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Want to visit girlfriend from the United States - problem with past Visa


Apr 25, 2012
Hello there, this might run a little long but bear with me!

I met a wonderful woman on the internet and decided to stay with her during December in Toronto as she had a medical issue where she required constant care. We had already been dating and the health incident was quite a shock, so upon arriving at customs the first time, I was given until the end of February to stay there. I left the country to visit family at one point, and on return to Canada, had what was probably the most humiliating and disgusting experience of my life.

I was stopped at the customs counter when I presented my passport, and was sent into the main processing center for Immigration (usually the place where they send people who broke laws, or suspicious characters.) I am a 5'11,21 year old, white, middle class male with no criminal record, a job, a large amount of money saved up (at the time,) and had never even been so much as suspended from school.

Upon meeting with the person at the Immigration center inside the airport (a middle-eastern female,) I was asked a serious of unorthodox, and in my opinion, inappropriate questions that still have effected me to this day. The woman essentially told me that being with someone I loved was "an excuse" for me to get into the country, and that I was most likely lying about being employed, or having any money. I didn't have cash on me over 100 CAD(I usually only carry debit and credit for a number of reasons,) which she pointed out as extremely suspicious. When I left the time before this, I asked customs if they needed to see or remove my visa and they said no. The woman also did not believe this at all, and upon hearing my claims, asked me if I understood English, and then demanded that I read all the stipulations and regulations that were printed on the visa out loud, in front of everyone present. I told her I did not wish to do this which made her angry, as she repeatedly reminded me that failure to do as she said would have an impact on whether I was allowed to enter the country or not.

At this point I was literally almost about to burst out crying. The woman further taunted me when I asked her to speak to a supervisor and coerced me away from doing so, as she stated "you cannot talk to a supervisor until after I approve or deny your entry into the country". Obviously I dropped that right there. The lady also made many racist remarks, yelling at me and calling me a liar because I told her that my parents supported my decision to live here without a work visa, and that they would help me with any costs I might need assistance with. She told me that her parents would never approve of such a thing, and used that to base whether I was telling the truth or not.

After all this, I could barely even stand up. I suffer from OCD and Depression and almost passed out during this ordeal. The love of my life was only 30 minutes away, and yet here I was, about ready to be sent back on a plane, or even worse. Eventually the woman taunted me some more, and then, finally, extended my visa.

When all this was said and done, I had realized that I wanted to stay longer than this and decided to apply to add time to my visa, as her lease wasn't over until the end of may. I did so through the CIC website, and over the course of almost a month, never got a response. I started to read about what would happen if I stayed over the length of time my Visa would allow (even though by applying for the extension I supposedly covered until I heard back from CIC). and decided that even though I had already been there over my allowed stay, that I would leave the country.

At this point I want to return and be with my girlfriend for a short visit (2-3 weeks,) but am not sure if I would be able to enter Canada again even though from what I know, I followed instructions and did what I was supposed to do. On the CIC website it said that I was allowed to stay until I heard about my Visa-extension, but not only have I never gotten an answer, upon return to the US, the customs officer there threw my Visa in the garbage, after ripping it out of my passport. I checked the status of the application on CIC's website today after finding a number written in my passport and there is nothing there at all.

Without record of my Visa extension, and without the physical visa itself, would I be allowed to even visit Canada at all? Losing the love of my life over a clerical error would absolutely devastate me, and as of now, I am left without answers.

Thank you very much for your time.


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Jun 8, 2010
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It doesn't matter if you got the visa extension or not. Even if you did, it became invalid as soon as you left Canada.

Given that you have encountered issues coming into Canada in the past and then overstayed your allowable visit - I would expect problems with your next crossing. The issue you're facing is that you're starting to behave as someone who is living or wants to live in Canada - rather than only as a visitor/tourist. To be clear - you are NOT allowed to live in Canada. It sounds like you mentioned "living in Canada" to Canadian immigration. If so, it's no wonder you had so many problems (this is a huge red flag and a trigger for trouble). What you've experienced is not unheard of and Canadians run into the same thing once they start spending too much time in the US.

Whether you are allowed into Canada or not and for how long is up to the immigration officer you entouner at the border. This means there is nothing you can do in advance to guarantee you have a problem free crossing. However there are things you can do to increase your chances. To increase your chances of being allowed in, you should bring proof that demonstrates you have strong ties to the US and have no plans to remain in Canada long term. Ideally this proof should be in the form of several of the following: proof of employment, proof of home ownership or property rental, proof of school enrollment, proof of assets held in the US (e.g. bank accounts), proof that you run a business in the US, etc. - anything that shows strong ties with the US. Also, have a return ticket (this will prove you have plans to leave) and be able to show a bank statement with sufficient funds to pay for your stay here. In addition, don't pack like you're moving - pack like a tourist who is only going to stay as long as a tourist. Finally, please please please don't use the word "live" when talking about Canada to immigration (this is just about the worst thing you can do). Focus on the fact that you're visiting for a fixed period of time only and have concrete plans to leave.

Good luck with your next border crossing. Come prepared with as much paperwork as your can and proof you plan to leave. If you run into a lot of trouble again, don't argue. It's better to end up with a refusal to enter the country than a ban (yes - occassionally Americans do end up with a one year ban).

Again, good luck. If you have any more questions - just ask and we'll try to help.

If this relationship is serious, you should start reading up on being sponsored as a permanent resident by your girlfriend (to qualify you would either have to be married or have lived together for at least one full year).


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Jun 8, 2010
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Sorry - small correction. I just realized that you probably didn't overstay your visit if you applied for an extension in time. Having said that, I still think there's a good chance you could have problems at the border again.

In case you want to learn more about the sponsorship process, read the first post in the following thread. It provides a great overview:



Apr 25, 2012
Thank you so much for the reply.

I definitely see now that using the word "live" would and could bring up huge flags. That was definitely foolish of me to do.

The main question I have is am I pretty much dead in the water here or do I actually have a chance to be able to visit? I don't know how visiting countries really works at all; from what you are saying I am not banned from the country, which I thought was something that they would have already decided. I do have a job here in the States, am going to be going to school here, and DO NOT plan on living in Canada.

Also, is there an allotted amount of time that would be too much to stay? Me and my girlfriend decided 1-2 weeks, but if the difference of a week would be something that would not allow me entry into the country I would rather make my stay shorter and be able to see her at all.

Again, thanks so much for the help, I suppose I will just have to gather all the materials and hope for the best.


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Please don't feel foolish. There are many of us on this forum who didn't realize the complexity of cross-border relationships until we found ourselves in one (myself included).

No - you are definitely not banned. I think you certainly have a chance to visit again if you approach things the right way. There's obviously also a large element of chance involved (i.e. did the immigratio official get up on the right side of the bed this morning).

Are you planning on flying again? If so, having a round trip ticket with a fixed departure date is definitely a good thing. And absolutely bring proof that you are employed in the US. If possible, have your boss or HR write a letter stating that you are taking a vacation of x weeks and are scheduled to be back at work on a specific date.

There is no allotted amount of time. So unfortunately it's anyone's guess if a week makes a difference. I think planning to visit for a few weeks (rather than a few months) is probably a very good choice in your case.

I'm sure others will jump in with other advice.

You could look into getting a Nexus card. However I don't know how quickly they are approved these days and this still doesn't guarantee a smooth entry (although it often means you don't have to speak with a human being when entering the country).


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Dollars.jp said:
I was stopped at the customs counter when I presented my passport, and was sent into the main processing center for Immigration (usually the place where they send people who broke laws, or suspicious characters.)
The immigration processing center is not the place where 'they' send lawbreakers. It's the place where you LEGALLY enter the country if you will be living in Canada. A person's race, sex, or height has nothing to do the process of going through customs. It is the information that you provide at the time that affects the outcome of the process.


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Oct 7, 2008
MSP2YYZ said:
The immigration processing center is not the place where 'they' send lawbreakers. It's the place where you LEGALLY enter the country if you will be living in Canada. A person's race, sex, or height has nothing to do the process of going through customs. It is the information that you provide at the time that affects the outcome of the process.
+1 I chuckled at that phrase too, I remember I was sent over to that "place for lawbreakers" upon my first trip to Canada years ago and I am a very responsible law-abiding citizen :) Sometimes they are just being too careful and if anything seems out of the ordinary they prefer to send you over there rather than deal with it at the custom's officer booth. And I certainly haven't heard of any customs officer ripping pages out of people's passports! :eek:

Why do you even need a visa if you're living in the United States? Were you going to stay in Canada longer than 6 months? I think that they might have a suspicion that you're living in Canada without obtaining an appropriate permanent resident's status. Some people (not you necessary) take advantage of the system and try to come and go every 6 month so I understand where those customs officers might be coming from. You just need to show as much proof as possible that you're going back to the US.


Apr 25, 2012
Wolverine said:
And I certainly haven't heard of any customs officer ripping pages out of people's passports! :eek:

Why do you even need a visa if you're living in the United States? Were you going to stay in Canada longer than 6 months? I think that they might have a suspicion that you're living in Canada without obtaining an appropriate permanent resident's status. Some people (not you necessary) take advantage of the system and try to come and go every 6 month so I understand where those customs officers might be coming from. You just need to show as much proof as possible that you're going back to the US.
It definitely happened, although he only took out the Visa and tore it up, the entire page was not removed. You can still see the staple marks where the Visa was torn out however, which makes me kind of nervous that someone would think that I had done this myself (because tampering with my own passport is sure a good idea huh?).

Anyways, just a little update on my side here. I purchased both my departing and return tickets last week, and am staying for 15 days (me and my girlfriend agreed on two weeks, but I wanted to leave on Sunday afternoon as I dislike red-eye flights immensely and didn't want to mess up my sleep schedule for work). About the return ticket, do I just print off my entire itinerary from the travel website, or is there something more official I need to do as to prove that the ticket back is legitimate?

As far as getting the documents together, I figure that a pay stub from work, a medical bill from my home here (as well as another piece of mail), a letter from my boss, and my student ID from my college in America should suffice as proof that I am definitely going to return to the U.S after my trip. I also have a bank statement with around $2,000 dollars, although I really don't think I would need that much for something as simple as a 2 week trip.

I suffer from pretty severe O.C.D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,) and just really want to make sure I have absolutely everything that I can so that I am able to prove to customs that I have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of staying past my trip date, or doing any funny stuff.

Two other questions:

1. I plan on bringing a little gift for my girlfriend, and am not sure how bringing gifts with monetary value works when entering another country. Would this be a bad idea to bring something, and if so, what would I have to pay to bring it in the country (was thinking something worth about 50-100$, which I would keep in my carry-on bag.

2. Even though I have no plans of doing anything that would be against immigration policy and don't plan on staying past my date, would it be a waste of money to hire a lawyer or to call CIC and explain what happened the last time I left the country? I don't think that this would really do anything to be honest, but I just really want to make sure there are no misconceptions and that I can just enjoy a nice visit with my girlfriend, as she starts work soon and this would be the last chance I would be able to see her.

Thank you all so much for the help, God Bless.


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1. No problem bringing a gift with a value of $50-$100. Make sure it's unwrapped.

2. Calling CIC won't be of any use or help. As for hiring a lawyer, I don't see how this will help either (you'll just be wasting money). There's nothing a lawyer can do to guarantee you entry into Canada or even make it easier. What happens is really up to the immigration officer you encounter at the border and you.


Apr 25, 2012
Thanks again, you've been such a big help it's unreal.

I guess all I can do now is wait, gather my documents, and be as honest as possible with the people at customs and the immigration offices! I'm worried I won't get to see my girlfriend, but I know that if I'm just visiting and give them no reason to worry about staying there that everything should be fine.


Apr 30, 2012
Hello, I might be a little late to add my 2 cents but everyone who have commented previously before me are all right. And also, I want to mention them calling you a liar etc is so not out of the norm. I think until we are actually in Canada and realize all the things we have to do to "live" in Canada legally its a shocker. I thought it was just pack up and move, but nope. I was in your situation my 2nd and 3rd visits there. They were quite hostile, unfortunately coming from someone who has gone through the hostility and was wanting to be an officer of some sort, that's their job. They told my bf who was waiting on the other side of the door that I confessed to how we really met. Which I told the officers all the truth, but they wanted to see if everything was true and wanted to crack my bf open. They did the oldest trick in the book! If you know you are telling the truth or not, stick with your story! And make sure everything adds up though.


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Yes you are not alone on this! My husband flew into the Ottawa International Airport and he almost had a breakdown(so did I actually). My mother and I waited an hour not knowing what was going on. Then this Brit comes out and calls my name. Asked if I knew my husband (then boyfriend) if he was staying with me and how long and who was bringing him back to the airport. When I finally got to talk to my husband, he was very upset. They tore through his luggage, his laptop and tried to go through his phone but it died. They also interrogated him about where he was going. I live in a VERY small town, population 400. When my husband said he was saying in this small town, they said it didn't exist and to stop making things up! Oooh I was mad!

Long rant short, you're not alone. The Border people have a way of being dinks! :)


Apr 30, 2012
parker24 said:
Yes you are not alone on this! My husband flew into the Ottawa International Airport and he almost had a breakdown(so did I actually). My mother and I waited an hour not knowing what was going on. Then this Brit comes out and calls my name. Asked if I knew my husband (then boyfriend) if he was staying with me and how long and who was bringing him back to the airport. When I finally got to talk to my husband, he was very upset. They tore through his luggage, his laptop and tried to go through his phone but it died. They also interrogated him about where he was going. I live in a VERY small town, population 400. When my husband said he was saying in this small town, they said it didn't exist and to stop making things up! Oooh I was mad!

Long rant short, you're not alone. The Border people have a way of being dinks! :)
I'm sorry to have heard that. They did the same thing with my possessions. It's understandable why they do these things though. They went through my laptop etc to make sure there was nothing illegal. They signed on my Skype etc as well. The lady who inspected me told me that they are just doing this for my safety and for others. They were makin sure I had no child pornography etc and that I wasn't being used as a prostitute either. Yikes.


Apr 25, 2012
Thank you all so much for your advice and support!

I am actually at the airport now awaiting my flight's boarding procedures!!! So excited to see my girlfriend again it's unreal :)

You have all been very kind and helpful, especially you Scylla, you are an absolute lifesaver.

@Parker: You are not alone on that one, trust me! Me and my girlfriend actually met on an online game (World of Warcraft) of all places, and my job (I'm a product manager for a trading card supplying company) is quite weird, I guess anyone probably wouldn't believe that one! I made sure to get a letter from my boss stating when I needed to be back and that I actually do work for him, even though my job is a little out of the norm (the money sure is good though).

While I do obviously feel as though I'm a good guy and wouldn't break Visa/Visiting rules, I completely understand now that what I did the first few times coming in was a TERRIBLE way to do things, and that while I don't need a visa to visit Canada as a U.S. Citizen, just because I have a girlfriend there (heck, I thought married couples automatically got citizenship until I read up on this website, haha!) my being in Canada for any amount of time is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. With this in mind I will definitely be a lot more rigid in planning my trips, and will not be so hasty at getting upset even if things do not go my way at Customs. It's their job to ensure the safety of their country, they don't know a thing about me, and they have to assume the worst about people sometimes. It might be bothersome, but if it keeps the people I care about safe, then so be it :D


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dude, do let us know when u get IN!!