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regarding pgwp and study institution


Jun 16, 2015

I was looking for some information regarding international study institution and post graduate work permit.

I shortlisted a college named Canadian College and the course is IT Co-op Diploma. (canadiancollege.com/en/information-technology-diploma-coop)

So my question is that will I be eligible for PGWP after completing the said course? Below are the reasons why I am asking this question:

1. It's just a pctia diploma not any kind of degree. (According to CIC website, they say candidate must join a program which leads to a degree, there are many other conditions too.)
2. 50% course time consists of co-op hours. (Nowhere is mentioned at CIC website if the candidate has joined a co-op program, whether he can apply for pgwp or not.)
3. According to this link "cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/temp/students/post-grad.asp", third restriction is mentioned as "Candidate is not eligible if he participated in an apprenticeship program. So the course I mentioned, is this an apprenticeship course (because it includes co-op hours)?
Jun 12, 2015
Hi Vivek,

I understand your dilemma, lets try to make your life more simple. Before you begin you should know that only Community college students and University students are guaranteed a work permit at the end of their education, Even after the guarantee, they can be denied a PGWP on CIC's discretion. There are rumors of new rules, that empower a PCC student to be eligible for a PGWP as well. Have not seen an practical cases where a PGWP was issued so it is still questionable according to me.

So the Questions you should be asking is, Is Canada College a govt. recognized college or partners with a govt. recognized college?
Guessing that you are from India like me, is the college in the SPP college list on CIC's website?

If the answer to any or both the question is NO then please choose a Community College.


Jun 16, 2015
Thanks for that detailed reply, do you have any affordable/cheap community college in mind, which meets all the said criteria for a guaranteed pgwp (I totally understand it's CIC's decision, but at least I want to meet/fulfill the whole eligibility criteria.).

Currently I am researching on Durham College. Let me know if you have any other better/affordable college in mind (The community college thing you were talking about.).
Jun 12, 2015
Hi Vivek,

There are tons of community colleges in Canada.

Cheaper colleges I dont think there is any thing as such. There are a few colleges that may show cheaper tuition fees but they will charge extra money in the name of books, library fees and membership fees. So beware of those.

There are a few I like only on the basis of their education quality. Northern, Seneca, GBC, Centennial, Humber. All these colleges have some good courses to offer. They do come with drawbacks tough. For example Northern college has a small campus in Toronto, but has a strong IT and ECE program. Seneca is known for its high level of education but students complain that the prof's are unfair and even racist at times. Centennial good institution but always forces students to take extra bridging courses which costs a lot of money. Humber has strong programs but people call it mini Punjab.

The final choice is yours, Visit the colleges website, spend some time on researching the courses, check the jobs available after the course and then decide to join.

Best of luck.