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Inland application help


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
If my wife and I apply for the spousal sponsorship inland, how do I go about living there while we wait or is that no an option?


Star Member
Feb 13, 2016
You can get an open work permit and work up here during the wait, or you can just come up here on a visitor visa and update it every year and just let them know you did an inland application. Honestly, try to do the work permit. I was stupid not to and I've been sitting around for just over 2 years with still no answer.


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
Does his mean I can simply move to Canada and live there for the whole time I wait, but work while I'm there? Won't I need a visa of some kind to allow me to live there while I wait or does the inland application Itself let me live there?


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Mar 1, 2016
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CB1995 said:
Does his mean I can simply move to Canada and live there for the whole time I wait, but work while I'm there? Won't I need a visa of some kind to allow me to live there while I wait or does the inland application Itself let me live there?
PR applicants can't "live in" or "move to" canada until they are approved for PR (unless they already in canada on a work/study visa). If you don't have a work or study visa, right now, all you can legally do is "visit" canada. it is quite common for pr applicants to be visiting their spouses in canada and staying there for the duration of the process. this involves keeping visitor status current and applying for extensions. inland applicants can apply for an open work permit along with their PR application. This OWP is usually processed in about 4 months and allows the applicant to work in canada while they are waiting for their application to process. if you require a visa to travel to canada, then you would need to apply for and be approved for an initial TRV to visit canada and submit an inland application.

If you are visa exempt, and don't require a visa to travel to canada, then you can simply show up and tell CBSA you are visiting your spouse. how long CBSA lets any visitor in is at their sole discretion. either way, once in, you can apply online to extend your stay.


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thank you very much. Before I travelled to Canada I'd have to quit my job and sell all of my possession such as my car etc. If I was to get questioned at the border and say I'm going to apply for the sponsorship and I plan to stay for the duration would they still let me in? Is this completely allowed and legit or would I be taking a risk in doing so?


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Nov 6, 2009
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What country are you from?

If you do not need a visa to enter Canada as a visitor, then you can just come here as a visitor. You must be clear that you are just visiting at the border. It is good to have a return ticket with a specific date, and proof of ties to your home country. Many Americans have been let in as visitors to wait while their PR application is being processed.

Once you are in Canada, you can apply inland or outland. With inland you can get an open work permit; outland is generally much faster. For people who do not need a visa to enter Canada, we generally advise to apply outland.


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
I am a British citizen and therefore do not need a visa to enter.

The part which I am struggling to understand is how to get into Canada and not look like I'm there to stay when I am in fact not planning to leave. I would have no ties to home such as a car or job, so if I was to get questioned I could not prove that I am going home. How can I get around this, or do I have to take that risk and hope I don't get questioned?


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Nov 6, 2009
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Accra, Ghana
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When you are talking to the border agent, be clear that you are just visiting. Having a return ticket with a specific date is good - you can always get one, then change the date later.
Many applicants who do not need a visa to enter Canada come to Canada to wait as a visitor while the application is being processed. Having proof that you have already applied, or intend to, helps: you can pay some of the fees (even before you send in the application), then show the fee receipt as proof of the PR application.
There is such a thing as dual intent: a person can apply to become a PR, thus wanting to enter permanently; and also want to enter on a temporary basis. This is what you are doing, and what many forum members have done. (Don't specifically tell the border agent you have dual intent - you just say you want to visit for a specific time period, have a PR application in process, and will leave if the PR is not granted.)


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
I received this information from another source, can anyone tell me if it is correct:

You would enter on an ETA, and then be truthful in that your spouse will file a spousal sponsorship application from within Canada. There should be no issue, but it is at the officer;s discretion. We could prepare you a letter and documents to have with you that you can then present at port of entry.

Once in Canada you could then file the application and apply for an open work permit at the same time.


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May 4, 2012
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CB1995 said:
I received this information from another source, can anyone tell me if it is correct:

You would enter on an ETA, and then be truthful in that your spouse will file a spousal sponsorship application from within Canada. There should be no issue, but it is at the officer;s discretion. We could prepare you a letter and documents to have with you that you can then present at port of entry.

Once in Canada you could then file the application and apply for an open work permit at the same time.
As a British citizen, you really should apply outland.

You can enter as a visitor. You can't move or live in Canada until you become a PR; you are coming just to visit your wife while waiting for PR. Pay the PR fees and carry the receipt and proof of finances.

There is no need to have someone prepare a letter or documents for you.


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Jun 8, 2010
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Agreed on applying outland. Inland is a bad option for Brits. But ultimately your call.


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Aug 10, 2016
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Why can't you folks just answer the OP's question? While I don't disagree that a Brit might have a faster time outland, they have told you that they have chosen inland. They have their own reasons for choosing that. It's not wrong.

@OP: You posted a blurb from a lawyer or consultant. The lawyer we consulted with before we started stated the same thing. So it really isn't fair to ask for us to contradict the statement.

That said, get an eTA, and come as a visitor. Tell the truth if you are asked at the border. That's really all you need to do.

On her last trip to Canada, my wife told CBSA that she was "here to be with her husband". Obviously I don't recommend attracting the attention, but they really only recorded some information from her (like where and when we married, etc) and they admitted her for 6 months. No visitor record, no hassle, no bag search, and they didn't even check her dog's travel documents -- despite the dog being in plain sight. They counselled her on the process, and away she went. She is being sponsored inland and has been here since that date (and in status).


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May 4, 2012
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profiler said:
Why can't you folks just answer the OP's question?
I answered OP's question 2 posts ago...

profiler said:
While I don't disagree that a Brit might have a faster time outland, they have told you that they have chosen inland. They have their own reasons for choosing that.
Many people in Canada who plan to apply inland aren't aware they can apply outland. Many have applied inland not knowing they could apply outland and deeply regretted it. Many have withdrawn inland apps and reapplied outland.

Except under very certain circumstances, outland is still the better option and I will continue to advise people as such.


Star Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the answers which you have provided. The reason I am applying inland is because I simply can't face being away from my wife and she feels exactly the same. I'd love to be able to apply Outland as it is generally a lot quicker but that would mean visiting and it would which is very expensive. At least if I was there I could work and be with her so we have the best of both. My only worry is getting into Canada to apply. I've never had trouble getting in the last 3 times but who's to say it will be that easy this time