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Personal History: Self employed contract work


Mar 12, 2014
Hi there,

My wife and I are applying via CEC. My wife has over 12 months experience in a required NOC field. When filling out the Background/Declaration form for me her spouse we have the following question:

We arrived in Canada in Jan 2013. While looking for work I did a week contract work in May and 7 weeks in June/July with another company. For revenue purposes I was self employed for all of 2013.

In question 8 Personal History, do I say self-employed from Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 and name the 2 contracts in the Activity section or do list each one separately and say unemployed for the periods in-between?

During one of these contracts I traveled to the US for work for 1 week, do I also include this? I also continued self-employment in 2014.

I was also in paid temporary employment in Oct/Dec 2013 and into 2014. I will put this on a separate line.

Also, when filling in previous history, do I list all holidays taken during these periods such as trips around Europe even if these took place during employment periods?

Thank you,