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Citizenship test: Collective action required, or expect endless delays, years. Example of the effective lobbyng of people awaiting spousal sponsorship


Champion Member
Dec 15, 2018
I have been waiting since April 2019! the only change is the background check went complete end of July 2021; so 28 months just for the background check and even that I think is because I requested GCMS notes from IRCC, CBSA, and CSIS. The CSIS notes showed my BG was complete in mid-2020. Who knows how long the BG would have taken if I didn't get sick and tired of them and called and asked for ATIP.
At this rate, I have lost all hope that I will even receive my test invite in 2021. :confused: when I called a few months back, they said my BG is nonroutine, hence the long processing time. I wonder what's the hold up now that the BG is complete. If my BG check is complete, why an applicant from late 2020 receives a test invite and I have to wait? It just doesn't make sense.
Since April 2019 :eek: Wow. Unbelievable
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Champion Member
Dec 15, 2018
This... and not even 10 minutes, with the modern big scanners each case would have taken a minute or less. they take like 30 papers a minutes and give you 30 scanned files in whatever format you want. They should have started doing the scanning in Summer 2020, if not April 2020, when the shutdowns began. Having foresight is a characteristic of a good manager/leader. This is clear ineptitude and the person(s) responsible for this must be sacked. I would not recommend him/her/them to manage a convenience store.

I have got to say, asking for these ATIP notes is a great tool for putting pressure on IRCC and I thank the person who posted this.
This crisis showed that IRCC is not adaptable and innovative. It may seem much work to scan applications, but the time you spend in scanning, you save much more later.

How this will put pressure on them?


Hero Member
May 30, 2015
This... and not even 10 minutes, with the modern big scanners each case would have taken a minute or less. they take like 30 papers a minutes and give you 30 scanned files in whatever format you want. They should have started doing the scanning in Summer 2020, if not April 2020, when the shutdowns began. Having foresight is a characteristic of a good manager/leader. This is clear ineptitude and the person(s) responsible for this must be sacked. I would not recommend him/her/them to manage a convenience store.

I have got to say, asking for these ATIP notes is a great tool for putting pressure on IRCC and I thank the person who posted this.
Agreed this is a great tool and document, so let’s use it. We will need to contact media and share this document to show the extent of the disaster. To me IRCC should immediately stop intaking new applications until they manage and solve the existing issue. We have to plan and act now since federal government doesn’t like any noise now because of the election and on the other hand opposition and media love to see these kinds of things. So the time is now
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Star Member
May 24, 2016
This crisis showed that IRCC is not adaptable and innovative. It may seem much work to scan applications, but the time you spend in scanning, you save much more later.

How this will put pressure on them?
at least when they know the public has access to their internal communications and numbers, it would make them cognizant of the public.

I personally think the people responsible were a bunch of boomers with careers all in politics resistant to changing the procedures who thought the pandemic will blow over and things will go back to normal in a few months. They didn't have the foresight nor the desire to adapt and update and thought they could just wait it out. Meanwhile, cases piled on and on. Honestly, this much recklessness and indifference fill me with rage and disappointment.
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Hero Member
Oct 19, 2019
The quotations say they will prioritize older paper-based applications, but the reality still says otherwise. I have a solution to the paper-based problem in case of WFH continues: scanning each application takes less than 10 minutes. If the officer invests this time in each application so they can later access it from home, they could save much time later. If they keep going to office to bring files home, this will take forever.
I thought once they receive the paper application first thing they do is input all the information into their system. then the application is now digitalized and can be access by any visa office by accessing the file inside their server. If they are working from home they can still access their server by VPN or I am missing something here???? Or our applications are still on paper stocked somewhere waiting for an officer to physically access it ??


Champion Member
Dec 15, 2018
I thought once they receive the paper application first thing they do is input all the information into their system. then the application is now digitalized and can be access by any visa office by accessing the file inside their server. If they are working from home they can still access their server by VPN or I am missing something here???? Or our applications are still on paper stocked somewhere waiting for an officer to physically access it ??
I don't believe this is what happening. They study the file on papers, I think. If they were digitized, there wouldn't be an issue when working from home, except for the test. What's entered in the system I think is the updates on the files, not the file itself. I maybe wrong


Star Member
May 24, 2016
I thought once they receive the paper application first thing they do is input all the information into their system. then the application is now digitalized and can be access by any visa office by accessing the file inside their server. If they are working from home they can still access their server by VPN or I am missing something here???? Or our applications are still on paper stocked somewhere waiting for an officer to physically access it ??
this is a quote from the document:
This approach will also provide : flexibility in the event of continuing public health restrictions, allowing for work-sharing, processing applications remotely, especially while IRCC's employees are working from home, and an increased percentage of e-apps to be processed to meet monthly targets if access to paper files is restricted.
It seems like in the year 2021, at IRCC, it is exactly as you described.
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Hero Member
Oct 19, 2019
It seems like in the year 2021, at IRCC, it is exactly as you described.
This department really needed a lot of reforms longtime ago and covid-19 has just showed how inapt they are or they were. Maybe because this is public sector and they don't receive a lot of subventions. In today world including my work I can access any files any where in the world inside my employer's network ( company does business in more than 99 countries worldwide), now I see why they are so upside down now with papers applications everywhere.
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Hero Member
May 30, 2015
So we should be lucky that an officer goes into the office and pick our application? They don’t do any review for the test, why they are not sending the invites at least???
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Hero Member
Dec 16, 2019
The first few pages mentioned “ negative social media “ and “communication strategies “ of been proactive. I mean, it doesn’t seems to me they want real progress, but instead. “showing progress” .

My Biggest fear is that if canada decided all federal worker will have options to work permanently from home, what will happen to us?

Will they force us to re-apply online after years of waiting already? I am not sure if they cares how we feeling right now!!!
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Full Member
Sep 1, 2021
Kevin H
To: marco.mendicino@parl.gc.ca, minister@cic.gc.ca, justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Blair.Haddock@cic.gc.ca, Angelyn.tsegaye@cic.gc.ca, Peter.Mielke@cic.gc.ca, Giulia.Carlucci@cic.gc.ca, Symone.Shaw@cic.gc.ca, Brown.Abby@cic.gc.ca, Hanna.Foster@cic.gc.ca, Cinthia.Roberge@cic.gc.ca, Vicky.Hou@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.ADMOOperations-OperationsBSMA.IRCC@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.OPPDGO-BDGPRO.IRCC2@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.CNDGO-BDGRC.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
Dear Hon. Marco Mendicino, Minister of IRCC:

My name is Kevin, and I usually read your news release emails sent out quite often lately, with a lot of excitement over how Canada under your leadership has expanded its immigration program to support newcomers, refugees, and skilled migrants alike. However, I ought to write this message to you, copying your colleagues at HQ and for an issue facing many people who have had to wait for an answer to their citizenship applications from IRCC Calgary in the past years. I can assure you those copied in this email understand the issues very well, so they should be the first people you should consult with. Please do not avoid this problem any longer – this message will also be shared with the media and some relevant stakeholders. Seriously please stop consider IRCC a gatekeeper with absolute above-the-law authority, while looking at immigrants like needy beggars. We have had enough of this attitude from IRCC!!! Smirking?

Sir, while it is great for you to focus on strengthening Canada’s positive image on immigration influx, please also investigate your in-house operational problems, one of which is happening domestically right in Canada: an unusual delay in processing citizenship applications across IRCC offices. Citizenship is an equally important mandate of IRCC, as it is a big milestone in the integration process of immigrants into Canada, and many people are suffering the wait from this. Some MPs are even working with their affected constituents to identify possible legal avenues for application fee refunds as pressure to IRCC.

On client communication, it sucks! Most messages sent to minister@cic.gc.ca will get a standard reply repeatedly quoting challenges due to COVID. Very similarly, messages sent to IRCC Calgary about specific citizenship inquiries would almost always have no response, except a sympathy-seeking autoreply that says: “Due to the limitations caused by COVID-19 this past year, our processing times have increased, for this we are truly sorry and thank you for your patience.” Sir, it is time for IRCC to stop “being sorry” and to begin addressing the issues, whether from the office or remotely from home. Do the jobs IRCC staff are paid for, which are funded by taxes and hefty application fees. People pay the fees expecting an adequate service in return, you can't always say sorry and not doing enough of your paid jobs!

According to some classified documents obtained by the press [1], as of January 31, 2021, 50% of the cases processed by IRCC Calgary has been in process 13 months or more, after they were transferred to this office from CPC-S, whereas it is claimed on IRCC website the average TOTAL processing time for citizenship grants is 12 months. Does this sound alarming to you? Does this mean half the number of applications going through Calgary is being treated as non-routine?

Many members on CanadaVisa.Com forum have created and maintained their own shared trackers of citizenship application progress. You can check and see how IRCC Calgary is responding to those applied in 2019, and perhaps understand where the frustration comes from.


Is IRCC Calgary one of the few offices facing COVID challenges? Are they not getting proper guidance and support from HQ to keep up a normal pace during pandemic times like other offices in the country? Is their leadership not competent enough to run the office through crisis and maintain a normal service standard for clients? If so, what kinds of crisis are they experiencing? If not so, what is behind the scene that HQ has not seen? A lot of questions remain mysterious to the public, and probably to your team at HQ, as to why this office has been quite inefficient in the past years.

If the processing time is stated on the IRCC website for citizenship as 12 months, should it be understood as a nationwide standard? Many Calgary-based applicants who have applied 2 - 2.5 years ago HAVE NOT become citizens - please ask your staff for stats to confirm this! Why is there such a disadvantage for applicants from one particular region, given the fact all of them across the country have fulfilled the same requirements as law-abiding immigrants, paid the same amount of application fee, and undergo presumably a similar vetting process? Should these immigrants regret their decision to settle in Calgary and now having to face citizenship delays? This is shameful in the digital age 4.0, and in a country that promotes inclusiveness, fairness, and technology.

Lastly, I want to say, immigrants who choose to live in Canada want to become good citizens eventually, and it makes sense that Canada fulfills that wish for them in exchange for all the economic benefits they bring to the country. Putting people through so much undue stress and hurdles to becoming citizens due to IRCC’s lack of competency is irresponsible of a federal agency, an unfortunate thing for the system, as there are so much out there IRCC can do or learn from other peer countries to improve right on the next day! As Canadians are heading to polls for federal election in a few weeks, tens of thousands of could-have-been citizens are missing this opportunity, not having their voices heard on key issues like COVID-19 through the vote, because of a systematic failure – Canada should be sorry for this! An old saying that never goes old: when there is a will, there is a way.

Kevin Stenner

[1]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SQPJW0MKT3-HkynGtOsnPynhicLjpYTu/view


Champion Member
Dec 15, 2018
Kevin H
To: marco.mendicino@parl.gc.ca, minister@cic.gc.ca, justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Blair.Haddock@cic.gc.ca, Angelyn.tsegaye@cic.gc.ca, Peter.Mielke@cic.gc.ca, Giulia.Carlucci@cic.gc.ca, Symone.Shaw@cic.gc.ca, Brown.Abby@cic.gc.ca, Hanna.Foster@cic.gc.ca, Cinthia.Roberge@cic.gc.ca, Vicky.Hou@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.ADMOOperations-OperationsBSMA.IRCC@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.OPPDGO-BDGPRO.IRCC2@cic.gc.ca, IRCC.CNDGO-BDGRC.IRCC@cic.gc.ca
Dear Hon. Marco Mendicino, Minister of IRCC:

My name is Kevin, and I usually read your news release emails sent out quite often lately, with a lot of excitement over how Canada under your leadership has expanded its immigration program to support newcomers, refugees, and skilled migrants alike. However, I ought to write this message to you, copying your colleagues at HQ and for an issue facing many people who have had to wait for an answer to their citizenship applications from IRCC Calgary in the past years. I can assure you those copied in this email understand the issues very well, so they should be the first people you should consult with. Please do not avoid this problem any longer – this message will also be shared with the media and some relevant stakeholders. Seriously please stop consider IRCC a gatekeeper with absolute above-the-law authority, while looking at immigrants like needy beggars. We have had enough of this attitude from IRCC!!! Smirking?

Sir, while it is great for you to focus on strengthening Canada’s positive image on immigration influx, please also investigate your in-house operational problems, one of which is happening domestically right in Canada: an unusual delay in processing citizenship applications across IRCC offices. Citizenship is an equally important mandate of IRCC, as it is a big milestone in the integration process of immigrants into Canada, and many people are suffering the wait from this. Some MPs are even working with their affected constituents to identify possible legal avenues for application fee refunds as pressure to IRCC.

On client communication, it sucks! Most messages sent to minister@cic.gc.ca will get a standard reply repeatedly quoting challenges due to COVID. Very similarly, messages sent to IRCC Calgary about specific citizenship inquiries would almost always have no response, except a sympathy-seeking autoreply that says: “Due to the limitations caused by COVID-19 this past year, our processing times have increased, for this we are truly sorry and thank you for your patience.” Sir, it is time for IRCC to stop “being sorry” and to begin addressing the issues, whether from the office or remotely from home. Do the jobs IRCC staff are paid for, which are funded by taxes and hefty application fees. People pay the fees expecting an adequate service in return, you can't always say sorry and not doing enough of your paid jobs!

According to some classified documents obtained by the press [1], as of January 31, 2021, 50% of the cases processed by IRCC Calgary has been in process 13 months or more, after they were transferred to this office from CPC-S, whereas it is claimed on IRCC website the average TOTAL processing time for citizenship grants is 12 months. Does this sound alarming to you? Does this mean half the number of applications going through Calgary is being treated as non-routine?

Many members on CanadaVisa.Com forum have created and maintained their own shared trackers of citizenship application progress. You can check and see how IRCC Calgary is responding to those applied in 2019, and perhaps understand where the frustration comes from.


Is IRCC Calgary one of the few offices facing COVID challenges? Are they not getting proper guidance and support from HQ to keep up a normal pace during pandemic times like other offices in the country? Is their leadership not competent enough to run the office through crisis and maintain a normal service standard for clients? If so, what kinds of crisis are they experiencing? If not so, what is behind the scene that HQ has not seen? A lot of questions remain mysterious to the public, and probably to your team at HQ, as to why this office has been quite inefficient in the past years.

If the processing time is stated on the IRCC website for citizenship as 12 months, should it be understood as a nationwide standard? Many Calgary-based applicants who have applied 2 - 2.5 years ago HAVE NOT become citizens - please ask your staff for stats to confirm this! Why is there such a disadvantage for applicants from one particular region, given the fact all of them across the country have fulfilled the same requirements as law-abiding immigrants, paid the same amount of application fee, and undergo presumably a similar vetting process? Should these immigrants regret their decision to settle in Calgary and now having to face citizenship delays? This is shameful in the digital age 4.0, and in a country that promotes inclusiveness, fairness, and technology.

Lastly, I want to say, immigrants who choose to live in Canada want to become good citizens eventually, and it makes sense that Canada fulfills that wish for them in exchange for all the economic benefits they bring to the country. Putting people through so much undue stress and hurdles to becoming citizens due to IRCC’s lack of competency is irresponsible of a federal agency, an unfortunate thing for the system, as there are so much out there IRCC can do or learn from other peer countries to improve right on the next day! As Canadians are heading to polls for federal election in a few weeks, tens of thousands of could-have-been citizens are missing this opportunity, not having their voices heard on key issues like COVID-19 through the vote, because of a systematic failure – Canada should be sorry for this! An old saying that never goes old: when there is a will, there is a way.

Kevin Stenner

[1]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SQPJW0MKT3-HkynGtOsnPynhicLjpYTu/view
Nice although strongly worded in some places. I wish you made it more general, as the Montreal office is even slower than Calgary I believe. Let us know if you hear anything.
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