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Made new bank account for funds. Scared Visa might get rejected.


Full Member
Jul 2, 2016
Hey guys,
So my dad made me a new back account around 2 months ago and put most of his funds in there for me, for my education. But I was reading online and I read that the funds need to be in my account for minimum 4 months and i need atleast 6 months of bank statements, now that we've already transferred money, what do I do?

Will my visa get rejected because of this? Also, I got around $7500CAD from my uncle as a gift for me to study abroad, how do I make sure that it doesnt look like im borrowing money? From my uncle or my dad, I want to show them that I can use all this money for education and its not borrowed. I have around $45k CAD in my account now, and my estimated cost for first year including tution and living is $35k.

What do I do now? I'm really scared I might get rejected.


Star Member
Jun 2, 2016
Showing a bank statement with large deposits within the last two months is not ideal but that doesn't mean that the application will get rejected. What they will be looking for is an explanation of where the money came from. So if your uncle provided you money, I suggest your uncle write a basic letter mentioning that he has given this money to you as a gift so you can use it for your education. Same with your dad in letter of financial support, he can mention that he has provided this amount of money to you and you're entitled to use it for the duration of your program and he'll add more if necessary.

You see what i'm trying to convey. As long as you explain in writing where the money came from and whoever provided the money writes a letter saying it was a gift of some sort that would serve as a decent explanation to the visa officer.