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Help me in choosing which college and university


Star Member
Feb 22, 2012
Hi friends I have got admissions from Vancouver Island university(International Business Management), University of Canada West(MBA) ,George Brown college(Project Management),
Fleming college(Project Management) all of them are for one year programs and my doubt is that after doing one year program can I do back to back another one year course in different province like Manitoba or Saskatchewan so that I can 3 year work permit and after wotking in that province for one year can I get PR according to their province migration rules
Suggest me if Iam wrong.............
And which college to go for as they all look gud in terms of education......

IT School

May 23, 2012
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Professor D

May 15, 2012
I think that one of the best ways to decide is to look at the ratings in Macleans and the Globe and Mail. These major Canadian publications rate universities every year, and the ratings are considered reliable. You can Google "Macleans University Rankings" or "Globe and Mail University Rankings" and find the information. You can look for what is most important to you (whether it is quality of teaching, program options, faculty-student interaction, library, etc.)

Also, regarding working, a lot of people don't know that you can work in BC while you are a student. You only need a student visa. As long as you are attending a university in the province, you can work on or off campus. This law came in just a few years ago.

I hope this helps.


Star Member
May 28, 2012
go for george brown college.,.,you can continue study there after one year where ever you want any province .,only need admission and satisfy VO