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i'm indonesia citizen lived in usa and want to move to canada


Nov 28, 2016
hi forum, i need help for my situation: i'm indonesia citizen and lived in usa for 16 yrs with no status, me and my wife work as nurse at hospital and have three kids US citizen, and we did try to legal our status and keep end up denied and do you think we can move to canada through express entry and how is it work? can we enter canada without go back to indonesia? thanks


Star Member
Nov 15, 2015
@nbbn said:
hi forum, i need help for my situation: i'm indonesia citizen and lived in usa for 16 yrs with no status, me and my wife work as nurse at hospital and have three kids US citizen, and we did try to legal our status and keep end up denied and do you think we can move to canada through express entry and how is it work? can we enter canada without go back to indonesia? thanks

Sesama org indo, saya bantu jawab yah. Sayang bgt udh lama di US tp gk punya legal status. Basically, imigrasi kanada tdk membatasi org2 yg gk punya legal status dinegri org utk imigrasi ke sini. Jadi kl tanya bisa apply? Iya bisa. Melalui EE dgn pengalaman kerja atau dpt job offer dr prusahaan kanada.

Yg menjadi penghambat kl gk punya legal status krn ada kriminal record. Utk EE coba cr info di cic.gc.ca. Baca selengkap2nya disitu.

Selamat mencoba ;)