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Thank you >>>>>>>>> Legalfalcon <<<<<<<<<<<


Hero Member
Jul 13, 2017
Hello Legal,

Please tell me in your opinion if I’m being selected for security screening or it’s only security.

Here is the whole scenario.

I overstayed my tourist visa in the USA in 1999 for two years. During that period I had 6 months probation which shows on my FBI record.

Last years I applied for a tourist visa to Canada, and I got it. However I did not go as I started the process of getting a nomination to apply for permanent residency.

I was honest about the past criminal act questions on the visa application, and I know that this does not make me inadmissible to Canada based on criminal grounds.

My OAR is December 8 2017, and the file was transferred to the Canadian embassy in my country in January 20, 2018

Last week I had an interview in the Canadian embassy in my country. The agent went through all original documents I had submitted with my online application. Nonetheless he seemed interested in the period I spent in the USA and the criminal act. He asked me the same questions I had already answered on the statutory section of the permanent residency application. I was honest in my answers, and may be he was trying to see if my answers would match what I had listed on the application. Then he was like well give me few minutes I will talk to an immigration officer about the FBI record to see what his opinion is.

After about 15 minutes he came back and handled me all my documents, photo and passport, then he told me that he would keep my country’s police record (original), and in regards to FBI records he said it will be handled by OTTAWA to do a "background", then he said this could take a month, or a years or even a day. Once they get a response they will contact me. He also advised me not to contact the embassy as they won’t have an answers since this will be handled by Ottawa.

Based on your experience, is this going to be just a security that every applicant has to go through with CSIS, or is it going to be Security screening , and is there a way I could check that?.

Thank you Legal for your valuable time and analyses.

Best Regards,


Star Member
Dec 17, 2017
Hi Legalfalcon
Kindly guide me as I sent my following documents to WES- B.A, M.A (ENG.) and B.ED. Today I got the report where the recognized my B.A as 3 yrs degree, B.ed as 4 yrs degree and my M.A as 4 yrs degree too. Now what should I select while calculating my crs.
2 or more degrees, or Masters degree or a professional degree which needs licence?
I guess B.ed is professional degree and needs licence. Pls help.
Thanking in anticipation!


Full Member
Feb 24, 2017
Appears met and met are one an the same thing.

PoF if under review required can me because you did not meet the minimum PoF requirement, or it was in a foreign currency, so it has been deferred to the Immigration officer, who ill review it and make an decision.
@legalfalcon thank you so much for the response.
One more thing, I inboxed you re:joining telegram group. Pls kindly send me invite if possible.


@legalfalcon - In response to PPR, I sent our passports+photos+Annex A+PPR Email Printout to Ottawa (I am an Indian citizen, resident in the US).

Now, I've read cases here on the forum where passports got lost en-route/ran into issues at customs. Below, I will list out details and I was wondering if its possible to tell if the package was opened by customs or if there was seizure:
  • Mode of shipping: USPS Priority Mail International - Legal Flat Rate Envelope
  • Current status: Delivered (May 1).
  • Total duration of package hanging around at customs: 1 day (from inward to cleared).
  • Customs declaration (CN-72):
    • Type of contents: Documents
    • Detailed description: Immigration Papers
    • Value: $1.
After reading some harrowing stories, I'm a bit concerned. I will be e-mailing CPC once the package is delivered to ensure that they received the passports.

Any insight you may have may be great. Thank you so much!
Last edited by a moderator:


Champion Member
Mar 13, 2017
NOC Code......
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Hello Legal,

Please tell me in your opinion if I’m being selected for security screening or it’s only security.

Here is the whole scenario.

I overstayed my tourist visa in the USA in 1999 for two years. During that period I had 6 months probation which shows on my FBI record.

Last years I applied for a tourist visa to Canada, and I got it. However I did not go as I started the process of getting a nomination to apply for permanent residency.

I was honest about the past criminal act questions on the visa application, and I know that this does not make me inadmissible to Canada based on criminal grounds.

My OAR is December 8 2017, and the file was transferred to the Canadian embassy in my country in January 20, 2018

Last week I had an interview in the Canadian embassy in my country. The agent went through all original documents I had submitted with my online application. Nonetheless he seemed interested in the period I spent in the USA and the criminal act. He asked me the same questions I had already answered on the statutory section of the permanent residency application. I was honest in my answers, and may be he was trying to see if my answers would match what I had listed on the application. Then he was like well give me few minutes I will talk to an immigration officer about the FBI record to see what his opinion is.

After about 15 minutes he came back and handled me all my documents, photo and passport, then he told me that he would keep my country’s police record (original), and in regards to FBI records he said it will be handled by OTTAWA to do a "background", then he said this could take a month, or a years or even a day. Once they get a response they will contact me. He also advised me not to contact the embassy as they won’t have an answers since this will be handled by Ottawa.

Based on your experience, is this going to be just a security that every applicant has to go through with CSIS, or is it going to be Security screening , and is there a way I could check that?.

Thank you Legal for your valuable time and analyses.

Best Regards,
Order GCMS or CBSA notes.


Dec 16, 2017
Its just a transcription issue. Raise a CSE and also send an email to CPC, Ottawa.

It should be fixed in no time. Just to cross check and be sure, you can request GCMS notes and see it it says pass. If you GCMS notes say meds received and passed, no need to worry. MyCIC portal is good for nothing, excepting uploading and filing the application.
Thank you very much legalfalcon.. i really appreciate your time and effort to all of us here..
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Star Member
Apr 22, 2017
Give me a few days. I had a big arbitration case, which just concluded, so I was very busy and didn't even visit the forum. Also, I am in India for a few weeks, and the internet sucks, sometimes I just lose interest in doing anything over the internet.

I have 267 messages in my inbox. I will try and clear most of them by next weekend.
any update? your hard work is very appreciated :)


Star Member
Aug 11, 2017
Hello, I have a peculiar question about my education history and how to go about entering information in Personal vs Education history section.

I completed my 2 year masters program from an Indian University. It had total 6 semesters (3 each year). I opted for student exchange and spent my 5th semester outside of India (UK). I was in UK for 4 months.

The transcripts and degree certificate do not mention anything about me spending a semester in UK. My WES ECA too reflects study of country as India for the entire duration of 2 years.

Now, my education history will show that I was a student in India for 2 continuous years, however my personal history will show 4 months of travel to UK and I will mention purpose of visit as 'Study/Exchange Student at Leeds' (it was a student Visa).

I have two questions -
1. should I include anything in my education history about UK semester? Note that my ECA does not mention it.
2. Do I need a PCC from UK?

I will mention all this in LoE but wanted to know what to do with personal history vs education history mismatch. Please can you advise?

Zara Khan

Star Member
Dec 20, 2017
What stage of EE are you at. If you just entered the pool and didn't;t get an ITA, make a new profile

If you did get an ITA, send a message to technical help with your application number. Then you can make a new profile and your application will be transferred to the new profile.
thank you


Hero Member
Nov 19, 2017
For anybody who their file under SS , your file must transferred to Ottawa (if you are inland applicant) ??

Please reply


Hero Member
Nov 6, 2017
Hi @legalfalcon

I've got a bit of an urgent query and hoping that you can guide me please.

I've just received an ADR to submit Schedule A through my representative. I was a bit baffled as to why are they asking for it now after my background check had already started in late february. Anyways, whilst I was going through all the information on it again, I remembered that I've had a Canadian visit visa refusal once in 2008. But due to an oversight, I didn't declare this in my original application. Should I include it now in my Schedule A with an LOE stating that it was an oversight which I do apologise for and hoping that it will not further delay my PR application?

Also, any ideas as to why they've asked for schedule A at this point? Just panicking because I've seen other candidates whose schedule A was requested before the start of their background check.

Look forward to your response.

Many thanks.


Star Member
Feb 29, 2016
You should get your GCMS notes. After documents are submitted, it takes 1-3 weeks for IRCC to add them to the file and another 1-2 weeks to review them.
Hi Legal,
I ordered GCMS notes on April 05 2018 and Today (May 02 2018) I got GCMS notes. The notes are still same as it was 2 months ago.
Eligibility :- Recommend Passed
Security :- Not started
Criminality : Passed
Org Crime :
Medical : Passed - Expired
Misrepresentation : Not Started
Info sharing : Complete
Other Reqs: Not Started
Final :

In the "Ministerial Instructions" I have
Type : EE-MI1
Criteria :
Status :

I got PFL in Dec 2017. In the PFL it was asking me to submit any additional information or documents that can allay officer's concerns....The letter was not saying particular things to be submitted but when I logged in mycic account I clicked on "ViewSubmittedDocuments" and there it was asking me to submit "Proof Of Income" and "Bank Statements". I provided them my paystubs and bank statements and also T4s, & NOA.

Last month when I called them then the agent said my background check is under process. They are verifying the documents which I submitted to the correspondence of PFL.

My background status is saying "We are processing your background check"(IP2).....But the security is still not started and eligibility is still recommend pass.

Hey Legal, Could you please tell me howmuch time does it take to verify these documents if I am not in SS.


Star Member
Oct 10, 2017
Hi @legalfalcon and others,

I will be joining Univeristy of Alberta from July as a postdoctoral fellow (one year contract) and my work permit application was approved last week. On 25 April, I got an ITA for Permanent Residence under Federal Skilled Worker stream.

I got the postdoctoral employment while I was in the EE pool but forgot to update that in my profile.

Due to my changed situation, can you please advise me whether I can use my postdoctoral salary towards documenting Proof of Funds (POF) to apply for permanent residence? Apart from my salary, I also have my savings that could be used to document POF. We are a family of three and IRCC recommends to show approx 19k CAD for a family of three.

More importantly, can I apply for PR by accepting this ITA since I have already got a work permit?

Looking forward to your recommendations suggestions.