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Important Question Spousal Sponsorship :)


Full Member
Jan 25, 2017
Hi there,
I am applying for inland spousal sonsorship with OWP. However for the open work permit form IMM 5170 Application to change conditions extend stay in Canada, it asks have you ever been refused a visa or overstayed your stay etc..to which I answered yes to all of them and then wrote an explanation letter of what happened.

Basically my IEC working holiday visa was was runnin out in August 2016..my spouse and I planned to move to my home country for a year or so but it was taking a while to sort out her visa for there...so in the meantime I applied to extend my stay and applied for that form explaing that I needed an extra 2 months to stay in Canada while she sorts out her visa.
This was unfortunately refused because there was dates that didn't match up or something along those lines..(long time ago) but in refusal letter it basically advised me to leave Canada now as I was overstaying my welcome. Since we were saving up to return to my country Nd waiting for her visa..I had to remain in Canada until October 2016.2 months after my visa ended and a month or so after my refusal..

So now 3 years later we are applying inland and with OWP it requires this info. Im just wondering was my case even a refusal notice ? I overstayed but was I not on assumed status while I waited for answer? Do I tick yes to all 3 options on this form and write a explanation on a seperate page ? Or do I even need too in my case ?

Apologies for the long winded story but needed to give you some background.
Thank you for any help