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Feb 1st academic reading passage

Feb 4, 2018
Section 3
Soviet’s new working week
For the passage refer--> ieltsmaterial.com/ielts-reading-recent-actual-test-10-in-2016-with-answer-key/

List of Headings
i Benefits of the new scheme and its resistance
ii Making use of the once wasted weekends
iii Cutting work hours for better efficiency
iv Optimism of the great future
v Negative effects on production itself
vi Soviet Union’s five year plan
vii The abolishment of the new work-week scheme
viii The Ford model
ix Reaction from factory workers and their families
x The color-coding scheme
xi Establishing a three-shift system
xii Foreign inspiration
27. Paragraph A

28. Paragraph B

29. Paragraph D

30. Paragraph E

31. Paragraph F

32. Paragraph G

33. Paragraph H

33. Paragraph I

Example Answer

Paragraph C iii

Questions 35-37

Choose the correct letter A,B,C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet.

35. According to paragraph A, Soviet’s five year plan was a success because

A Bolsheviks built a strong fortress.

B Russia was weak and backward.

C industrial production increased.

D Stalin was confident about Soviet’s potential.

36. Daily working hours were cut from eight to seven to

A improve the lives of all people.

B boost industrial productivity.

C get rid of undesirable work hours.

D change the already establish three-shift work system.

37. Many factory managers claimed to have complied with the demands of the new work week because

A they were pressurized by the state to do so.

B they believed there would not be any practical problems.

C they were able to apply it.

D workers hated the new plan.

Questions 38-40

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

38. Whose idea of continuous work week did Stalin approve and helped to implement?

39. What method was used to help workers to remember the rotation of their off days?

40. What was the most resistant force to the new work week scheme?


27 iv 28 Xii 29 ii
30 x 31 I 32 ix
33 v 34 Vii 35 C
36 B 37 A 38 Yuri Larin
39 Colour – coding/ colour 40 Family
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