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Me again


Full Member
Jul 31, 2007
I have been reading other peoples posts about talking to the border person when you arrive in Canada. Those who know me a bit know I am getting married in two weeks up in Montreal. Once we are married my spouse will sponsor me out of country. I plan on staying there for around 5 mths after we are married and just send in the paperwork from there. My question is how do you convince the IO that you are going to leave at the end of your stay? I bought a one way ticket because airtran had a sale. I am on temp disibility so I can not get a note from my job. I do have appointments that I have to be at the end of May. My son is living here in the US and I want to be at his graduation. My finance faxed a letter for me to carry saying that I will be staying with her and that she knows I have to leave for my appointments. I have copies of my bank statements to show I have plenty of money to leave when it is time. Reading on here I have heard so many opinions on whether to tell them I am there to get married at the border. Some say just tell them I am just visiting my g/f or friends. But I have a problem with that because it is not the truth, but at the same time I do not want to miss my own wedding. Since each IO makes his own judgement on whether to let you in or not, is there any suggestions from anyone. To be honest reading so many things have got me worried now. HELP!!!! A PARANOID CWOLF241 LOL


Hero Member
Jul 25, 2007
ive not encountered any negative io's at the border, before we got married i said i was there visiting friends which was not a lie he is my best friend and i was seeing other friends as well, but i was never there longer than 4 days, then after we got married they asked why i was visiting not who and it was canada thanksgiving so i told them i was there for thanksgiving, i was saved again. i havent been back yet, my husband is comming here for xmas and im hoping by the time its my turn to come back to canada it will be to submit my passports lol. i wouldnt lie about anything though, that will jeoperdize your application. Be honest but dont volunteer any info. be as vague as possible without being dishonest. take all the proof of your ties as possible.not sure if i would mention all your happy details of you getting married while youre there but thats just my opinion, i would wait on second opinions on that one.

good luck and congrats on your wedding!!!

just note, that being married to a canadian does NOT make it easier to cross the border, in my opinion just makes it harder because they see you as a risk of over staying your visit and when asked who are you visiting you have to say family because if you dont then you are lieing right?.

let us know how things go


Star Member
Sep 26, 2007
Just echoing Tamee's suggestions. She's right, there's a huge difference between lying/being deceptive and simply not volunteering all the fine details that would only complicate the matter, especially given your one-way ticket and employment situation. Obviously if they ask you specific questions you should answer them directly but if all they ask is "purpose of visit" why not just say that you are visiting your girlfriend? It is the truth after all. And think about your fiance - how will she feel if you get turned back because you volunteered information you didn't have to? I suspect you'd be more "dog" than "wolf" then!

Just keep it simple so you can come in, get married and follow your plans :)

Good luck and congratulations, we'll be waiting to hear how everything goes.