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Driving into Newfoundland


Full Member
Apr 10, 2016
I recently just got my study permit for Sept start. I'm going to be moving the first week of July and since I'm in the US, was going to drive. Will I have to register my car there or does anybody know what all needs to be done with driving a car across the border?


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
cdanielle29 said:
I recently just got my study permit for Sept start. I'm going to be moving the first week of July and since I'm in the US, was going to drive. Will I have to register my car there or does anybody know what all needs to be done with driving a car across the border?
a quick google brings this page up http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/motorvehiclesafety/safevehicles-importation-visitors-faq-1336.htm
