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Moving to Canada, leaving paradise PLEASE HELP

Aug 19, 2007

I'm new here and hope to find some information and help for immigration to Canada with my 10 year old daugther.
I searched a bit through this great forum, but my situation is so specific that I decided to open a new thread - I hope that's the correct section.

So, here the situation:
I'm originally from Germany, but live since over 13 years in the Dominican Republic. Here in the Dominican Republic I met a Canadian man and we lived together for the last 12 years, having a now 10 year old daughter.
Although we never got married, I will refer to this Canandian man as my 'husband' (the term 'boyfriend' just doesnt seem to sound right to me, sorry).

My husband and I recently split up, and with the latest crime and drug waves here in the Dominican Republic (my daughter and I had a bad home invasion experience last year), the very high costs for school and medical service, etc... I don't feel confident anymore, if this "Caribbean paradise' is the right place where I as a single mother want to live and my daughter to grow up.

My daughter has visited Canada before with her father and she just loved it. We also have the family of my husband there (small town near Toronto), they would love to have us there and help us with providing accomodation at least till we settle and find housing for ourselves.

Since my daughter (born here in the Dominican Republic) has a Canadian father and he did go through the paper process here at the Canadian embassy a few years back, she has a document saying that she is a Canadian citizen.

I work very sucessfully self-employed as a web designer, I can proably keep most of my clients even when I live outside the Dominican Republic, as most communication is via internet and email. I should be able to provide a regular income for us almost immediately after a move. Whereever we decide to go, all I need is my laptop and a internet connection.
Also, checking the cic.gc.ca site I found out that my profession probably would qualitfy under '5241 Graphic Designers and Illustrators' in able to obtain legal status and work permits in Canada?

I also own a small house near the beach here in the Dominican Republic. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to rent or sell it if we move, but either will also provide us with a little 'backup-new-starter' money, or an additional monthly income.

At this point I'm only doing some research for alternative safe places to live for my daughter and me and Canada is at the moment on our 'top favourite' list.

So, my specific questions for now are:
1) does the Canadian citizen status of my daughter and my profession qualify to get permanent permission to stay and work in Canada?

a) where and what kind of visas or permits do we have to apply for?
b) what are the costs for such visas / permits?
c) would it be better to arrive first in Canada as a 'tourist', to visit the family of my husband and start the legal process / paper work in Canada? Or would it be better to apply for all permits at the Canadian consulate/emabassy here in the Dominican Republic?

3) If I work self-employeed in Canada, how / where I have to go to register my 'business', how high are average taxes there I need to pay, do my daughter and I have social / medical security immediately?

4) What are the average costs of living in Canada? I know that this is a difficult question and varies depending on our living status and needs. But any average number for a non-fancy 'normal' living would be interesting for now.

4) any other tips / infos you can think of, would be also very appreciated.

Thanks in advance for replies, I'm sure once I get the 'legal' stuff sorted out, I will have many more questions, but first things first.

Thanks you!
Aug 19, 2007
Re: Moving to Canada, leaving paradise

hello again,
I researched cic.gc.ca and other sites all day yesterday. I don't think I could apply for a permament residence over 'family-class'. My daughter has Canadian citizenship, but is only 10 years old - so she can't be my 'sponsor'. And I don't think the family of my ex-partner will be now considered as my familiy, since my common-law partner and I seperated recently.
What other options would I have? Apply with my work experience and success as a self-employeed web-designer?
Or visit Canada and then start application there. Since my daugter is Canadian citizen and would be allowed to stay, maybe they let me stay too under 'Humanitarian considerations' and give me permament residence?

I would prefer anyway, that we go there first and check things out for 1-3 months or so. If all goes well and we like it, THEN start to apply for residence. Possible?

To specify the costs of living question: I can probably make about 1500 - 2000 US$ monthly with my website business. Like mentioned before, the family of my ex-common-law partner will help and provide us free accomodation, so no costs for rent. Is 2000 US$ per month enough to 'get around' for me and my daughter at least for the beginning? We would live near Lindsay, Ontario.

Hope to get some replies, thanks in advance.