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Settlement in canada


Star Member
Jun 4, 2009
I found this on internet, may b of any interest for someone.

The first big surprise was at the first immigration counter when the immigration officer said to me “Welcome to Canada, your new home..eh”. I cannot describe the feeling, every country that I have been to in the past I was asked at the immigration “When do you plan to leave?” The next immigration officer turned out to be a lady of indian origin, she took my picture for PR and did not even bother to check my landing funds, even when I insisted on showing ( I spent $10 in getting the drafts made and no one even looked at it )Then I was given a welcome package with vital info for new immigrants. This booklet holds info on the wealth of resources in local areas in Canada. Every resource listed in this booklet should be explored, to my surprise I found many new immigrants giving up too soon on the resources mentioned. The whole process from stepping out of aircraft to clearing customs took not more than 40 minutes.
Outside the airport I was greeted by one of the coldest days of the season with -31C and winds. I was happy I landed on the coldest day because every other days seemed like spring even it was -5 outside.

The next day after applying for my SIN card I attended a seminar in a nearby new comer information center (NIC). There were about 20-25 other new immigrants at this seminar and it gave a wealth of info for a new comer ranging from local info on GTA to how to prepare and look for jobs. These NIC’s also have one on one counselors to help every new comer target the jobs in his own field. Like NICs, there are many such centers and organizations all across canada and what surprised me that how much the Govt is doing to help the new immigrants settle in and get into the mainstream. In the 4 other countries where I have lived and worked before no such help was available, I had to struggle and find out things by myself.
We formed a group of 8-10 new immigrants when we met at NIC and it proved to be a great support structure, to be able to share your experiences and views with people in similar situations is a great help in itself. I took every opportunity to talk to every desi or immigrant I came across at bus stops at trains etc, getting different perspectives was a great learning experience in itself.

I’d like to differ with those who present a very negative image and say that only labor jobs are given to desis. I found a few major trends in immigrants which I feel is also contributing to the miseries of new immigrants. I may be wrong but the general trends which I was was quite disturbing
1. Many desis try to land a job as soon as possible within the first 2 weeks. $1=Rs30 factor and also the fear of spending from the settlement funds drives this trend but I’d suggest if one has to do labor jobs, do it after 3-4 months when one has tried every other avenue to get a break in their own field. Also many come with families and kids which will make things even worse in the beginning. Unless one is very well funded bringing families should be a big NO NO.
2. Many desis try to in the comfort zone of GTA. GTA is an industrial area Esp mississauga and west and most employment agencies there will give only labor and factory jobs, even if you hold an MBBS. I met very well qualified people doing labor jobs and were feeling happy that they are earning more than what they did in india. I was stupefied by one guy(B.E, MBA) who said he is doing day and night shifts at a factory just to accumulate 900 hours so that he can get unemployment insurance from the govt.
I don’t blame the govt. of canada for his miseries, if that is what his goals are then that is what he will get. Many of us don’t aim high enough.
We all have to struggle. the choice of where to struggle is ours. Whether to struggle really hard to re-qualify( if needed) and get into our own field or to keep struggling in menial jobs. The choice is really ours.

3. Not many desis make use of the Co-op and other employment programs offered by the govt. The down side of these programs is that one does not get paid for 5-6 months while one gets to work in firms in ones own field. 85% of those who participate in these programs get gainfully employed. Also,not many desis join french courses. I am not sure of the details, but I am told Govt of Quebec gives $500 a month to everyone who enrolls for a french learning class. A family of 4 grown ups could make $2000 a month for just attending french classes everyday for 4 hrs a day!! And one could then do other jobs as well to support. What do we gain by learning french? A whole new world of govt jobs will open to us besides the money and knowledge of another language. Think about it. It will take time but all good things take time.

4. Lastly and most importantly all new desis must work on communication and presentation before coming. That is the key for everything in Canada. I met a senior college prof from India with a PhD, he was complaining about lack of jobs. There are indians in senior positions in Canadian universities with less qualifications than him but what was the difference. The difference I felt was that this person despite his qualification could not even pronounce his name right “Sassi Kumar” for Shashi Kumar in a bihari/UP accent. No offence to Bihari’s please, I am a bihari too. To top it off he had strong sented “chameli ka tel” and drooping 70’s moustache … I wonder how could he clear any interview.

There are plenty of opportunities in Canada. To get to those we have to work hard to get local licencures and qualifications and canadianize ourselves with a positive outlook. And jobs and opportunities will follow in with time. Otherwise we will just working hard on menial jobs with no hopes for future.
There are very few places in the world which offer so many opportunities to new immigrants to settle down, we need find out about them to make full use of it to succeed.

Gook luck to all.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2009
Wow Bluepine

I loved the article you posted. It is really important to aim high.


I didn't know most immigrants target the GTA and then wind up with lower paying jobs. I wonder what other options are available then, other than settling in the GTA if an immigrant were to settle in Toronto? This is where I am planning to land and to survive in the future.



Hero Member
Nov 4, 2008
I couldn't agree with you more on the bullet #4. You hit it right in the Bull's eye. Where I work, there are lots of people who comes from South Asia on H1 visas, highly qualified from universities but unfortunately they did not blend in right away, most of the problem lies in communication and personal skills.

Point is these people know they may be temp and will leave back to their countries one day because of the kind of visa they carry, but when you are immigrating to a new country for good, you must learn the culture and put your emphasis on communication skills as well on your personality. The atmosphere is totally different in Canada/US as compared to their respective country. The person who quickly change and easily blend in is the only one to succeed, education comes next, you need to be aggressive.


Jul 10, 2009
Thanks for sharing Bluepine... this is a good reminder for aspirants like me... it's really important to internalize and fully understand that we'll be coming in to Canada as immigrants and would live there for good. thus, we must equip ourselves to be "canadianized"... not only for just a short term basis...
Afterall, it's for our own good and future, as well... we can "sell" ourselves better to employers... one step at a time... Good luck to us!


Star Member
Jan 23, 2009
Great Bluepine...! Brilliant piece of work and an inspiration. I totally agree with you. I have lived in UK for awhile and I have seen what you have told.

Keep it up man. Give us some more.


Hi Bluepine,

Its posts and information like this which are the need of the hour....lots of people go there ...try and dont succeed and then right pages and pages about how bad the country is and how racist the people are and so on and so forth...very few success stories ever come out...and even if they do its only story about some guy/girl who went from 0-100.

All of us maybe aiming for 100 but then lot of us will be extremely comfortable and happy even if reach 75 and we need to hear more inspiring and informative stories from people like yourself which will help us in keeping the spririt alive and working towards our dream.

Thanks once again...please do update us regularly on your experiences in your new home and our future one...hopefully!!...:)

all the best and god bless you.
