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Filmmaker who entered the US illegally and wants to apply for Canadian PR


Nov 17, 2010
Hello everyone, I wanna start by saying that I'm overwhelmed by the warmth and friendliness of the Canadian people. I am hopeful to someday be a part of such beautiful country to contribute to its culture and to also have a place I can call home. I'm originally from Guatemala, I grew up in extreme poverty but full of dreams. I started writing at age 7 (I'm 31 now) and it was that passion in me, that helped me get an education. My dream was to become a screenwriter and filmmaker and after graduating from highschool and having no opportunities nor future ahead of me I left my country, crossed into Mexico and entered the US illegally. A task that took four months and nearly costed me my life. After a couple years mastering the language I wrote the first of many screenplays. I won different awards with a short film I wrote and directed and now I have a bigger project in the works in which people from the film industry are involved, but there's always a fear in me as I suffer everyday from the rejection the US has against immigrants such as myself. With all of that being said I have a couple questions. Is there a possibility for me to acquire self employed permanent residency (I would like to start an independent production company in Toronto) even though I'm in the US illegally? I'm married to a US citizen and have no criminal background whatsoever. Can I apply in the United States? I haven't been to Guatemala in 11 years and it is extremely dangerous. The rate of murder and drug trafficking in my home town is at scary levels (People I knew in highschool have gotten murdered) and going back is almost a matter of life and death. I appreciate the kind responses. Thank you so much!


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You should start off by looking at the various ways in which you can qualify to immigrate to Canada. They are listed here:


Since you are not in the US legally, you will have to submit your application to the Guatemala office. Also, if an interview is required, it will be held in the Guatemala office as well. You must also have a valid passport to apply.


Star Member
Feb 13, 2008
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........but there's always a fear in me as I suffer everyday from the rejection the US has against immigrants such as myself.
Don't you mean illegal immigrants such as yourself?

And yes, Canadians are warm and friendly. Who was it that said that honest people are seldom willing to believe the worst in others?


Nov 17, 2010
Yes, you are right PommeDeRoute, illegal immigrants such as myself (I had clearly stated that in the beggining of my post and thought it would be redudant to continue refering to myself as that, because that's not what makes me who I am or what I have to offer to any country that allows me to be a part of their society) and hispanics in general. One has to only read the news to find out about the different laws designed against people of the wrong color or wrong nationality regardless of their status in many instances. Even though my wife is a US citizen and I have a 1 year old boy who is also a US a citizen, it is virtually impossible to legalize my situation and sadly enough the unity of family is worthless to this system. So being Illegal is the stigma that I live with everyday.


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Feb 13, 2008
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Honestly, I do not think that illegal immigrants in the US have anything to complain about.

-Up until about a year or two ago, in the state I am from, illegals could go on welfare without any verification of immigration status.
-Illegals can get driver's licenses.
-Illegals can get mortgages.
-Illegals can rent apartments with no verification of immigration status.
-Illegals can open bank accounts, making it that much easier to launder money.
-Illegals were out there in full force during the last election campaigning for democrats and "advocating the overhaul of 'our broken immigration system'". Sound incredible? Look here: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/illegal-immigrants-canvassing-votes-wash
-In California, illegal college students are entitled to IN-STATE tuition rates. ENTITLED really is the operative word here.
-Illegals are clogging our health care facilities and blocking access for legal immigrants and US citizens.
-Illegals are also skewing our census results because the census also does not care about immigration status. So, if one area has experienced an influx of illegals, more money is appropriated to that area by congress. This diverts needed resources from citizens and legal immigrants.
-You know that some illegals are voting because citizenship status is never verified at the polls.

Do you know that in Canada, without legal immigration status you cannot:

-Open a bank account
-Go to university
-Get health care
-Go on welfare

So you know something, you have it made right where you are. Why jump through all the hoops and wait years to come to Canada when you skirt the law and have it all handed to you?

Also, name me one law that is designed to discriminate against people of color or minorities in the US? Name me one. Site one single source. Show me where you get that information. Nobody, no politician in their right mind would do that because it would be political suicide. Instead we have a PRESIDENT who opposes common-sense immigration laws like the one enacted in Arizona and civil libertarians who think it's some kind of crime to require people to show proof of citizenship in order to vote.

The unity of the family? The 14th amendment should be repealed.


Nov 17, 2010

Anybody can go on a conservative website, quote Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh and make an example of how "terrible" illegal immigrants are and how they "corrupt" the system and I could go on another website and put a link to an article that would completely invalidate that but I won't. Why? Well, because I'm speaking from my personal experiences. I am a human being and if you were in my situation I would embrace you and welcome you with open arms as my brother. I respect your views and I hope that you have peace of mind and feel at peace with God and yourself at night when you go to bed and that your beliefs give you a good way of life. All I want is to be able to be a productive citizen and an asset to the place that takes me as its own.


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Feb 13, 2008
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Being a productive citizen and an asset to a society begins by respecting its laws. I am speaking from personal experience, too.

I am a US citizen who has spent almost a quarter of my life living outside my own country. I spent a year just trying to get to Canada, paid thousands in immigration fees and jumped through all the hoops. 2 days after I got here, I signed up for French classes, and three days after I was working at my first job in Canada and paying taxes like everyone else. In other words, I made sure I began assimilating immediately. Why? Because I want to be here, because I want to start off on the right foot in my adopted country. I have done the same with two other countries and today I speak 3 languages.

I know what it is like to be an immigrant. I know how hard it is to start out again. I know what it is like to have to live in another language. And yet, I have never looked for any handouts, nor flouted the laws in my host country, nor would I blame anyone in those countries for being upset if I had. I certainly would never have dreamed of showing up at the Canadian border asking for all those things that are given to illegals in the US.

I do not have to have anyone tell me how terrible illegal immigrants are or how they corrupt the system, as I can see the results of having 12 million in the US with my own two eyes. When I am in the US, I do not want to walk into a government office and see signs in Spanish, nor be asked to press one for Spanish when I call for technical support, nor pay taxes so that the children of illegals can be educated in their language. These are things, ESPECIALLY as a multi-lingual person, that I will never accept.

I do not want want to be paying for welfare, nor free medical care for illegal immigrants when I cannot get the same benefits for myself and my family as an American citizen. I do not want a loved one to be assaulted by some violent illegal because there were no security or background checks done on that person before they entered the country. I do not want to see the political system of a country where I was born and which I love degraded by masses with an appalling sense of entitlement. I do not want to eat food that was contaminated by e-coli in a processing plan staffed by illegals making a slave wage that someone slipped under the radar of the regulating authorities.

Think about it. The number is 12 million. That is almost half the population of Canada. I do have peace of mind knowing that I have the courage to speak out against things that are so egregious.


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Jun 8, 2010
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Ray it actually is possible for your wife to adjust your status in the US assuming you only EWI'd (entered without inspection) once and not twice. No, it's not easy. But it's certainly possible. There's a great deal of information and support on this forum: http://immigrate2us.net/forum/forum.php?s=09482ca66e18deec28708904e7fa01a9


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Jun 8, 2010
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YorkFactory -

You're absolutely right. My husband was able to open an account with TD as a visitor.


Oct 11, 2010
Pomme, u have no regard or respect to possible newcomers' dilemmas or desire to acquire knowledge, regardless of your redneck agenda and we-own-this-land attitude, there'll always be newcomers; illegal, criminal, those who appreciate and those who are all-demanding, white men came and destroyed cultures and stole and raped and pillaged, now the offspring of that white men resents newcomers, how convenient... May north America and Europe fill with immigrants and may you and your ilk be a minority someday, oh wait that is happening already in some cities... Imperial greed brought these woes of yours, it is now payback time, work hard friend, the border jumpers need the social assistance. Suck it up princess.


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2009
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You've got to find some excuse as to why the law shouldn't apply to you, I suppose.


Nov 17, 2010
I never intended for this post to be an argument about political beliefs or feelings towards another human being, it was merely to acquire whatever information available that there may be in order to make things right in my life. I don’t think that any hard working person that has aspirations likes being an “illegal”, I can assure you that if given the opportunity many people in my situation would do whatever it takes to be of service, defend the country that accepts them, stimulate the economy and create opportunities for others as well, no matter what others may think. I truly appreciate those who have taken the time to give me advice on the different roads that I can take.


Oct 11, 2010
Ray, If you build your case solid, you can refuge to Canada, if you have any grounds you can prove the return to your country will be devastating for your future, Canada may grant you status. Cannot be a mickey mouse story where the boogeyman will be waiting for you, you will be denied however if you simply will be telling the tribunal that Guatemala is just a bad place to raise children. Under the Geneva convention, Canada must hear anyone who claims political asylum. There may be other ways but this is an option available to you IF you really have grounds for political asylum.


Oct 11, 2010
As for my reaction to Pomme, I myself came to these forums after long research on the internet, deciding this is a good place to open myself up and sincerely explain my situation and seek help, this guy just drops in and criticizes just as he did to you, he is not a part of the solution, simply here to gloat what a great American he is and what an excellent Quebecois he has made and how almighty a role model citizen he really is. I also come from the states just like you, I stayed there 5 years and am ever grateful that Canada accepted me. Last advice I can give you is you are better off to start off in Quebec than any other province. Very big latin community in Montreal and I am sure you will take off from there.