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Jul 3, 2007
Dear All

I have a query,I recently arrived back in my home country after been away for nearly 12years inthe US UK and NZ,I am intending to apply for either working or residency to Canada my country is part ofthe NAFTA

however in the newspper and other internet sited I see alot of people and bussineses that promise you to get you in to Canada and they charge you between 3 to 10K they call them selfs "Immigration Lawyers"

they promise oyu to put you on a Job and send you over withing 3 months or less for workers ca be withing a week and you have to pay expensive "assesments"

there is aLot of Frauds like this in Mexico andMexico City particulary.

How do we check the hmmm accuracy and legitimacy of those consultants,
there is alot of people takin advante of the need of some to lie and fool them around.


May 8, 2007
You know what they say.....if something is too good to be true, it is just that.

Why don't you check with the official government immigration websites to see if there is any consistancy with the promises being made.

If the goverment says it takes 24 months to process, why believe some dweeb who says they can do it in 24 days?