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IELTS - Writing - For Band 7 or Above.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2018
Please evaluate my first essay.

"Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by the artificially intelligent robots" what is your opinion?

Artificially intelligent robots now becoming more and more smart and intellectual. Some people believe that majority of the jobs will be execute by them, however other believe that jobs that required human interaction will not be overtake by the robots. This essay will discuss only few jobs will be execute by human where it required human interaction rather that robots.

Firstly, there are jobs that do not required any human intervention to complete and those can be done better, faster and efficiently by the robots than the person that required significant amount of time in some cases. For example, in medicine, robots can diagnose the symptoms of cancer faster and accurately then the doctors. Moreover, robots can work around the clock unlike the human and therefore more work can be done in less amount of time. Hence, jobs like diagnosis might replace completely by the robots.

Apart from this, few jobs that required human dependency, required personal to execute. Artificially intelligent robots don’t have emotions like the human have, for instance, taking care of the children in child care unit will required kind care taker understanding the child behaviour and need that robot cannot understand. Furthermore, robot cannot help with the land cultivation as well as sow the seeds. Only farmers can do far better and effectively than robots. For these reasons not all the jobs can be done by the robots.

In conclusion, intelligent robots might be replace jobs that required more accuracy and speed, while other jobs still required humans.

In conclusion, some jobs might be replace by the intelligent robots such as those that required more accuracy and speed, while I believe, jobs that required human touch will always exists.
Aug 4, 2015
Hi Cansha, As per your advise, i worked on it. So, Please have a look if i have improved any further.

Question -

In Many Cities today, most people live in large apartment blocks, does this kind of accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages?

These days majority of the people stay in huge apartments which has both pros & cons of this type of living, Aspects of both sides will be discussed further in this essay. However, I think that it has more merits.

Living in sky touching building apartment could be a dream for many of us, as there are plenty of advantages of this kind of accommodation. Firstly, the biggest positive point is that it is well protected in terms of security from thefts & robbery as the entry of unknown person is usually restricted. Secondly, the maintenance & services, Although, residents are obligated to pay annual maintenance fees but it is worth because all apartments gets uninterrupted supply of electricity & water, For instance, if there is any fault in your water pipe then a permanent plumber available 24x7 at one call to rectify it.

However, residing in apartment has some negative aspects attached to it as well, the major drawback is no communication with other Flat mates, generally, we get to see that people mind to their own business in apartments resulting which you feel bored, lonely at times & further, insufficient parking space is another hitch, every apartment owner is allotted a limited area of parking unlike independent houses which have the freedom to build house as per their requirements including parking space.

By concluding, accommodation in apartment blocks has more positives than negatives in terms of safety, convenience & pleasant environment which i believe would be the first choice of any human being for living.


Hero Member
Oct 20, 2017
I hope you can take some time to give me an estimate band score. I’ve read many of your comments on essays and I’d like to gain any good advice as I’ve been through the IELTS thrice with a 6.5 in writing and 8.5s in all other sections.

(253 word)

Some People encourage the idea of moving out of their family homes while others dont.
Discuss both sides & Give your opinion and give examples.

Nowadays many adolescents are looking forward to move out of their parents house to be independent. Many people assert that many advantages come with adolescents moving out of their family homes. Others, including myself, feel that living away from your family could have a negative impact. In this essay, I will discuss both point of views and give reasons to support my own before reaching a conclusion.

Owing it to technological advancements, people can reach their families easily through internet programs like Skype,Watsapp and Viber. Many adolescents move out to live in dormitories or with friends in an apartment. Furthermore living alone teaches one to become independent. Mostly, nowadays teenagers move out of their family homes to experience the ultimate freedom they are yearning for.

However, there are some disadvantages to moving out. Humans tend to be comfortable around people they know well or familiar to such as, family members.
For example, a recent study in the U.S shows that almost 85% of international students had mild depression. Unlike in the past, parents have become more open minded and are willing to give their children space to develop and understand their skills, talents and hobbies. Therefore it is not necessary to leave the family home to gain freedom anymore.

To conclude, after discussing the pros on cons of adolescents moving out of their family homes, it’s not hard to see that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Personally, I opine that since parents have become more open minded, a person can experience freedom while enjoying the company of their loved ones.


Star Member
Aug 21, 2018
Go to www.engvid.com and www.goodluckielts.com, I tried their tips on writing and got 7 and 7.5 in writing sections of my IELTS. Also go through Barrons 1100 word list.

I believe writing needs a proper format (structure, transitions, examples etc) and usage of some good vocabulary, if you have these two, 7 shouldn't be an impossible task.
There are different instructors, which of them did you follow up to hit 7? thanks I'm referring to "engvid.com"


Star Member
Aug 21, 2018
As some of you may have already know it, Today we have received results of 13 October test, well they came positive for me, finally!

Overall Band: 8.0
Listening: 8.5
Reading: 8.5
Writing: 7.0
Speaking: 7.0

I was waiting for it, kinda frustrated, that was the reason why I was reluctant to review your essays. I hope my journey will help you.

this was my 8th test this year, starting from 6th Jan 2018.

few details,
Listening: It ranged from 7 to 8.5 - never got 9
Reading: It ranged from 7.5 to 9 - mostly 9
Writing: 6.5 in 6 tests, 7 in two, including this one
Speaking: ranged from 6.5 to 8 - even got 6.5 to 7.5 via reevaluation

What inhibited me from achieving the required scores ?

Listening: I think, because this is the first section, nervousness, an agitated state, frustration, I even missed first ones which are the easiest ones. And sometimes because of a map, directions, MCQ, It boils down to your luck. A split second distraction can cost you a half band. For this there's is only one tip, increase the speed of your practice listening tests, and keep listening BBC Radio stations all the time, even in toilet, keep it running beside your pillow while you are sleeping

Reading: I read alot, It helps me calm, I enjoy it, busting IELTS tricks gives me thrill, but sometimes answers are totally vague, you can not be 100% sure.

Speaking: I am not a people person, I avoid strangers, unnecessary talks, conversations, have traits of an Introvert, So even hesitated in first introductory questions, most of the times my two minutes speaking topic was short in length, because it's hard for me to cook-up fake stories, but I always engaged well in Part 3, follow up questions, there are reasons, two part questions, they will keep asking why, and I love answering whys of my views. I speak my mind, and fortify it with examples, reasons etc. Most of the times examiners enjoyed talking to me because I don't cave-in, I always note or keep an eye on their eyebrows, their stressed forehead, inquisitive questions, a state of wondering, more question coming out of my own statements, lengthy conversation of consisting of 12 to 20 questions --- this all tells me, its going fine. If your part is ending quickly, say less than 10 questions or they are not asking questions from your own answers, means you are in a danger zone, some examiners like to cut short, they don't give the time to explain and you end up getting 6.5

Writing: There are many contributing factors for writing section, they vary individually, In-fact this whole thread is about it.
> I was out of practice, wrote nothing substantial by hand in last 10 years.
> My grammar was always weak, still struggling, blame the teachers I have got till 10th standard.
> I think alot before writing a line or sentence, a quest to make it perfect, never got the time to review my essay, even once.
> tendency to digress, said something, then started explaining it, which went south, failed badly in task achievement, wrote irrelevant stuff entirely.
> spelling mistakes, blame my computer for that.

To improve it.
> made myself known to their assessing criteria, mainly Task achievement.
> learned to write longer sentences, complex and compound, a content rich sentences with more meat.
> most Important - write essay under 30 minutes, letter 15 minutes, count words, review it, check articles -spell errors. etc.

well If you are new here, start reading this thread from first post, most of us are making same mistakes and getting same 6.5 bands.

some other thoughts ::

Now some of you heard that - IELTS is a scam, yes surely it is, I have no doubt in this statement.

but this should not deter you from improving yourself, you have to admit/own your mistakes, then improve them all.

is this entirely an English language test ?
nope it is not, they test your IQ and EQ too, your psychology plays great role in this test.
prepare well, trust yourself, be calm, think that you can always come and take this test again, have the budget and mental toughness to go through it, It is a high wall if others can climb it you can do it too.

Consider yourself lucky, if you got 8777 in first attempt, or even in first 3 attempts.

Best of luck to everyone involved in this thread or even reading as a guest,

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations. Long time without visit this site. All the best in your life.
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Full Member
Feb 19, 2018
Kindly evaluate my essay I have exam on 19 January getting 6.5 every time .
Nowadays children prefer electronic games to other games and toys? Why is it happening ?is it a positive or negative development?

Technology has affected each and every section of life, starting from education,business and ways of living. Likewise, there is a considerable change in the choice of games played.lately, children are more inclined towards electronic games than conventional television plays. Although, this preference is justifiable but it is not at all a positive development
Lack of playgrounds and open spaces is the prime reason, because majority of population is shifting to cities to attain better lifestyles but houses in urban area are so congested that there is no scope of playing any outdoor games so they have to opt for electronic games. Secondly, online games are programmed on the principle of reward system ,where players are offered virtual gifts after completing each level which motivates them to play again to receive high points.
Lack of social skils,on the other hand , is the prime negative consequence of computerised games,because youngsters are highly influenced by virtual world of sports entertainment that they are neither interactive with others nor inquisitive about societal issues. To substantiate my view, it is commonly seen that students discuss about trending games and their progress in those games, oblivious to national affairs and currrent issues. Moreover,internet games are addictive resulting in wastage of precious time which can be spent in a constructive ways. It is evident by significant drop in the academic grades of students.
Another demerit is hazardous effect on sensory and motor functions owing to emission of harmful radiations from mobile and computer screens. So poor physical health is also cause of concern.
To sum up,albeit computerised games are essential part of contemporary world yet its disadvantages supersedes the advantages.Ergo, playing such games should be minimised.Kind


Sep 26, 2016
Hi Guys
a bit of update, 7 in writing is achievable and not that difficult, as it all depends on your writing style and the examiner who will correct it.

some of the feedback that i found useful in this site.

1. always try to keep it simple, don't try to write very complex and difficult sentences, of course try to mix simple and complex but keep the vocab and the essay style simple don't overdo yourself.

2. for introduction after paraphrasing, add your thesis and connect your central ideas that you will use in the body paras. Cansha explained that many times, i found it very helpful.

3. try to include a contrast as the last sentence of your body para, to showcase your ideas and that the other idea is weak specially in the discussion/Opinion essays.

4. always use 2 or 3 body para not more than that.

5. try to be yourself, if you are getting 8+ in reading n listening that means you have the skills, you need to calm down and approach the writing section with confidence.

6. I will advise those who are good in typing to go for CB ielts, as you will have it easy to rewrite and correct your essay, also the word count will be visible.

7. I dont know if this is helpful, but when you are registering for ielts, dont chose immigration, chose for employment reasons, as you will not lose anything by doing so.

Finally i would like to thank @cansha, @H0peAndFa1th and the rest of the guys for there efforts here, I have used many websites and several correction services but most of the useful feedback i got it here.

keep up the good job and God bless you all.


Star Member
Aug 21, 2018
I'm back. My next attempt would be on February 23rd. During 5 weeks, I was taking a course only focus on writing. The teacher is an ex-writing examiner, now just assesses speaking. No new info, just the same essays structure, same tips and strategies, etc. However, thanks to these classes, I was able to identify my big obstacle: I did not know how to generate ideas and was directly to compose and write. Big mistake. Now and then I would be publishing my drafts here with the same hope: vacuum some positive feedback from you guys.

And CONGRATULATIONS to @hope, I've just read his wonderful news. All the best!!!
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Please evaluate my first essay.

"Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by the artificially intelligent robots" what is your opinion?
Artificially intelligent robots are now becoming more and more smart and intellectual. Need a better line this.

Some people believe that majority of the jobs will be execute executed by them, however other others believe that jobs that required require human interaction will not be overtake overtaken by the robots. This essay will discuss only few jobs will be execute executed by human beings where it required human interaction rather that robots. where human interaction is needed.
You need lot of work on your grammar. There are two ways of looking at it. One the errors are very basic and should not be done and hence it is bad. Second way of looking at it is that errors are of similar in nature and hence can be fixed if you really put in effort and apply yourself. So all the best.

If we ignore the grammatical errors, even then the introduction is okayish. Need to work a bit on introduction.

Firstly, there are jobs that do not required require any human intervention to complete and those can be done better, faster and efficiently by the robots than the person that required significant amount of time in some cases.

For example, in medicine, robots can diagnose the symptoms of cancer faster and accurately then than the doctors.

Moreover, robots can work around the clock unlike the humans and therefore more work can be done in less amount of time. Hence, jobs like diagnosis might replace completely by the robots.
So the content is not bad. It is on point and actually you have good idea. But you really need to get better with grammar.

Apart from this, few jobs that required human dependency, required personal to execute. Whole sentence is weirdly phrased and incorrect.

Artificially intelligent robots don’t do not (do not use contractions in formal essay) have emotions like the humans have, for instance, taking care of the children in child care unit will required kind care taker understanding the child behaviour and need that robot cannot understand. Furthermore, robot cannot help with the land cultivation as well as sow the seeds. Only farmers can do far better and effectively than robots. For these reasons not all the jobs can be done by the robots.
I understand the ideas and they are good but as I said you really need to work on your grammar and English. It is not a quick fix. My suggestion would be to enroll with some classes where they can work with you from basics. Just correcting a few sentences in essays won't help much. You have no issues in terms of ideas in the essay.

In conclusion, intelligent robots might be replace jobs that required more accuracy and speed, while other jobs still required humans.

In conclusion, some jobs might be replace by the intelligent robots such as those that required more accuracy and speed, while I believe, jobs that required human touch will always exists.
Why are there two conclusion lines?

So the positive is that you can think of ideas. Your ideas are on point and as far as task response is concerned you are on point. Many people have better English than you but task response is not good. So, everyone has some weakness or strong points.

But sadly, your grammar has issues and you really need to pick up your written English. It won't happen without dedicated effort. But, it won't take a long time either. I think you need 4-6 weeks of effort focused on your grammar and basics. My best advise would be to work with an English tutor to do this.

All the best!


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi Cansha, As per your advise, i worked on it. So, Please have a look if i have improved any further.

Question -

In Many Cities today, most people live in large apartment blocks, does this kind of accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages?
These days majority of the people stay in huge apartments which has both pros & cons of this type of living, Aspects of both sides will be discussed further in this essay. However, I think that it has more merits.
Do you follow IELTS Liz. The sentence highlighted in red is literally #1 on this list http://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-tips-sentences-to-avoid/
You can give a little bit more glimpse of your essay to make your essay unique and interesting. So for example expand on the last line a bit

However, I think living in apartment complexes has more merits like better security and maintenance services (or whatever your ideas are from your essay). This will set your essay apart from anyone else who is just writing opinion in the intro para.

Living in sky touching building apartment could be a dream for many of us, as there are plenty of advantages of this kind of accommodation. Sentences like these don't really help much. There is no point on topic it is just a statement. Come to the point sooner.

Firstly, the biggest positive point is that it is well protected in terms of security from thefts & robbery as the entry of unknown person is usually restricted. Secondly, the maintenance & services, Although, residents are obligated to pay annual maintenance fees but it is worth because all apartments gets uninterrupted supply of electricity & water, For instance, if there is any fault in your water pipe then a permanent plumber is available 24x7 at one call to rectify it.
I agree with the ideas and they are on point but sentences could be better.

However, residing in apartment has some negative aspects attached to it as well,

the major drawback is no communication with other Flat mates, generally, we get to see that people mind to their own business in apartments resulting which you feel bored, lonely at times & further, insufficient parking space is another hitch, every apartment owner is allotted a limited area of parking unlike independent houses which have the freedom to build house as per their requirements including parking space.
This whole passage is haphazard and the message is not clear to me. You are saying one of the drawback of living in apartments is there is no interactions with others. But, if you live in houses does it mean you have better interaction with other people who live in houses. See it doesn't make sense. You are trying to compare living in house vs living in apartment. This point doesn't work.

Plus the phrasing is so confusing. you move from being lonely to parking space in one sentence. The messaging seems confusing with such sentence structures.

By concluding, accommodation in apartment blocks has more positives than negatives in terms of safety, convenience & pleasant environment which i believe would be the first choice of any human being for living.
I don't think task response is good enough on this one. I have not corrected sentence and grammar mistakes on this one. But the sentence in para 2 is too confusing to read.

Sorry but I will keep repeating same feedback. For your initial essays don't worry about time limit. Really work on idea generation and structuring your essays. That is most important.
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
I hope you can take some time to give me an estimate band score. I’ve read many of your comments on essays and I’d like to gain any good advice as I’ve been through the IELTS thrice with a 6.5 in writing and 8.5s in all other sections.

(253 word)
8.5 in all other sections is an extremely good score and is testament to the fact that your English is really good. So, let's figure out what is going wrong with the Writing.

Some People encourage the idea of moving out of their family homes while others dont.
Discuss both sides & Give your opinion and give examples.
Nowadays many adolescents are looking forward to move out of their parents house to be independent. Many people assert that many advantages come with adolescents moving out of their family homes. Others, including myself, feel that living away from your family could have a negative impact. In this essay, I will discuss both point of views and give reasons to support my own before reaching a conclusion.
Do you follow IELTS Liz. The line highlighted in red is literally #1 on this list http://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-tips-sentences-to-avoid/

Owing it to technological advancements, Similar line is literally # 2 on the list above. Two self goals!!

people can reach their families easily through internet programs like Skype,Watsapp and Viber. I don't like this line and argument. You are saying since they can talk on skype they move out. Sounds a little bit shallow, isn't it?

Many adolescents move out to live in dormitories or with friends in an apartment. Furthermore living alone teaches one to become independent. Mostly, nowadays teenagers move out of their family homes to experience the ultimate freedom they are yearning for.
See the idea is not really fully developed. Your argument is independence but it has not been established what sort of independence etc. Now, i know what you are thinking. Isn't it obvious? May be it is. But if it was so obvious why would they tell you to write an essay in first place. So even if it is an obvious argument give it a logical explanation.

However, there are some disadvantages to moving out. Waste of a line

Humans tend to be comfortable around people they know well or familiar to such as, family members. So?
For example, a recent study in the U.S shows that almost 85% of international students had mild depression. See again you didn't finish the argument. Your argument probably was living far from family may cause depression. But you didn't argue it. You took it to example. Subtle things but very important.

Unlike in the past, parents have become more open minded and are willing to give their children space to develop and understand their skills, talents and hobbies. Therefore it is not necessary to leave the family home to gain freedom anymore. Again what sort of independence? What sort of open mindedness? All this is too vague.
Your issue is clear. Task response!

To conclude, after discussing the pros on cons of adolescents moving out of their family homes, it’s not hard to see that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Actually it is. Your essay has not made it clear.

Personally, I opine that Good line for introduction but not so much for conclusion.

since parents have become more open minded, a person can experience freedom while enjoying the company of their loved ones.
There are no issues in your English but your task response is all over the place. You mention that you have read my other reviews but this essay has all the issues I have pointed out in other essays in the past.

See all this is easily fixable. And given your other scores probably it is a matter of 1-2 weeks. So, sit down .. relax .. read a few more reviews and then spend a lot of time in thinking about task response and essay structure.

Wish you success! All the best!
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VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Hi Guys
a bit of update, 7 in writing is achievable and not that difficult, as it all depends on your writing style and the examiner who will correct it.

some of the feedback that i found useful in this site.

1. always try to keep it simple, don't try to write very complex and difficult sentences, of course try to mix simple and complex but keep the vocab and the essay style simple don't overdo yourself.

2. for introduction after paraphrasing, add your thesis and connect your central ideas that you will use in the body paras. Cansha explained that many times, i found it very helpful.

3. try to include a contrast as the last sentence of your body para, to showcase your ideas and that the other idea is weak specially in the discussion/Opinion essays.

4. always use 2 or 3 body para not more than that.

5. try to be yourself, if you are getting 8+ in reading n listening that means you have the skills, you need to calm down and approach the writing section with confidence.

6. I will advise those who are good in typing to go for CB ielts, as you will have it easy to rewrite and correct your essay, also the word count will be visible.

7. I dont know if this is helpful, but when you are registering for ielts, dont chose immigration, chose for employment reasons, as you will not lose anything by doing so.

Finally i would like to thank @cansha, @H0peAndFa1th and the rest of the guys for there efforts here, I have used many websites and several correction services but most of the useful feedback i got it here.

keep up the good job and God bless you all.
Congrats once again Kadeed! It gives me immense pleasure whenever I see someone from this thread achieve their scores. And again it is your own hard work and more importantly ability to take feedback in positive way. All the best for the future process!


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
Kindly evaluate my essay I have exam on 19 January getting 6.5 every time .
Nowadays children prefer electronic games to other games and toys? Why is it happening ?is it a positive or negative development?
Technology has affected each and every section of life, starting from education,business and ways of living. Likewise, there is a considerable change in the choice of games played.lately, children check punctuation here are more inclined towards electronic games than conventional television plays.What do you mean here? Although, this preference is justifiable but it is not at all a positive development
Structure of introduction is good. But I'm not clear about a few things.

Lack of playgrounds and open spaces is the prime reason, because majority of population is shifting to cities to attain better lifestyles but houses in urban area are so congested that there is no scope of playing any outdoor games so they have to opt for electronic games. Fair point
Secondly, online games are programmed on the principle of reward system ,where players are offered virtual gifts after completing each level which motivates them to play again to receive high points. Totally unrelated point
Ideas are good but again your messaging is getting lost here.

Lack of social skils,on the other hand , Why is it on the other hand?

is the prime negative consequence of computerised games,because youngsters are highly influenced by virtual world of sports entertainment that they are neither interactive with others nor inquisitive about societal issues. Too complicated sentence.

To substantiate my view, it is commonly seen that students discuss about trending games and their progress in those games, oblivious to national affairs and currrent issues. Moreover,internet games are addictive resulting in wastage of precious time which can be spent in a constructive ways. It is evident by significant drop in the academic grades of students.
Again there are good points but the flow is way too haphazard that the messaging and ideas are getting lost. Pick one idea and finish it.

Another demerit is hazardous effect on sensory and motor functions owing to emission of harmful radiations from mobile and computer screens. So poor physical health is also cause of concern.
Now this whole sentence feels like an afterthought.
To sum up,albeit computerised games are essential part of contemporary world yet its disadvantages supersedes the advantages.Ergo, playing such games should be minimised.Kind
Bad conclusion. Conclusion should reiterate main points so bring in some reasoning from the essay. For example mention the advantages and disadvantages again to reiterate the point and not just say there are disadvantages.

You need to spend a little more time in essay structure. You have a lot of ideas but execution needs to be better. If you read more you will be able to fix it in a matter of 1-2 weeks.

Also, be careful with punctuation and spacing between words. I don't know whether it is typo or not but reading your essay was not easy and a little bit annoying. if you are planning to take Computer based test you will have to be more careful.


VIP Member
Aug 1, 2018
This is an old post. Re-posting here for benefit of some of the new folks on thread. Hope this is helpful for you!

Hello Folks!

I see some new members posting essays on the forum now. Some of our old friends have moved on after scoring their desired scores.

One thing that I have noticed is that the new essays have all the same mistakes which have been discussed on this thread before. Well, it is possible when you will post your first essay you would not have read all the previous posts. BUT I really urge you to go back atleast 15/20 pages and read some past reviews and learn from those.

I have said this many times before but I will say it one more time. The key to writing a good essay is not just about practicing writing essays. If you keep practicing the wrong things it won't really help. The key really is two/three things

1. Figuring out what is a good essay in the first place? For this you need to read a lot of high band essays and figure out what is working there. Especially focus on how they address "task response"

2. Second key is to learn to generate ideas, organize them and then structuring your essay in accordance with the essay topic. Do not follow one size fits all strategy for all essay topics. It won't work! Again the key is to read essays and see how essay introductions and structure changes depending on the topic of the essay. Also, do not time yourself initially when you write the essays. You will be doing yourself a favor.

3. Learn from others' mistakes. For that read other reviews as well and not just the review for your own essay.

And now since I know even after writing this some of you may not find the time or motivation of going back pages. I have done some work for you. I went back 40 pages and I have found some of the relevant posts that people really need to read. Below are the links. I hope you will find time to read these.

All the best!















