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common law declaration- time is of the essence


Oct 19, 2009
If anyone could offer any info on this I'd really appreciate it.
My Japanese girlfriend's working holiday visa expired last week. The extension was applied for in september. This week we're submitting our common law declaration form.
The thing I'm worried about is that she's palnning to go home for two months in december. It doesn't look like the extension will be approved by then. What will happen when she's going through customs on the way out and they see her visa has expired? All we have is a printout of the receipt showing we've paid the fee for the visa extension. Then when she comes back in March, by which time I expect the extension will have been granted, what can happen? I suppose she may have to have the visa sent to Japan and pick it up there. Then, assuming she's able to re-enter without any trouble I expect her extension will run out before our common law declaration has been looked at. I've heard of "implied status". How long can that endure though?
If anyone has gone through anything similar to this and would care to share their story it would help greatly. Answers aren't always easy to find and lawyers are beyond my means at the moment.
Thanks to anyone for reading this post.