yeah, I’ll start banging my head against the wall if she gets a form letter telling her to check the website for updates. :)
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