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Time to say goodbye


Star Member
Aug 18, 2014
Job Offer........
I moved to Canada from US and gave up my US GC. The new 4/6 will be applied to my application but after I become citizen and can vote, will not vote for liberals or NDP, no way in the hell. I support cons although the law they put in is affecting my application. Canadian systems remind me more of a third world country than a very advanced US. The problem with immigrants knowledge of the system is most of you guys live in Toronto area or Vancouver, don't know how bad the rest of country is. Where all the taxes are spent?!??!? Roads are terrible, everything is slow, this province I live in is more dangerous and has higher crime rate than the State I moved from,..... IMHO, the problem in this country is mismanagement of budget and system. The officials in the provincial local governments don't take their job serious.
marcus66502 said:
You're missing the point: and that is that the US manages to do a lot more with its tax revenue even though per capita it taxes its citizens much less than Canada. Income tax differences aside, the US Government does not want 5% of the value of every purchase you make (sales taxes are only charged by state governments). And you don't pay 25 cents of federal/state tax per every liter of gas you buy in the US. And at the end of the day, the roads sure as hell don't get any worse when you cross the border into the US. In fact, I can't think of a single service that goes away or gets worse.

I don't know why you quote me. It's not as if you're actually reading my post before you reply. I just wrote that one lame two-laner is the only thing that connects Canada's east and West, and you still keep saying Canada does not need a coast-to-coast four-lane highway. What stronger argument is there for a twinned highway or even a second one? Never mind the convenience of civilian drivers. It's a matter of national security. How the hell are you going to get military equipment from one end of the country to the other in war time? Oh never mind, I forgot. This country hasn't planned for any wars. It's too far on the edge of the world to be effectively attacked by any country other than the US, and we sure as hell aren't going to fight the US if it came to that. We don't stand a snowballs' chance in hell.

Canada does not need a four-lane highway? Really? In whose opinion? Yours? I'm sure I could get a majority of Canadians to disagree once I explain to them that all it takes to break up their country in half is just one road accident.

Good to know someone willingly admits to being ignorant.

I didn't say I'd go to Germany. Comparing yourself to those that do worse than you doesn't really provide any motivation to improve.

My opinions are right wing ranting points to those who have different opinions. At the end of the day, your convictions are no more morally superior than mine. And I sure as hell have every right to voice my convictions. Too bad you don't like them.

I'm gonna vote conservative because they best represent my interests: lower taxes, lower immigration, couldn't ask for better. That's right: reduced immigration is what's best for Canada. The job market's almost non-existent and immigrant housing takes up valuable farmland which this country is in desperate shortage of. What was that? I'm a racist? I'll tell you where you can go complain: at the "Who-gives-a-shi.t" Department. It's my right to have an anti-immigration stance and there's not a damned thing you can do about it except tap your heels three times.

The liberals in Canada are literally insane. I see what they do in Ontario and I'll do my best to help contain them to this province only. They're the reason we have the multi-culturalism bullshi.t and the reason I see french in every product I buy. For this alone I'll never vote for them. You damn bet your rootie patooties Conservative is what I'll be voting for, for life.

There you have it! We can leave this thread alone. Absolutely!


Champion Member
Feb 6, 2010
What province is more dangerous than the United States? In general, Canada's rate of violent crime is far lower than in the States. It's very odd, that if you find Canada so lacking in every respect, that you would vote for the political party that has been in charge for the last ten years and must certainly bear a large amount of responsibility for the state of affairs.


Star Member
Aug 18, 2014
Job Offer........
In this province NDP has been at the power for many years. And yes, there are a lot of US states safer than Canadian provinces.
on-hold said:
What province is more dangerous than the United States? In general, Canada's rate of violent crime is far lower than in the States. It's very odd, that if you find Canada so lacking in every respect, that you would vote for the political party that has been in charge for the last ten years and must certainly bear a large amount of responsibility for the state of affairs.


Hero Member
Jul 30, 2014
research-scientist said:
I moved to Canada from US and gave up my US GC. The new 4/6 will be applied to my application but after I become citizen and can vote, will not vote for liberals or NDP, no way in the hell. I support cons although the law they put in is affecting my application. Canadian systems remind me more of a third world country than a very advanced US. The problem with immigrants knowledge of the system is most of you guys live in Toronto area or Vancouver, don't know how bad the rest of country is. Where all the taxes are spent?!??!? Roads are terrible, everything is slow, this province I live in is more dangerous and has higher crime rate than the State I moved from,..... IMHO, the problem in this country is mismanagement of budget and system. The officials in the provincial local governments don't take their job serious.
Where all the taxes spent?
One simple example : In Canada, if you got heart attack and have no money, call 911, it's FREE. In USA, call your mom if she is still alive.
Roads are terrible : When I drove to US, I set my suspension always on comfort setting. In Canada, I always set it on sport.
Everything is slow : This one I pretty much agree with you.
Higher crime rate than USA : In US, many people are being paranoid not to go to shopping mall or theatre, or any places where there are crowds around, afraid of random shooting. This just doesn't exist in Canada.
Mismanagement of budget : The USA is number 1 in the world with 17 trillion dollar of debt and still growing. Cowboys spend American's money on military adventure, performing war around the world. Have you ever considered : Since the WW2 ended, there was hardly any war would start before the USA got involved first? USA is technically already bankrupted. What makes it still exists, is because the status of USD as a reserve currency, so USA could print money. But currently China, some EU countries, and Russia are promoting local currencies instead of USD in trading between nations.


Champion Member
Feb 6, 2010
research-scientist said:
In this province NDP has been at the power for many years. And yes, there are a lot of US states safer than Canadian provinces.
What states and what provinces?