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think i have got myself into a lot of trouble with immagration


VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
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pee wee said:
this is to baloo .everyday i go on this web site and i always see ur comments on other peoples questions and you never have anything good or interesting to say and everything you say seems to be aload of crap you just made up in ur silly little mind .people are on this site to maybe get a bit of help and they dont need you commenting on there questions giveing silly little quick answers .

It's called humour, part of an ongoing exchange with irishsnowmobiler - who knows how to smile - if you don't like it, feel free to ignore it.

In Canada we have many freedoms, speech (posting here) is one I exercise.


VIP Member
Nov 30, 2009
Job Offer........
pee wee said:
whatever makes ur little world happy my friend ???
You make two incorrect assumptions - that I am your friend, and my world is small (you are so wrong it is humorous).
Don't forget, ignore this post.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
i have just been denied entry into canada for having ABH that happened 13 years ago she said my common assult wasnt bad when i asked about the rehab he said wait till the common assult was 10 years even thou was let in months before for my first visit and she said what the last IO did isnt about what she does meaning did i tll him or not about my record or not this time is a no and until i have sorted it out i wont be allowed back into canada so make sure you look into it mate as its not nice when you spent all that money and then denied entry :(


pee wee

Jan 13, 2011
Job Offer........
thanks for the heads up westy . hey if you dont mind me asking did u lie the first time you entered canada . are u going to go threw with the rehabilitation westy . im realy worried that my lie i told them that i had no record may screw things up for me .


Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
she said there was 2 things i can do i have posted asking for help in this forum

1, speak to the canada embassy in london and see what they want me too do ( paperwork they need and everything about the charges ) then they decide if they will let me into canada for a 1 time she said then you have to do it again if you want to try again is doesnt mean they will let you in just that they cant deny you for your criminal record you still have to meet everything else to gain entry ( not sure what it is called now sorry ) somebody might no on here thou if they read it

2, the rehab she said as i also have a common assult charge 6 years ago which she said that alone wouldnt of been a problem but the ABH alone is a bad offence there but she said she would leave it till 10 years for the common assult ( really 4 years )

iam going to see what they say as iam ringing them tomorrow as this all happened on sat just gone and wasnt in the mood but i want to see my girlfriend so need to sort it out

if he asked me i would of told the IO about my criminal records as i didnt lie as it always bite my ass when i have in past i would say they always ask you as well so as it has to be a main question i would say, so yes i would say i told him thats why i dont understand why this time and not the last but iam glad it was this and not the last as i dont think we would still be together as that was our first meet and thats when we finally knew that we wanted to be together i think we are ment to be together as we have had so many problems too as last time i missed my connection flight and had to wait 19 hours for next flight which was also on xmas day lol

she said she didnt know what i said to the last IO so not sure if they will no that you said you lied last time



Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
may i also ask roughly how much money you took for that 6 months visit as it would be nice to know for when i try for the 6 months in the future as i have asked in here and gotten a figure just wanted to see if you had more or less or about what they said and did the IO say anything about how much you took also



pee wee

Jan 13, 2011
Job Offer........
i brought with me 5500 dollars for my 6 months and the io counted every penny of it to make sure . he never said what amount i needed to have but he seemed ok with it . i think it all depends on what ur doing weather ur staying at ur girlfriends or both of you are going traveling around canada . but my guees is that around 600 dollars for each month of ur stay will be ok . and a return ticket back to ur home land is the most important thing . i hope everything works out for you and if ur girlfriend is willing to wait on you to get all this sorted then shes is worth doing all this for in my eyes . the best thing to do is just try and dont give up and just see what happens ya things will be hard but at least you can look back and say you give it ur all . you no you can apply for rehabilitation and on the form you fill out you click the box on the right hand side that says info only and this process is free of charge and you sent it to london and they will inform you in what u should do . maybe this could help you im not to sure but just keep trying good luck

pee wee

Jan 13, 2011
Job Offer........
also westy dont read to much into what people say on this website becuse 90% of people on this talk out of there arse and they make everything look alot worse than it realy is .so just take it bit by bit and u will get there . i dont no how many sleepless ntes i had and i was so streesed out about never being able to see my girlfriend again . but i learned to take it one step at a time and once you get on the right track and start filling out forms its not as bad as you think . you just need to be honest about everything and wait a wee while . why u are working on ur problem can you not get her a flight over to were u life for a while .


Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
i was told $250 a week which is $1000 a month and $6000 for the 6 months i know i wont spend near that amount ( but better to be safe than sorry right ) as i will be staying at hers ( with a return ticket ) and then looking for the extention for another 6 months then her to sponsor me depending on how long everything takes for me to get all this paper work done we have talked about married but i dont want to go there unless everything else cant be done as i want a really wedding not a register one and would like to live together for awhile before as well but we will see i guess iam being strong about it all its just takes forever and yes there has been alot of sleepless night and stressful times but we are going to get through it

she cant visit me so easy as she has kids and she says that she cant take them abroad without the father's consent and she says they wouldnt so she would have to get someone to look after them and then they be out of school to so its harder

so how did you get this letter what is it called did you send yours off yet and how long was it before you got it back ?

sorry all the questions just when you know roughly its like a light at end of tunnel :)

you will see you girlfriend again too mate cause when you was there you knew thats what you wanted like i did the first time so all this is worth it :)



Full Member
Jan 8, 2011
been looking and cant really find much but did find this


not sure if it helps any but cant find where you get the papers you got thou can you tell me please mate
