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CA citizen residency in the US sponsoring my husband


Dec 4, 2007
Please anybody helps me with these questions, I'm really confused.

I'm Canadian citizen, never worked in Canada, but I've worked in the US for 1 year, but lately quited my job to go back to school, still in the US. So my residency has always been the US for the past 2 years in the US. My husband is now working in HongKong. My questions:
1. Am I eligible of sponsoring him while I'm not working but provide bank statement of enough savings and proof of my husband's income?
2. He went to school in Canada for 6 years, does he still need to go through the undertaking of 3 years after he obtains the permanent residency?
3. Do I have to be physically present in Canada before he gets approved?
4. one thing really confused me in the guide, under "whom may I sponsor", in the chart of spouse: opposite sex and your marraige took place OUTSIDE Canada. what if our marriage took place in Toronto?

Thanks a TON!!!


Star Member
Sep 26, 2007
Hi, let me see if I can help you.

OK, so as a Canadian citizen you are eligible to sponsor your spouse while you are living outside of Canada HOWEVER as part of your application you will need to show evidence of your intention to live in Canada once your husband's application has been approved. This can include a letter from family in Canada saying they will support you and provide you with a place to live until you find somewhere of your own, a list of jobs you've found that you would be eligible to apply for once you are here (whether it's one or both of you who will be working), statement of your savings to show you can support yourselves until one/both of you have an income etc.

This relates directly to your questions because for
1) Although there is no income requirement for sponsoring a spouse with no dependents, CIC wants to see that you are not receiving any social assistance from the Canadian government (other than for a disability). So no, you don't have to be working to sponsor him but you'll need to gather whatever financial records you have that show you are not receiving any assistance and how you will support yourselves until you are both settled. (Your husband's income doesn't come into it because he is the applicant, not the sponsor.)
2) Yes, the 3 year undertaking still applies. That undertaking is between you and the Canadian government and is the part of the application where you are "sponsoring" your husband to come to Canada.
3) No, but as I said you have to provide evidence that you will both settle in Canada once his application is finalised.
4) The part about marriage outside of Canada is just part of the possibilities, not one of the requirements. What it's actually saying is that you can sponsor a spouse you married in Canada OR a spouse that you married outside of Canada as long as that marriage is legally valid in Canada. If you were married in Toronto that's fine.

Hope that helps.