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New Citizenship Bill Thursday Feb 6th


Star Member
Oct 24, 2013
Good discussions going on here...however we don't know what the actual law will look like....to be fair majority of the Canadian/Stakeholders will support the new law no question asked.....however no matter how hard you try to debate this with the government they will do exactly they would like to do while they are in power.....look at the past steps taken by conservative and u will find your answers. I only hope that the people who are waiting for years don't have to wait any longer...


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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I'm keen to see the fees side of things...as I recall my economics 101 some things have price in-elasticity....immigration/ citizenship surely is one of this and the fees can be set over and above cost recovery with no discernible impact on demand!


Hero Member
Mar 28, 2013
Msafiri said:
1. The backlog clearance is cherry picked with a most obvious change in GTA/ Ontario. Everyone else is in the same delayed mire as before.

2. I concur that changing the timeline to 4 out of 5/6 years will be putting band aid on a festering wound...resources must be increased else the backlog will overwhelm any minor 'improvements'.

3. There is scope for real process improvements to be announced that have been implemented gradually - this must include the RQ side of things as the current head in the sand approach is adding to the backlog. Reviewing CJ oversight, pre application finger printing, 3rd party tests etc all offer scope to speed things up.

4. This is a good time to release this kind of bill given today's legal proceedings announced viz the Senate Scandal.
Sorry about your delay, what is your local office? Scarborough was considered one of the slow one but it is processing application pretty fast these days. I see lots of posts these days from applicants taking test at Scarborough. Maybe they start with Ontario and hopefully reach your area very soon!


Star Member
Jan 21, 2014
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sept15 said:
Few Bills and their Progress pertaining to the Citizenship Act. This might explain some timelines

parl.gc.ca /LegisInfo/Result.aspx?BillLongTitle=citizenship&BillShortTitle=citizenship&Language=E&Mode=1
Looks like this bill will take at least a year!!!


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
Seriously how old are you?

Canadian government comprises 3 branches, executive, legislature and judiciary. If the executive branch represented by the prime minister approve a silly law passed by legislature, the judicial branch can strike it down..

You are not in Musharraf Pakistan
Aaah....lessons in politics from Vic. I'm sorry but it's difficult for me to take you seriously since you don't even know which government was in power when you arrived in Canada a few years back (http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/interesting-news-article-reimminent-changes-t178366.0.html;msg2815240#msg2815240). Regardless, the proposed changes to the citizenship laws don't violate any Canadian laws, so it's highly unlikely the judicial branch would have any interest in reviewing them, let along striking them down.

On another note, why do you keep bringing up Pakistan? Yes, I am originally from there, but I haven't lived there in nearly 3 decades. Do you have an issue with the fact that people can truly become naturalized Canadians? Are you so shallow as to think that I will never be Canadian, no matter how long I live here, no matter how much I invest into this country, no matter what my societal contributions are? Can you not accept the fact that Canada is home for me now? Seems awfully hypocritical for a liberal like yourself to have such a narrow-minded views.

Anyway, to get back to the original topic, Min. Alexander tweeted about the reforms yesterday, and there were some interesting responses:



Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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Two updates :

I called Call center and asked whether the law will be retroactive, I tried my luck and got this answer : " no, it won't, all applications in process will continue, it is never going to be retroactive" ....

Something else : next sunday, Minister Chris Alexander will be on " Tout le monde en parle" on Radio-Canada in french to talk about citizenship act and reforms. Tout le monde en Parle is the most popular tv show in french speaking canada! ...


Star Member
Jan 21, 2014
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Hey I just googled and found a media advisory.

You can dial in at 10:30am to listen what the Act is all about.

613-960-7526 / 1-877-413-4814
Passcode: 6570534

Source : ca. finance.yahoo.com/news/media-advisory-minister-alexander-unveil-204000753.html


Star Member
Nov 30, 2007
torontosm said:
Aaah....lessons in politics from Vic. I'm sorry but it's difficult for me to take you seriously since you don't even know which government was in power when you arrived in Canada a few years back (http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/interesting-news-article-reimminent-changes-t178366.0.html;msg2815240#msg2815240). Regardless, the proposed changes to the citizenship laws don't violate any Canadian laws, so it's highly unlikely the judicial branch would have any interest in reviewing them, let along striking them down.

On another note, why do you keep bringing up Pakistan? Yes, I am originally from there, but I haven't lived there in nearly 3 decades. Do you have an issue with the fact that people can truly become naturalized Canadians? Are you so shallow as to think that I will never be Canadian, no matter how long I live here, no matter how much I invest into this country, no matter what my societal contributions are? Can you not accept the fact that Canada is home for me now? Seems awfully hypocritical for a liberal like yourself to have such a narrow-minded views.

Anyway, to get back to the original topic, Min. Alexander tweeted about the reforms yesterday, and there were some interesting responses:

You keep on displaying your ignorance for all to see. How do you know the propose bill wouldn't violate Canadian law?

Ramsfe said "Well, there is a lot we can do : Like file lawsuits and sue them if they take ANY DISCRIMINATING measures

Your brainless post "File lawsuits? Really? What, is the Canadian government not allowed to change its own laws anymore?"

I am not going to dwell on your childish diatribe as it's all there for all to see about your reading comprehension skill, most of the time you don't have a clue what you are talking about other than spouting foolish right wing ideological nonsense. It's not new, some Jews were collaborators and supported Hitler. It seem attainment of Canadian citizenship is your only worldly achievement. I have seen a lot of your type and even participated in getting one of them fired in England...I know that guy and I participated in the boycott.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1162957/Im-standing-Britain-says-Sri-Lankan-postmaster-wont-serve-migrants-dont-speak-English.html (Celebrated by right wingers).

His reward for being more catholic than the pope http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/nottinghamshire/7967669.stm

Hello a civilize society flourishes on the basis of judicial reviews and activism of the populace to make laws better for everyone! A a good example is sex workers challenging Canadian prostitution law and the supreme court struck it down and instructed the government to re-write the law. Individual can help the government refine laws if you have the energy, time and and money to challenge laws that are poorly written......I doubt you understand that concept as all the bad habit you brought from Pakistan are still with you......You lived in Western country for close to 3 decade??? Nah it does not show in your reasoning.

Maybe you should Google Stephen Harper+Coalition government+date and let me know who was their coalition partner and why he couldn't make all this crazy immigration changes.......

MR Stephen Harper

Full Member
Jan 12, 2014
ramsfe said:
Two updates :

I called Call center and asked whether the law will be retroactive, I tried my luck and got this answer : " no, it won't, all applications in process will continue, it is never going to be retroactive" ....

Something else : next sunday, Minister Chris Alexander will be on " Tout le monde en parle" on Radio-Canada in french to talk about citizenship act and reforms. Tout le monde en Parle is the most popular tv show in french speaking canada! ...

MR Stephen Harper

Full Member
Jan 12, 2014
SenoritaBella said:
What are they saying about those who get half credit for each day spent in Canada before becoming PR? Will this change? Anyone know?
SenoritaBella said:
What are they saying about those who get half credit for each day spent in Canada before becoming PR? Will this change? Anyone know?
Wait till tomorrow.The bill will be introduced into Parliament and all info will be read out and revealed then.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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MR Stephen Harper said:
Yes, this is exactly what I was told! However, I wonder how much the call center lady I talked to knows about the subject....

But as far as i know, this is the first time someone from CIC says something about this....


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
Job Offer........
The official tabling of the act will start at 10:00Am at the house of commons, the act will be called "An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts"

They will surely amend the citizenship act, the criminal code, they can't touch the constitution because they need the appproval of all the provinces, they will also probably modify the immigration act....

This is going to be HUGE! International press will be talking about Canada tomorrow....

We will probably be able to watch the tabling on the HOC's webcast : http://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/parlvu/ContentEntityDetailView.aspx?contententityid=11220&date=20140206&lang=fr


Champion Member
Apr 3, 2013
vic48912 said:
I am not going to dwell on your childish diatribe as it's all there for all to see about your reading comprehension skill, most of the time you don't have a clue what you are talking about other than spouting foolish right wing ideological nonsense. It's not new, some Jews were collaborators and supported Hitler. It seem attainment of Canadian citizenship is your only worldly achievement. I have seen a lot of your type and even participated in getting one of them fired in England...I know that guy and I participated in the boycott.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1162957/Im-standing-Britain-says-Sri-Lankan-postmaster-wont-serve-migrants-dont-speak-English.html (Celebrated by right wingers).
His reward for being more catholic than the pope http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/nottinghamshire/7967669.stm

Hello a civilize society flourishes on the basis of judicial reviews and activism of the populace to make laws better for everyone! A a good example is sex workers challenging Canadian prostitution law and the supreme court struck it down and instructed the government to re-write the law. Individual can help the government refine laws if you have the energy, time and and money to challenge laws that are poorly written......I doubt you understand that concept as all the bad habit you brought from Pakistan are still with you......You lived in Western country for close to 3 decade??? Nah it does not show in your reasoning.

Maybe you should Google Stephen Harper+Coalition government+date and let me know who was their coalition partner and why he couldn't make all this crazy immigration changes.......
Vic, like all of your other posts, this one didn't make any sense either. I'm not sure why you feel the need to bring up the topics of prostitution, Hitler, the English language and all the other nonsense that you your posts are comprised of, while avoiding the specific points that I asked you about. And, again, you brought up Pakistan, thereby making your post purely personal. So, I think it's about time I responded in kind.

You, with your useless propaganda filled head and your liberal blinders, seem to suffer from deep insecurity. You hold firm to this warped belief that all immigrants are the same, and should therefore have the same beliefs and behave in the same manner. You can't seem to grasp the concept that in Canada, each individual can think and choose for themselves. Well, Dorothy, you aren't in Ghana anymore, and all immigrants here aren't the same. Grow up.

Just because I support immigration reform, it doesn't mean that I'm trying to be "more catholic than the pope". It just means that I consider myself Canadian, and like all my other fellow citizens, I care about the future of this country. And, if reducing the number of immigrants will serve to improve the current and future state of the economy, then I support that. You, however, don't seem to care about this country, and solely support the Liberals because someone has told you that they are the "immigrant friendly" party. You go on and on about how things were better under the Liberal government, when you weren't even in Canada when the last Liberal government was in power. And then, you continue to blindly bash the Conservative government with arguments that are rife with hypocrisy. This "anti-immigrant" government that you seem to despise has:
1) Increased immigration levels to the highest in history;
2) Invested to increase the efficiency of the citizenship system, which has resulted in the number of immigrants receiving citizenship doubling from last year;
3) Reduced the landing fees for new immigrants;
4) Introduced the Super Visa which allows for family reunification in a fiscally responsible manner; and
5) Granted YOU your permanent residency when you were so keen to move here from Ghana.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you because you aren't worth it. You and your buddies can file all the frivolous baseless lawsuits you want. The fact remains that the current citizenship system is broken, and I will continue to support this, or any other, government that is working hard to repair it.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2013
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torontosm said:
Vic, like all of your other posts, this one didn't make any sense either. I'm not sure why you feel the need to bring up the topics of prostitution, Hitler, the English language and all the other nonsense that you your posts are comprised of, while avoiding the specific points that I asked you about. And, again, you brought up Pakistan, thereby making your post purely personal. So, I think it's about time I responded in kind.

You, with your useless propaganda filled head and your liberal blinders, seem to suffer from deep insecurity. You hold firm to this warped belief that all immigrants are the same, and should therefore have the same beliefs and behave in the same manner. You can't seem to grasp the concept that in Canada, each individual can think and choose for themselves. Well, Dorothy, you aren't in Ghana anymore, and all immigrants here aren't the same. Grow up.

Just because I support immigration reform, it doesn't mean that I'm trying to be "more catholic than the pope". It just means that I consider myself Canadian, and like all my other fellow citizens, I care about the future of this country. And, if reducing the number of immigrants will serve to improve the current and future state of the economy, then I support that. You, however, don't seem to care about this country, and solely support the Liberals because someone has told you that they are the "immigrant friendly" party. You go on and on about how things were better under the Liberal government, when you weren't even in Canada when the last Liberal government was in power. And then, you continue to blindly bash the Conservative government with arguments that are rife with hypocrisy. This "anti-immigrant" government that you seem to despise has:
1) Increased immigration levels to the highest in history;
2) Invested to increase the efficiency of the citizenship system, which has resulted in the number of immigrants receiving citizenship doubling from last year;
3) Reduced the landing fees for new immigrants;
4) Introduced the Super Visa which allows for family reunification in a fiscally responsible manner; and
5) Granted YOU your permanent residency when you were so keen to move here from Ghana.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you because you aren't worth it. You and your buddies can file all the frivolous baseless lawsuits you want. The fact remains that the current citizenship system is broken, and I will continue to support this, or any other, government that is working hard to repair it.
You want us to listen to your opinion, at least try to be intellectually honest :

1) Increased immigration levels to the highest in history : any proofs ??????

2) Invested to increase the efficiency of the citizenship system, which has resulted in the number of immigrants receiving citizenship doubling from last year : Really ? You fall for this blabla ? Go look at the numbers and come back with figures, I won't bother doing the job for you, but in matter of citizenship grants, the numbers show that this government is hell! ( that's nothing against you, huh? just go check the numbers and then talk...)

3) Reduced the landing fees for new immigrants : and increased immigration visa fees! Again, check the numbers!

4) Introduced the Super Visa which allows for family reunification in a fiscally responsible manner : WOW! Super Visa, a tourism visa that allows your parents and grandparents to stay longer in Canada while making insurance companies VERY rich...Super Visa in only accessible to those who have VERY HIGH revenues..middle class can't afford it!

5) Granted YOU your permanent residency when you were so keen to move here from Ghana : And probably a liberal government granted you your permanent residency! By the way, you think that Vic got the residency because the government was nice ? Vic was also nice to choose Canada and to bring new skills to this country! Vic also brought money to Canada and contributed to this country's welfare system...and by the way, if Vic got permanent residency, it is not thanks to the government, it is thanks to the immgration act that is a project of MANY governments.... Also, Vic will get citizenship thanks to Citizenship act, that also is not the property of the conservative government that is poised to hit a wall in 2015.


Star Member
Aug 16, 2013
torontosm said:
Vic, like all of your other posts, this one didn't make any sense either. I'm not sure why you feel the need to bring up the topics of prostitution, Hitler, the English language and all the other nonsense that you your posts are comprised of, while avoiding the specific points that I asked you about. And, again, you brought up Pakistan, thereby making your post purely personal. So, I think it's about time I responded in kind.

You, with your useless propaganda filled head and your liberal blinders, seem to suffer from deep insecurity. You hold firm to this warped belief that all immigrants are the same, and should therefore have the same beliefs and behave in the same manner. You can't seem to grasp the concept that in Canada, each individual can think and choose for themselves. Well, Dorothy, you aren't in Ghana anymore, and all immigrants here aren't the same. Grow up.

Just because I support immigration reform, it doesn't mean that I'm trying to be "more catholic than the pope". It just means that I consider myself Canadian, and like all my other fellow citizens, I care about the future of this country. And, if reducing the number of immigrants will serve to improve the current and future state of the economy, then I support that. You, however, don't seem to care about this country, and solely support the Liberals because someone has told you that they are the "immigrant friendly" party. You go on and on about how things were better under the Liberal government, when you weren't even in Canada when the last Liberal government was in power. And then, you continue to blindly bash the Conservative government with arguments that are rife with hypocrisy. This "anti-immigrant" government that you seem to despise has:
1) Increased immigration levels to the highest in history;
2) Invested to increase the efficiency of the citizenship system, which has resulted in the number of immigrants receiving citizenship doubling from last year;
3) Reduced the landing fees for new immigrants;
4) Introduced the Super Visa which allows for family reunification in a fiscally responsible manner; and
5) Granted YOU your permanent residency when you were so keen to move here from Ghana.

I'm not going to waste any more time on you because you aren't worth it. You and your buddies can file all the frivolous baseless lawsuits you want. The fact remains that the current citizenship system is broken, and I will continue to support this, or any other, government that is working hard to repair it.
!!! Well said. Agree and support. No point in trying to prove anything to these people. They all brag about how hard working ones they are yet I see them spend days in and out on the forum writing miles long posts.