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IRCC Departmental Plan 2023-24


Champion Member
Jun 14, 2022
IRCC published its new Departmental Plan for 2023-24. Here are some highlights for "Core Responsibility 3: Citizenship and Passports"

Full report: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/departmental-plan-2023-2024/departmental-plan.html

1. Machine assisted processing, secure collection of biometric info + elimination of citizenship application fees
In 2023–24, the Department will pursue and expand additional technological solutions to improve processing, client services, overall system efficiency, and program integrity. This work will lay the foundation to support the implementation of Budget 2022’s intent to “introduce legislative amendments to the Citizenship Act to enable automated and machine-assisted processing and the safe and secure collection and use of biometric information.” IRCC is also working on the mandate letter commitment to eliminate citizenship application fees.
2. Minor online applications in Q4 of 2022-23
To date, adult clients who are applying individually or as a group are able to apply online for a grant of citizenship. Further expansion of select categories for minors is planned for release in Q4 2022–23. It is anticipated that the citizenship grant online application will continue to be available to additional minor applicants in 2023–24, with groups, such as third-party representatives, to be considered in the future.
3. Self administration of oath
In 2023–24, IRCC will also launch an online option for those who wish to self-administer their Oath. This will shorten the waiting time for those at the final stage of their citizenship process.
4. Updated Citizenship study guide
In 2023–24, the Department will work to finalize the updated Citizenship Guide
5. Online Passport Application Pilot Expansion + e-Passport Next Generation
The Department remains committed to the modernization of the Passport Program through a phased implementation of the Passport Program Modernization Initiative (PPMI) in 2023–24. Following a phased approach including a pilot launched in February 2022 of the new issuance system, PPMI will begin to fully launch across the Service Canada network starting in Spring 2023. PPMI will deliver a new passport issuance platform (Tempo/GCMS) for domestic operations that leverages automation. Modernization will also involve accelerating the piloting and deployment of an online application intake system for Canadians (Passport Digital Services) and planning for the implementation of a new robust and secure travel document and printing solution through the e-Passport Next Generation project.
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