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Whether to recreate profile or not?


Star Member
Oct 18, 2017
Hey guys,

I am in a dilemma whether to recreate my EE profile to get PNP ontario. I am sitting on 435 with my profile created on 2nd November, 2017.

But with my current score, it doesnt look like I can get an ITA soon. So I was thinking of re-creating my profile to possibly get Ontario PNP.
But in case I dont get PNP, I will lose out on my old profile submition date, which might help me with the tie breaking rule.

435 is one of the most common score with many people waiting on this score. I am pretty sure if score came down in future draws, this will be the tie breaking score.

Another issue with PNP route is the time and extra money involved. I am not much worried about the extra 1500 dollars, but more concerned on the effort and time spend to go via PNP route.

Seniors, please guide me on how to proceed?


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2015
Look 435 is a good score and as the current trend suggests only back to back draw or more ITAs in a draw can bring the score down to 435 quickly. If it remains the same way it will take 6-7 draws regularly after every 2 weeks to bring it down to 435.

If you can increase your score by any way possible try doing that.