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Authorization to Enter Canada


Sep 28, 2008

I am an international student at York University but currently I am abroad. I would like to hear your advice on a personal matter of mine.

While I was attending York University, my parents applied for a refugee status in 2004. I was still young, about 17 or 18 years of age and obviously as a child, I followed my parents and joined them in their claim as their dependent child. The claim was refused and I, along with them, got a departure notice. We all left on the date we were given; so I do not have any legal issues with the Canadian immigration.

As far as I know I need to fill out a form the Canadian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel issues in cases when people want to request a permission to enter Canada . I have to go through an interview with an immigration officer to get a written consent that I am entitled to enter Canada .

Now I am 22, in November I will be 23 years old. Two years had passed since the departure date. Shortly after I returned to Israel I joined the army for personal reasons. I have one more year and two months until my duty as a soldier ends. I have all the paper work from the army that I can go abroad for a vacation. I would like to come to Canada and visit my family from my mom's side – uncle and aunt, my best friends, and go to YorkU to settle things towards the year 2009 when I will be coming back to continue my studies. This is a visit that will take no longer than two weeks.

The problem with the interview is that I can not pass it because I don't have a legitimate reason that will convince the immigration officer that I will return to Israel and not try to stay in Canada after the vacation period ends. I know that because I had been in that interview once and my request was declined. As a soldier and a young adult, I do not have any assets, a wife, children of my own, obligations of any sort that keep me tied up to Israel. That is the paradox because it is normal to be in my age and lack those obligations and responsibilities, yet it goes against me because now I do not have a legitimate reason to apply for a permission to enter Canada.

I ask your advice on the matter. Does the fact that I am an international student at York University help? I should mention that I currently do not have a student visa because I did not extend it. The reason is simple, because of the application for refugee status I was automatically given the status of international student and it is not allowed to apply for a student visa outside the refugee program. I will be glad if you will advice me on how I should act so that I could at least visit in Canada for a short period of time.

If you can not help or advice me on the matter maybe you can provide links to whom might help me.

Greatly appreciated!