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Physical presence in Canada - Visitor visa


Apr 16, 2020
Hello everyone,

I'm confused about the physical presence in Canada requirement for Citizenship. I got the PR two years ago through H&C grounds after an unsuccessful asylum process. I have six years of living in Canada in total. In summary, I entered Canada with a visitor Visa, and then I applied for asylum that was denied (I'm not a protected person), and then I got the PR through H&C.

Does anyone know if I could be eligible to use the time living in Canada before being PR for the Citizenship application?

Your knowledge on this matter will be much appreciated.

"Using time as a temporary resident or protected person

Each day spent in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person within the last 5 years counts as one half day when you calculate your physical presence. You can use a maximum of 365 days as a temporary resident or protected person toward your time spent in Canada.

A temporary resident is someone who is authorized to enter or stay in Canada as a:

  • visitor
  • student
  • worker or
  • temporary resident permit holder
A protected person is someone who:
  • was found to be in need of protection or a convention refugee by the Immigration and Refugee Board or
  • received a positive decision on a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
If you made a refugee claim, or were included on a family member’s refugee claim, you won’t be credited time in Canada from the date of the refugee claim until you receive a positive decision confirming you are a protected person."