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  1. steveee

    Will my wife's TRV extended if we apply for a PRV while in Canada

    I know it is REALLY hard for Thais to get TRVs. I would like to know, if I can get her a TRV, and we apply for a PRV inland, will immigration be obligated to extend her TRV while the PRV is being processed?
  2. steveee

    Some Questions for applying for a TRV for my wife

    My wife and I have been married for 5 years and have been living together in Thailand. We eventually plan to apply for a PR but would like to try a TRV first. We have a few friends that have visited over the years and have met my wife. I assume they should write invitation letters. Do those...
  3. steveee

    Are my financial details required if I sponsor my spouse?

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of moving back to Canada from Thailand. I would like to get my Thai wife a PR. We have been married for 5 years here in Thailand. I would like to know if I have to provide my financial details with the application? The lawyer I am considering hiring sent me this...
  4. steveee

    Which route to go

    My friend who is Canadian would like to marry a Taiwanese lady. He is in Canada and she is in Taiwan. He would like her to move to Canada so that they can get married and live together. Which visa should she apply for to go to Canada? I heard that Taiwanese get 6 months tourist visas. If they...
  5. steveee

    We want to move to Canada ASAP!

    Hi All, I am 32 Canadian and have been living abroad for about 9 years. I have been married to a Thai lady for 4 years. The 2 of us would like to move to Canada ASAP. I would like to know which route would be best? Should we get her a tourist visa first etc? Thanks for you help :) Steve and Sai
  6. steveee

    Must my wife's family be included in the application?

    My wife has 2 children from a pervioous relationship, a father, and a bunch of sibblings. Do they all need to be included in the application? None of them intend to go to Canada.
  7. steveee

    Date Relationship Started = before date of marriage?

    Hello All, My first post :) I would like to sponsor my Thai wife to immigrate to Canada. At the start of the application there is a field that says "Date Relationship Started" Do I have to figure out exactly when we met and fill in the date or can I use our Marriage Date? Or does that...