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Some Legal Info on LMO's, incl. new criteria


Full Member
Apr 25, 2013
Not good news for us, but good info to share.

From my lawyer QUOTE:

If you had not yet filed a PR application, you can no longer file one if your occupation is on the barred occupations, unfortunately.

The LMO was used once so you cannot use it again. You have to apply for a new LMO. There are no longer extensions on LMOs. And this time around, your LMO will be subject to new criteria announced July 31, 2013 including stringent advertising requirements and also processing fees. You are not eligible for any open work permit unless you had filed a PR application which was acknowledged. You could have then applied for an open Bridging Work Permit which would have been an ideal situation as LMOs as very hard to achieve now.

What does your wife, do. If she has been working on an occupation which falls under an eligible occupation then maybe she can apply for PR and you can be her dependant.

We can conduct a detailed assessment on your options at a consultation meeting for a fee of $250 plus tax to determine if there could be anything you could work with.
