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Processing time for medical exam aceptance


Jun 15, 2015
Hi, after 7 weeks trying to get the visa to my daughter I received an email saying she needs medical exams to get the visa, even she is going to stay only 6 months and 3 days...
I run immediatly to get it at the following day and the medical exams is already in Ottawa consulate, but the time they said here is 15 days to send back to São Paulo/Brazil Consulate and then we need to wait for the consulate people here :-[
We are really worried since our flights are to 06/30! Does anyone know any way to get in contact with this sector in Ottawa to beg them to look into my daughter IME (12193454) results and send the answer back?

Does anyone have a similar situation? How much time Ottawa really took to respond back to your local Consulate about MEDs?

Please help!


Jun 15, 2015
Hi MMonaco,

Could you share your timeline?

My partner and I are also waiting to hear back from our medical exams, and from what we heard, Ottawa has 30 days to send the results to the regional consulate. Did you apply online or through VFS?


Jun 15, 2015
We received the response today that is ready!
But yes Fortitude 2015, here is the timeline:

04/10 - Application received

04/22 - Aditional documents asked - Travel consent (both parents)

04/23 - We sent travel consent

04/24 - Travel consent delivered ( VFS Global status)

05/06 - VFS Global asked to wait for medicals forms

05/08 - I sent an e-mail to VFS Global, because no forms has arrived

05/12 - VFS Global asked a lot of information.

05/13 - I sent all information requested including the tracking status screen, with our tracking number

05/15 - VFS Global responded saying that they received the information and for us to wait

05/21 - I sent another email, because I didnt have no more responses.

05/21 - VFS Global sent an auto reponse : we received your email, please wait.

05/22 - The normal time was reached today - 6 weeks to student visa

05/24 - I sent a specific enquiry to Consulate at CIC websit - No answers received

05/27 - VFS Global asks to send an alternative email. I sent two.

06/04 - I received the medical forms

06/06 - My daughter went to the doctor

06/07 - The doctor sent the results to Ottawa

06/15 - I sent an email to Consulate with the entire timeline, including the doctor submition date

06/16 - At night I received the response from CVAC that the VISA is ready!