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please Help me


VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
It can be difficult to find a job as a refugee claimant because employers are unsure whether you will be able to stay in Canada.


Hero Member
Apr 25, 2018
It can be difficult to find a job as a refugee claimant because employers are unsure whether you will be able to stay in Canada.
Except if it was a regular job. For example; factory worker, restaurants, hotels, etc. as long as he shows his work permit & it's still valid, those kind of places will always welcome him.


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
It can be difficult to find a job as a refugee claimant because employers are unsure whether you will be able to stay in Canada.
Agreed. The temporary status and unsure future make it difficult for employers to commit to hiring refugee claimants. Best bets to get a start on employment is to hit the temp agencies first. Build a history with them. They would be the most likely hiring possibilities.
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Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
Once you get the medical exam done you can apply for work permit regardless of the hearing date and decision
It takes about 2 months to get the permit from the date of entry
thanks for response...

when i am eligible to apply for work permit ? for example i file application today? because i have read somewhere that i am not eligible to get work permit till hearing is not done...
asylum seeker is also recommended for medical exams? and it is done before applying work permit? every province has its own policy regarding asylum seeker or same??



Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
No, you won’t get approval right away. When you claim assylum, they will take your passport and all your ID from your home country. They will give you a document that identifies you as a refugee claimant and will schedule a hearing date for you to present your claim. That will take anywhere from 18-24 months. Until you have your hearing, you are a refugee claimant. If at the hearing they accept your claim you will become a refugee and be allowed to apply for a PR In Canada. That will take 2-3 years. You can never travel to your home country, or renew your passport or use your home country passport again. If they reject your claim, they will start the process to send you back to your home country.

If you are in Alberta as a refugee claimant, you can not obtain a drivers license. You will get minimal funds to survive, housing for one year and have access to health care.[/QUOTE

thanks for detailed reply..

waiting till hearing date , can i apply for work permit so that i can survive myself? because hearing date get 18-24 months to come....so when iam eligible to apply for work permit for example if i file case today...??



Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
Agreed. The temporary status and unsure future make it difficult for employers to commit to hiring refugee claimants. Best bets to get a start on employment is to hit the temp agencies first. Build a history with them. They would be the most likely hiring possibilities.
thanks for sharing information....

but what kind of those agencies? there are located in Saskatchewan or alberta?? what is name of agencies??

could you please explain or share?? i need it..



VIP Member
Jun 18, 2017
Once you apply for asylum in Canada you will be given the number of an organization or some pamphlets to help you.


Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
It can be difficult to find a job as a refugee claimant because employers are unsure whether you will be able to stay in Canada.
thanks for sharing information....

but can you share your information or knowledge , how could i get job to survive before getting positive hearing result?



Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
No, you won’t get approval right away. When you claim assylum, they will take your passport and all your ID from your home country. They will give you a document that identifies you as a refugee claimant and will schedule a hearing date for you to present your claim. That will take anywhere from 18-24 months. Until you have your hearing, you are a refugee claimant. If at the hearing they accept your claim you will become a refugee and be allowed to apply for a PR In Canada. That will take 2-3 years. You can never travel to your home country, or renew your passport or use your home country passport again. If they reject your claim, they will start the process to send you back to your home country.

If you are in Alberta as a refugee claimant, you can not obtain a drivers license. You will get minimal funds to survive, housing for one year and have access to health care.

but can i apply for driving license in Saskatchewan if i file case in that provinces? if yes, then when i eligible to apply for driving license ? either after applying for work permit or before applying for work permit? in simple words , when am i eligible to apply OR getting for driving license after work permit of before work permit?


Champion Member
Aug 24, 2015
Regina, SK

but can i apply for driving license in Saskatchewan if i file case in that provinces? if yes, then when i eligible to apply for driving license ? either after applying for work permit or before applying for work permit? in simple words , when am i eligible to apply OR getting for driving license after work permit of before work permit?
You will need to get a work permit first before applying before applying a driver's license. First get a learners license for 9 months and then take road test for a full driver Novice 1 license. Without a work permit you won't be able to get a license particularly in SK


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
If you are contemplating a commercial drivers license (truck driver) to help you get a job, be aware that unless you have a full license (not a novice), you won't be able to apply for a commercial license.


Star Member
Apr 25, 2017
You will need to get a work permit first before applying before applying a driver's license. First get a learners license for 9 months and then take road test for a full driver Novice 1 license. Without a work permit you won't be able to get a license particularly in SK
thanks wonderland....much appreciated..

but i am very confused dont know actual procedure ... some one said you will not get work permit until your positive decision comes means hearing ... some one said other thing..so please help iam waiting for your response..

if you know the procedure of asylum in SK province ... please can you tell in steps...i will be very very thank full..

bullets points:which one comes first and then ,

01. when driving license after work permit of before it? and how apply? i have my home country license expire on 22-05-2019..can i use it for road test...???
02. some one said for medical examination? when it will do? before work permit or after it? OR after file case ?
02. when work permit get after successful decision or before ? length of time of getting work permit? how will i apply?
03. i came to know about SIN number ? what is it ? when i will get? after file case or before work permit OR after?
03: when health card get after work permit or before it? how will i apply?
04: police verification is needed ? if yes when i have to submit ? at work stage or PR stage? will i have to collect from my country where i resided ?
05: if i move to another province like Alberta after filling application OR even apply for work permit, can i transfer my case ? if i file case only not apply for work permit and i m going to move other province , then should i come back to my previous province to apply work permit? cant understand at this stage ..please explain it...

please help me in sorting out these issues.... i request you...

and i request other members too if they read this and share their knowledge , will be very thankful to everyone...

I know you are busy but if you could draw map on theses issues by steps wise ,will be very thankful.

If you have more knowledge other than my bullets points for Saskatchewan province and Alberta please share that.

Thanks alot to everyone ...


VIP Member
May 18, 2015
First thing you need to understand is that refugee claims are handled by the Government of Canada, not the provinces. It doesn’t matter which province you live in, your claim will always be handled by IRCC/IRB. The province you choose to live in will provide social services (welfare) and healthcare (to some degree) once you are there. IRCC/IRB will provide you contact information when you arrive. https://www.irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/refugee-claims/Pages/ClaDemGuide.aspx
  • You will be able to apply for a drivers license once you apply as a refugee claimant. If you have an international drivers permit, you will be able to use that for 90 days. Once you apply for a license in Canada, they will take your home country license. If they do not recognize your home country license, you will be issued a learners permit. You cannot drive alone with a learners permit. After one year you will be able to apply for a graduated drivers license. This allows you to drive, but with limitations. If your home country license is recognized and your experience can be confirmed, you can challenge the driving test and apply for a full license. You won’t be able to use your home country license for the road test. If you are planning to apply for a commercial drivers license, you will need a full regular drivers license before you can apply to drive as a career.
  • You will go for a medical exam shortly after you claim as a refugee that will likely be arranged at the point of entry or shortly after CBSA/IRCC will advise you
  • You will be given the opportunity to apply for a work permit before your hearing. You will need to prove that you need to work. You may be able to get a work permit in 3-4 months or you may have to wait. It’s impossible to say as each application is handled differently, but in most cases you should be able to get one.
  • A SIN number is required to work in Canada. It’s how the government and employers track you earnings for taxes. You will be able to apply for one if and when you recieve a work permit, not before. You apply through service Canada offices https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/sin/temporary.html
  • You won’t get full health care until your refugee claim is approved until then, you will get limited health care through the Interim Federal Health Program . https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada/health-care/interim-federal-health-program/coverage-summary.html
  • If you have police reports (criminal background check) from your home country you can supply it to IRCC with your claim same if you have lived in other countries if you don’t have one, IRCC will provide guidance how to get one and they will also do their own criminal and background checks through the RCMP and CSIS
  • You can move to another province if you choose. You will need to inform IRCC/IRB of the change.. you will also need to change your license to the province in which you live
Both Alberta and Saskatchewan are still struggling with their economies still. If you secure a work permit, expect obtaining quality employment to be difficult until after your claim is reviewed and you recieve permenent status. You may need to work several part time jobs to make sufficient money for a reasonable standard of living (this is the same for all of Canada). Expect extremely long and cold winters. Temperatures in both provinces are often well below -25 C for extended periods during the winter. (Note that day to day activities continue at just about any temperature here, so your employers expect you to work even if it is -40C). Expect cold temperatures anywhere in Canada during the winter. Saskatchewan has 2 major cities, but both are relatively small with populations under 250,000. The province is primarily agricultural and resource based economy. Alberta has a significantly larger population and more major cities, with Edmonton and Calgary both being about 1,000,000. Edmonton is to the primary manufacturing center, while Calgary is more white collar work.


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Champion Member
Aug 24, 2015
Regina, SK

Totally agreed on the going to work under -40 degree weather. Unless your employer decides its too cold to to work which rarely they don't, you are expected to work. Its normal here. And aren't many white collar work here for someone who isn't experienced and what not. Your best bet would be finding work in retail and fast food places to start with. Once you gain Canadian experience then you may search for a better job.