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Non-SDS visa


Jul 4, 2019
Hey,Satyapal here

I have completed my Btech In IT with 8.43 CGPA and got offer letter of University of Windsor for Master's program.
So I am planning to apply on Non-SDS category.
Here are the things i will put in my file:
IELTS: 6.5 (L:7,R:7,W:6.5,S:6)
4000$ deposit recipt of university
And bank sanction letter of 15 LAC
And a FD of 2 LAC
--> I am just not paying the 1 year fee as my bank will provide loan amount after my visa will be approved.
Other than that i am concern about my 12th marks as here in gujarat i have 11-12 the combine matksheet consist of 4 semester and in thay my marks are around 60% , but if we consider of only 12th then they are below 50%, even i failed in 2 subjects in the last semester.

So what are the chances of getting Non-SDS visa for canada?