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Can my case be accepted?


May 11, 2018

I am 31 years old, I live with my wife and two daughters in Brazil. I am a civil engineer with two specializations and work in a highly specialized engineering niche.

First, I would like to make an introduction to my case: Brazil is the champion country in lawsuits with approximately 3.9 million labor lawsuits, followed by Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain, respectively, with 593, 324, 302 and 199 thousand - numbers much lower than the first one. Because labor justice has always been protectionist with employees and extremely perverse with employers / entrepreneurs, many of the employees have timely viewed the issue as a way to make easy money thus moving the most absurd lawsuits against their former or even current employers, and worse, even without any foundation there are no consequences for the complainants' false testimony.

It happens that the company where I work (a company that integrates and in which I hold deep admiration and gratitude for what it provided), a construction company, employer of hundreds of employees was put in the middle of this policy of the Brazilian Labor Court being targeted dozens of actions in the labor courts with the most slanderous and slanderous accusations possible. Faced with this scenario, with a feeling of revolt and nonconformity, promptly put me at the disposal of the company to testify in their favor since I witnessed, lived and lived with the accusers. I testified in favor of the company in dozens of actions, with company succeeding in the vast majority of cases also because of my collaboration.

Having said that, after a while I have received various threats of death from me and my family through messages and phone calls, including mentioning the knowledge of the places where I and my wife attended with a high degree of precision. This fact has bothered me and negatively influencing my professional activities in my physical and emotional health. The case only worsens since the labor market that I work in, a highly specialized and tapered market, everyone knows even in many cases there is a degree of kinship close to the people that I live professionally with the claimants that I once witnessed in disfavor.

With this I would like to consult you to analyze my situation in order to immigrate as a refugee to Canada, I would point out that I have electronic copies of some of the cases I witnessed and / or represented the company as well as the Bulletin of Occurrence with this complaint. I turn to this extreme since my country, Brazil, does not give me any guarantee of safety and change of profession starting from scratch in another area of action in a country that is in crisis is disposable and it is preferable to restart my life in a country that I can contribute to my work and be rewarded with security and dignity - Canada.

Grateful for the attention


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
While IRCC considers all aspects when processing refugee claims, I doubt that your situation would qualify as strong grounds for granting refugee status. Your situation is one that falls under the laws of Brazil to resolve, and doesn’t meet the criteria for a refugee (generally human rights violations, war, religious persecution, gender issues, etc) and doesn’t, IMO, cover criminal issues within a country. Personally, I suspect a claim on the basis you have listed would ultimately be refused.
A better choice for you might be to immigrate to Canada under one of the current programs.
