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Coming in as a visitor on one way ticket waiting for IEC visa to arrive?


May 28, 2015
I applied for my IEC visa ages ago and it is now one week late (seems to be the case for lots of people...) My flight is on June 3rd, assuming my visa has not come by then is it okay for me to fly on a one way ticket? I have proof of funds ($3,900 NZD) and also proof of my savings bank account (which has quite a bit more money it). I have a print off of my conditional acceptance letter, and receipt of my port of entry application (dated April 10th). I'll also have a letter from my boyfriend saying I can stay with him, and he will also be at the airport at the time that I arrive. I am a New Zealand citizen if that means anything. I know that I could buy a cheap onwards flight to New York but I don't think it makes sense seeing as I do not intend to use it (+it wouldn't make sense given I am waiting for my Visa and will then be in the country longer?)

Thanks to anyone if you can shed any light on my situation : )